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Show October 20, 1945 _. VICTORY NEWS a DP Duck Hunting Mid, Starts With a Bang ADS Utah’s 80-day waterfowl season opened October 13 at 6:08 a.m. and will continue through December 31. Here are the rules and time schedule for depot sportsmen. It will be legal to hunt ducks and geese in Utah from October 13 to 22 December 31, except for the following limitations: 1. Every fowl stamp, hunter 16 years of age or older must have a federal wateravailable at the depot post office, in his possession and bearing his signature. 2. Each hunter must possess a Utah game bird hunting license. 3. The daily bag limit on ducks, except American Red Breasted Mergansers, is ten. This number must include no more than one wood duck. Twenty-five American or Red-Breasted Mergansers may be taken. 4. Except on Saturday, the opening day, any person may have two days’ bag limit in his possession, if the number includes no more than one 5. other wood duck. Four Snow and Buc geese, singly or in aggregate, plus two kinds, including Brant, may be taken. Twice this limit may be a -hunter’s possession on any day except the opening 6. Hunting will be legal 30 minutes before sunrise day. until sunset of in daily during the 80-day season. Official time, based upon one-half hour before sunrise until sunset, for shooting waterfowl in Utah in accordance with state and federal regulations as established by the U.S. weather bureau is as follows: Colonel James L. Gantt, depot executive officer, receives the Ogden Date Service Baseball League trophy, won by the depot team during the past season, from Lt. Wilfred J. Martin, team presented the trophy to the depot. Depot Bowling area alleys are and women teams Sunset 6:14 6:15 6:16 6:17 6:19 6:20 6:21 6:22 6:23 6:24 6:26 ee 6:28 5:42 5:40 5:39 5:38 5:36 5:35 5:33 5:32 5:31 5:29 5:28 5:25 November fas Bs 3 Se tee 6:29 es eee S 6:32 5:24 5:22 OBS ee QBS ea eG ae eee DF one een ae OO Sas Ban ee So ee 6:59 7:00 7:01 Be meh 7:03 5:01: Be os os Sa De ee ose Ree CE Boa peel eee FSS ee a ey ae es Bens see er fee oe 7:04 7:05 7:06 7:07 7:08 7:09 7:10 5:01. 5:00: 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00 S565 Bie 7:11 5:00 7:12 7:12 7:13 ; 5:00 5:00 5:00 5:00) ei ee FOR SALE: Pair of grey alligator ladies’ skippers, size 5%AA; ladies brown tweed coat, size 12; ladies grey tweed coat, size 12; ladies’ green coat, size 14; ladies’ black skunk fur, size 15; boy’s snowsuit, size 2; three-piece legging suit; fifteen- piece white linen crocheted luncheon set, place mat and _ centerpiece; crocheted doilies and chair sets. Call ext. 3215, or call at rear apt., 555-20th St. any time during day. FOR and og ec eesee he ee eres et ee fe aes Driving Bowling Scores Standings as of October 15 Won rcs6 faiiba) “haa ye Reape 10 Lost % 2 .833 Striking Pin-Ups .... 7 5 .583 Gutter Snipes ............ 4 8 .303 Bowl-Weevils ............ 3 9 .250 5 High Bowlers pmery. Marshall i 150 Valeen Glasmann .............. 120 Cnarine Peto eS 114 Mary Alice Cshistensen _........ 113 margaret Feit. 113 Clothing-Equip. Declared Surplus Nearly $21,000, Sor worth of surplus Army snow and winter clothing and equipment soon will be made available to the public, Ninth Service Command headquarters at ‘Fort Douglas, Utah, learned today. Included are the following pieces of ski equipment: boots, skis, poles, goggles, bindings, repair kits, as well as knit wristlets, arctic felt shoes, ice creepers, trail snowshoes and lined trousers. Mountain ond wool type sleeping bags will also be sold. The Department of Commerce, with offices in San _ Francisco, Calif., and Seattle, Wash., will act as the disposal agency, as direct sales are not made by the Army. Field eens ee Bush- eee eee ee league consists of: ene ee ee Clearfield | 2: WAVES, Clearfield Civilians, Ogden Arsenal, Bushnell Hospital, and Weber College. we ee! Ce Depot, Hill Field WACS, Civilians, eee oe ASF ee BRRSGISSSEL Hill 116 Clearfield’ Ci- |! Arsenal, and FON OH VN OH ONC Utah Deer— Opens: 20 Oct. for 11 days. Limit: One buck (doe licenses may be purchased for certain areas.) Quail— Open: 8rd and 4th Nov. Limit: 10 birds