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Show Dyeing and Ladies' French Dry Cleaning. THE ELITE CLEANING CO. THOMAS TRAPP, MANAGER. Gent's Clothing Cleaned and Pressed. All Kinds of Ladies' Clothing Cleaned and Pressed. Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Kinds of Work. 2810 Washington Avenue, (Opposite Wright's Dry Goods Store.) 'Phone 334X. Ogden, Utah. (Please mention this paper.) Call and See Browning Bros. Co's. Fine Line of BICYCLES. SCHOOL and OFFICE SUPPLIES Fine Leather Goods, Stationery and Late Books. Ail Church Publications. Spargo's Book Store. Sole Agents for Anthracite. SHURTLIFF & CO., DEALERS IN COAL OF ALL KINDS. Office, 2407 Washington Ave. Telephone 18K. Yard, 2401 Washington Ave. Ogden, Utah. When you order Bread from your grocer, please be sure to have HESS BREAD because you will be safe to get the BEST and CLEANEST. We are proud to pur our name on every loaf. Don't Forget! The New Millinery Store will have their SPRING OPENING of Street Hats about the first of March at 2351 Wash. Ave. Leader Millinery Co Mrs. S. E. Lyon, Prop. John L. Herrick. Geo. J. Kelly. KELLY & HERRICK Basement Reed Hotel. Ogden, Utah. Life, Fire Accident Insurance. Loans, Rentals, Real Estate, Investments. We Make a Specialty of Young Men's Stylish High Class Wearables, Clothing, Furnishings, Hats, Caps and Shoes. THE TOGGERY, ONE PRICE. |