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Show Advance Styles In 1925 Wall Papers The advance styles in 1925 wall paper are being shown in our store now. Come and see them. Fashion's latest creations shown for the first time, they are new, beautiful, exclusive, MINNOCH GLASS & PAINT CO. 2370 Washing-ton Ave. Phone 514 Kern's MEN'S UPSTAIRS CLOTHES SHOP WALK UP & SAVE TEN $ Phone 616 Ogden, Utah. 2359 Washing-ton Ave. THE FORD STUDIO MARIE TRUE PHOTOGRAPHS OF CHARACTER AND CHARM 480-24th Street, Ogden, Utah. Phone 208-W W.W. Browning Co. PHONE 424 OGDEN, UTAH PRINTERS RULERS BOOKBINDERS Students! Patronize our Advertisers 32 Silverware Glassware Dinnerware The Crockery Store RICHARDSON's RICHARDSON-HUNT CO. 2419 Washington Ave. Cutlery Kitchenware Toys Join the Crowd -OF WELL DRESSED MEN WHO BUY THEIR CLOTHES AT WRIGHT'S- IT'S A VERY BIG CROWD- Wrights BOYLE HARDWARE COMPANY JOBBERS AND RETAILERS HOUSE HARDWARE, BUILDERS HARDWARE CUTLERY AND TOOLS 350 Twenty-fourth Street Ogden, Utah. ROUGH DRY FLAT WORK ROYAL CLEANING & HANDY LAUNDRY FIRST CLASS DRY CLEANERS 423 Twenty-fourth Street Phone 987 Ogden, Utah. NIGHT AND DAY STORAGE AUTO SUPPLIES MACK-ROBINSON GARAGE 15 YEARS OF 24 HOUR SERVICE 2441 Hudson Ave. J. W. Nickson, Prop. 2448 Grant Ave. |