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Show oo By age LN aden Bob ea . a ee ~ Ci aa OO Wms oe Hawk For "Thanks To The Sale are sions which the whdle are all non-rationed Which of these fruits has est perceritaze of suger: per ‘simmons or aprivots? 3. What - A 25 Watt bulb and a 60 Watt bulb Kkaits steel a stainfess 6. How does 7, <Waen you get on a horse, x stainless? a smirk differ from 4 sinile? 8, 9. “10, or If a male goat flowers? . coe ed a billy goat female a is call- in , 2-0373 wi hold ROR Ogden. Eleetric Washing Ben -~ Hi79. nite Call Machins. ~_ of telling a’good' system is vhat 3105. ecuric rofrigerator, any make Contact Walter lililor, ig. Signal Office, Phone Ext. 3-200, or foot left or right mazazgines what Extension ona RE should in the stirrup first? Is a canterbury used to goat, a9 "74". ats Wanted Ons passenger to-help drive and share | expenses enroute to Los Angeles, California, ~ Kathryn Kaull, leaving Call K. auld in Septumber 20th, Ogden, Fhone-5170 Watt bulb hours 60 of vihat makes your iotorcycle condition. tire, Call snare OR oat 1 a 5, put assistant, 5256, bn cost the same, A 25 Watt bulb and a purn the same number you Ext, Ross, condition; good Located A 1937 Cadiliac Club Coupe. at 2865 lionroe Blvd. in Ogden. true: is flents coupe, Harloy-Davidson Fine mochanical oted state- of these any if How many, See Mr. R. Scnow, Table4 Bay <, 4=A, Dodge A 1938 not or whether al- sparc. good Opa0 the highpeaches, light-f warehouse call Lt. a between difference the peing light-headed, ad light-fingered? ik, of food’? 2. is ex- name the uses which an What's rationed. foods these But cheese." pression "Hels butter," and bread your NZarn bacon," the home "Bring - i.e., and*one Priced at $100, Engineer Supply, foods of names the use expres- slang several There tires new most 1. with automobiles, Essex 1931 One Yanks!! a watermelon auto, milags Call any make any Grante. (Lee clean low for Be Od Will pay cash is ripe? (Answers: on Page wae Bre ec style, Soe 20) Riders ° 2 riders, day snift, from Washington as high as Adams avenue on <5th, Gore 26th, 27th, or 26th streot,, tact A, N,. McDonald, Ext, 41604 aes For Rent Mrs. O. rent to He room “with adjoining, closets, girls, two ersation would ak arson There private a large a nice Phone - to re- two roomy bath and snowsr, 7071, ) bedroom are also a trivate entrance Vient stove for cooking 2553. address, Gontact Blivde like Mary Harrison will’take 2 riders. Ph. - 22560, lives between 30:.and and a con-= extras. Harrison in 31 Patterson ay (Ene eee Found: Ogden. glasses. ~|9— ean re pair Bi-foca l lens reading Warehouse 6=D. Owner call One ~ Avie, |