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Show SHA RE LAE RIDE sn _. SKEING <A WONDERFUL: PORT! Se pan pai So! You didn't. £0. its Sunday! OE course, you can go next -Sunday, and we want as many as can to go (Phone 5182 for further ervations . for Buticar particulars .and SrenePA you had “Sunday ‘ you would have been had-a there StL ‘Penge ae i 1 —GRETICAL. pS te” oo 5usses late! SITUATION A ie 1As: coach: a dumb green. "Rookie" etetyom «DO Brom we: (And . I do mean si: aeet) .You would have SES ey General's secretary out trying alt LOCAL, ‘TRANSFORTATION last world of |.. fun and seen a-slew of sights. oom res-— Pods eld: seen to into. doing yy snow-plow with the. heels turned .. out. and the posterior annex turned in are over~crowded! ‘: Busses: are "instead Busses don't come!.* Cars are laid’ course, -of the. vice-versa, And, of there. are .alvays the head-long up for the winter!. Cars.won't ‘ fens muployees are ee ill. and to snow... And. the war. a person walks when Employees. are ‘stranded, he first gets. oft. his skis.:; And the can't don't WEAS get work. came to work, CAN WB! DO: an earlier way .6004. se ia. Sp you fem: Oe FALL our cars with, passengers, hk nt 5. Get all cars allowances afterwards, _ Pe is the of ‘all instructors there, some too, next Sunday, call 3183, to. worrk improve- %, . gas ina ar pe dt FOU have vacancies’ ‘ins your car, call BAB A agonrig Sha, yebowus to use; Heads we watt, ; tails we lose! De maen ee : .!l aoe _ _>~Pennsylvania’ Guardsmah- eon -21- ie a lee ner a ate eee ae ee ee two- ends ee = us oR Zave _— una One to think with, .one.to sit with, The war depends on which we choose; chao The YS (hwo! ee —_— fi. tee tm eee TH fovCuTFUL TIBGE gh 4 thrill swell when a sin- slopes But pract- huh? ,Be seeing you. to. bring. :in- riders, If you want to ride (Wow! ice makes perfect, and you can't practice unless you go skiing someplace, and there's no’ time like the present, How about with supplemental best go | down a long slope without Gi GR NS ease at Submit your: suggestions: for 4 shia he walks. the. day. Sgle tumble.” Theré are Satine: Share- The-Ride ‘Service bis” Tomi . But maybe. your ve. noticed, di <We might. buts ¢ ‘(Phone 3183) 6. just fiat Gh Use the flights into a bank: of fresh-fallen ie : ok 24+ | 3. impLoyees Wells. sn Ly Catch be run! 7 et a eee The Afterward Ae |