Contents | 63 of 78

Tuberculin Syringe

Title McKay Dee Hospital Artifacts
Contributors McKay Dee Hospital
Description This collection contains historical medical tools from the McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden, Utah.
Subject Hospitals--Equipment and supplies; Doctors--Equipment and supplies; Ogden (Utah)
Digital Publisher Stewart Library, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA
Date Digital 2015
Temporal Coverage 1912-1990
Medium Photogrphay
Spatial Coverage Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States,, 41.223, -111.97383
Type Image/StillImage
Language eng
Rights Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit McKay Dee Hospital.
Format image/jpeg
ARK ark:/87278/s6ew9ys4
Setname wsu_vhm
ID 98415
Reference URL

Page Metadata

Title Tuberculin Syringe
Contributors McKay Dee Hospital
Image Captions tuberculin syringe
Description This collection contains historical medical tools from the McKay Dee Hospital in Ogden, Utah.
Subject Hospitals--Equipment and supplies; Doctors--Equipment and supplies; Ogden (Utah)
Digital Publisher Stewart Library, Weber State University
Date Digital 2015
Item Size 1 x 4 inch
Item Description box containing a B-D Yale, 1cc Tuberculin Syringe
Spatial Coverage Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States,, 41.223, -111.97383
Type Image/StillImage
Language eng
Rights Materials may be used for non-profit and educational purposes; please credit McKay Dee Hospital.
Format image/jpeg
Setname wsu_vhm
ID 98634
Reference URL