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Show xuo Cfcink, Im* kb or Iwr ■eoAonkip w tbio oorpontioa. MwabufUp b obo bit fcj iMoovml ftm Wild or by tetk. Bagkb of ■fbonkip ore not troiMfcnble, and is can of deotk, no ooeh tifku aorTtTe or AocoaJ to iko kite of rook imoitJ acBber. Eigklk—Tkoro ikall bo o ■ioting of the Beabois of tbb oorponuioo, boM at their oonal pboo of ■Itring, Ward of Weber Stake ad Zba, ia tke OMiaqr of WelNr aad TatiHofy of Utak. ea tke eeoood Moadap of Jaaearp, A. IX 1884, aad Miaihllj tkaeaftar oa Ika etoeail Moadap of Jaaaarp, for the petpoee of cbetiBg tke Diieelon aad CMbeia ed tbb earpentha, habakiruii aaaed. to aerra fcr the MMiag two peara; bet a bUore to bold rack ebetba ea that dap. ikaU eafy rmlt ia the old oOoen koldiag orer. aad eaek deetioa aap be dalp bald after the dtp daaigaaiad ae abtaaaid, ae aap be paoridad ia tke Bp-Lam. Hiatk—A aaieritp idT aid Oiraelon idall eoaatHale a qeoraai. aad akaU be a lUlp aatbeaiaad a tnaaet aap baaaaa a a foil board of aaid diieetoae. Tmtk—The oAaan abtaaaid oball porfcra aaeh dotbt a by eoaaoa pothioaa, and a tap be jaorlded bp tke Bp-Laaa. Beaatk—Aap eCear of tkb eorporaiiea aap be roMrad for ooadaet pniadioial M tke ot tke aaae, tp a t«o4kirda of the aeaoben of the eorpuratioa oligibio to rote, piieial W aap called hr tka paipaa TaelAk—Aap oAaa of tkb eorporalba nap n^iga kb eSn bp giriag tke Board of Diieelon tkirtp dapo' aotioa^ ia writiog, bafcn tke aaae b lo take aAct, bat it nap be aeoaptad oa aborta aotiea Tkiftaatk—Aap aaaip oeeariag ia tke Board of Diieetoro^ or otkar cMet of the eorpetalba, aap be ftlled bp tka rotiag aaabaa of Ike eaaperatioa ia the aaaaar to be protidtd bp tke By-l^tito Foortoatk—Tka odbon ed tkb ooipeiatioa, eolbctivelp aad iadiridaallp, ban the right to nooia ftoa ita ■enban aad otka paaaoa, aap eoatribatioaa of atoaap or penoaal propciW for tka aaa aad boatftt of tka ao peratiea, aad all prepare ■> raeaivad. akall, oithia tkirtp dape aftar raeaipt tbiraaf, be paid to tke Traaaaier, nad bp bin eatand oa the tMoarp aeaaaat. Fiftaaatk—All laal propntp aeqaired ^ tkb eerporatioa oball raat ia the eorpoiatiaa, ia traat br the nanken tknweot Mitaaatk Tka iadbidtol prapartp of the nanban or atnebkoldan of aaid oorpontiaa akall aat be Ibbk br tke ooiperala ebliptiiiea Ift WUHIM BBIImef, We, nmbate ed aaid Chank ia aaid Waid, bare banaato aabaerikad oar aaoMi aad aflaad ear aaala, tkb— ^ Y^p ed Ihiek, A. IX 188A fTr-TT/ I rm. I I <gw!> |