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Show SUNDAY, JANUARY Happy Daylight Saving During 1933 daylight saving schedules were in effect _ Principal Cities Ninety-five cities over 100,000,-'1930 census Cal... July 4 December 2 Jan. 19, Feb. 17, Mar. 4, April 13, April 26, June 3, Oct.9, Oct. 12, Nov. Ul esececeeeeees Feb. 12, Mar. 30, May 30, Oct. 18. ....++-++ (Arbor), Feb. 14, May 30, Oct. 12, Elec., Nov. 11..... ee Jan. 19, June 3, Oct. 12, Elec., N Feb. 12, May 30, Sept. 9, Oct. 12, Nov. 14... Feb. 12, May 30, Aug. J, Elec., Nov. 11....+ Feb. 12, Good Friday, May 30, Oct. 12, Nov. if eee creer eeeesereseteses Feb. 12, Good Friday, May 30, Oct. 12,..++. May Fla...e2 Ga..ere Hawaii, Idaho... lll.,..06 20. oc cccccccecccvccovecescesosccee Jan. 19, Feb. 17, Mat. °4, Good Friday, April 26, June 3, Oct. 10, Nov. IB. see eeeseee Jan. 19, April 26, June3, Nov. 11.....0.-ege May 30, June 11, 3rd Sat. in Sept, Nov. 11.. May 30, June 15, Oct. 12......ccececseeese Feb, 12, (Feb. 25), (April 2), May 30, Oct. 12, Legal Holidays May 30, Elec., Nov. 11. ..-..0+-seeeseseee Feb. 12, May 30, Oct. 12, Elec., Nov.11..... Feb. 12, April 22, May 30, Oct. 12, Nov. 11.. Feb. 12, May 30, Oct. 12, Oct.31...... éedwe Fast Day, May 30, Oct. 12, Elec., Nov. 11... Feb. 12, Good Friday,, May 30, Oct. 12, Elec., Nov. l1...cccscccdevcccervcccccoce May 30, Oct. 12 ee eeeeroree weeaceteteeese Feb. Jan. Feb. Feb. 12, 19, 12, 12, Feb. 12, May 30, Oct. 12, Elec.....ssseseees Feb. 12, May 30, Nov. UP. .ceeeceecees Feb. 12, May 10, May aco eee Jan. 8, (Mardi Gras), Feb. 17, Good Friday, June 3, Oct. 12, All Saints, Election, Nov. 11 April 19, May 30.......+. ‘ Good Friday, Mar. 25, M Gah Sa Miia tne waecsebsves she ses iecsee April 19, May 30, Oct. 12, Nov. Lf....+6e008 Feb. 12, May 30, Elec..... e Feb. 12, Good Friday, May 30, Election Nov. 21...- eeeeeeeroe Cee Coe ee eseeeeere Jan. 19, April 26, June3........cewssesece May 30, April 12, May 30, May 30, Oct. 12, Elec... nc ceeeese May 10, May 20, Nov. 11. Elec., Nov. Ll... cecescceed Oct.12.....ccccccscccese May 30, Elec... tec neeee -seeee eceeeeeccors. Feb. 12, May 30, Oct. 12, Elec.. Feb. 12, Good Friday, May 30, Oct. 12, Elec., Nov. 11...... reeenceees grecceccccs May 9, May 30, Oct. 12, Elec., Nov. 11...... Jan. 19, May 10, June 3, Election, Dec. 28... Feb. 12, May 30, Efec., Nov. 11..... ° Jan. 19, Good Friday, May 30, June 3, July 13, Election, Nov. 11......seeeeceseee Mar. 2, April 21, June 3, Oct. 12, Elec., Nov. It Ind...4¢ goed Cams A (1) Conn.—State law requires public clocks to show only standard time but all principal cities and towns observe daylight saving schedule. (2) Del.—daylight saving in force in Wilmington only. +(3) Il. mae saving observed in Chicago and Evenston and suburbs. (4) Ind.—Important industrial localitieés such as Crown Point, E. Chica Fort Wayne, Garrett, Sete. Hammond, ich, City use daylight saving time. (5) Maine—lIllegal for public clocks to use other than standard time; but Auburn, Bangor, Biddeford, Brunswick, Lewiston, Orchard ach, Saco, Sanford, Spring Vale and Waterville on daylight schedule. (6) Md.—Baltimore only on daylight time. (7) Mass.—Daylight schedule by state law commences last Sunday in April, ends last Sunday in Sept. (8) eae SrenE cities secure results of daylight saving by using (9) Za stern Stand. time. Minn.—In Duluth and Minneapolis, vow private firms observe d. s. time. (10) N. H.—State law prohibits d. s. observance. Manchester and Nashua start work one hour earlier in summer. (11) N. J.— All Metropolitan cities and most others ond. s. schedule. (12) N. Y.—Metropolitan area and most large cities and towns observe d. s. time. (13) N. D.—State law fixes Central std. time instead of Mountain time used formerly. (14) Ohio—State operates on Eastern std. time instead of Central time. (15) Penn.—Phil. Pitts., Allentown, Ambridge, Beth, Braddock, Chester, Coatsville, Easton, McKeesport, Norristown and W, i j.—Entire state on , t 18) W. Va.—Wheeling on d. s. time. tate law prohibits public observance but private firms in Milwaukee use d. s. time. (20) Canada— d. s. time used by many towns and cities in Ontario and Quebec Provinces and in Rigina, Sask, ‘Holidays observed in all States seronty i Labor Day ebruary 22 Jeet Year Tex... in some form in the following states or localities: 1. Conn. Certain Cities only li, N.J.Certain Cities only x le . N.Y. 3. Il. ” « = =13, N. D. (see explanation) 4. Ind. " oe 6 (14, Ohio .” My 5. Maine “ “ 15, Penn.Certain Cities only 6. Md. Baltimore only 16. R. 1. entire State 7. Mass, entire State 17. Vt. City of Bennington 8. Mich. (see explanation) 18. W. Va. Certain Cities only 9. Minn. Certain Cities only 19. Wis. . ** Me} ine 10. N.H. (see explanation) 20. Canada ‘* Legal Holidays 1, 1933 Feb. 12, May 30, Jan. 19, Feb. 12, Feb. : April 15, Aug. 16, May 30, May 30, eeeeeeeese May 30, July 24,..csseesne Oct. 12, Nov. IL ..scceeses Elec., Nov. Il. .cereseres Oct. 12....s.ceccccccess 12, May 30, Oct. 12. wscnnceccccsesase May 30, Elec.......+.+- pee dave Seedeesese Wyo.... Feb. 12, April 25, May 30, Election. ...... Holidays in Parenthesis Q are not Observed by all the Banks. i Holidays falling on Sunday observed the day after. Notes and acceptances due om holidays are payable day after except Nevada and Texas, where payable day before. bo vis0f |