per day. Pheasant— Open: 3rd, 4th and 5th Nov. only. Limit: 3 cocks per day. ees Marines, The women’s Hunting Seasons Franklin film to Kansas City November | 10; can take two or three passengers. Call ext. 3270, Rusch. Found: Several keys ‘in a red leather key case with two holes punch- ed in it. Found at Post 30. Owner please call at Security & ligence Office or call 2217. Intel- Lost: Engraved wedding ring with small diamond in: ladies’ rest room in Annex One or Adminis- tration. Finder please call Mrs. Hislop at the post office, ext. 5144. For Sale: Vacuum sweeper. Con-~ tact Mr, Rusch at | 1724 _Binford. — She: “Look ionSheek ee vilians, Ogden nell Hospital. Also will be organ-| cers, Hill Field “Enlisted Men, Hill Field Civilians, Clearfield Navy, Clearfield Draperies, curtains, coverings for lower splicer and candid-type camera. Call ext. 2169 or call at 661 Osborne St., Bonneville after 5. December De NG SALE: floor Bonneville. 5:03. 5:02 5:02 5:02 ee |: BOs Wanted: Ride from D-19 Arsenal _ Villa to the depot on day shift. Call ext. 3215, J. J. Bender. nts can— for — ‘individual parties by: calling Sgt. Anderson at extension 2271. It is expected that within the next two weeks several new league teams will be organized among enlisted men and civilians. | Army 19 D0 5Ses ee FE Gast ee es Doe aha fe ssoas ts eee ee 8 ie es SO ee 2G: 2 5., Sa ceeae DE a ie Ba 28 Ds, Soc) agen Meee sachs 90h aei St i eee es representatives of military installations in the Ogden area held recently at Weber College. Grace Lundberg, Naval Supply Depot, was elected vice-president, andEllis McCallister, city recreation director, was named secretary. Depot basketball is being organized with William Kinner, one of Ogden’s outstanding athletes and a depot employee, slated to act as: manager and coach of depot teams. Employees who are interested in joining are invited to contact Mr. Kinner or Lynn Pitcher. Both men operated every night except Saturday and Sunday and are open to both military and civilian personSi Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings before 7:30 p.m. are reserved for league games. The remaining hours of the week are — Team The Basketball Ledgue at a meeting of The ladies seem to be taking the lead in league games so far, with Adjudettes and Sirocco girls teams enthusiastically competing for high scores and honors.. i player. Lynn Pitcher, Civilian Reéreation Director at the depot, was elected president of the Ogden Service Depot bowling has started in the quartering area alleys on the post. A good representation both in league teams and individual groups is evident. quartering and Pitcher Heads Basketball League Begins The manager Starting Time in excellent pistol automatic condition with 100 rounds of amBerryman, L. E. Call munition. ext. 2217. ee |: ee long is this car going to eee. stall~ ee ee ing like this?” GI: “Just as honey.” ee ee eee eee ewe ew ewe ee we Ce eee eee wwe ewe eee ee eee long as you io, “It’s so damned windy here that. ._|a Brownwood hen, standing with. her back to the wind, _ the same ess | six Geer: Winter Sports Program Planned The depot winter recreation program at Weber College gym offers a wide variety of sports activities. All depot employees are invited to take advantage of the complete program outlined for their benefit. Supervised activities available include: basketball, volleyball, boxing, table tennis, swimming, badminton, wrestling, acrobatics, handball, and squash. Steam baths and showers are available. Classes in any of the activities will be formed if enough employees are interested. Swimming seems to be one of the favorite activities. A definite plan has been outlined to teach’ beginners fundamentals. Anyone interested in the classes is invited to call Lynn Pitcher~at extension 2169. The gym is open every evening except Sunday. All depot civilian and military personnel are eligible to participate for a fee of 20 cents per evening. CSE DELO EEE OT NOTICE— Employee relations has 300 checker boards and any groups of employees who would like to have 2169. a board, with BBUF checkers, VPI Cute Shopper: “Do you tions’ on this floor?” Floorwalker: “Yes, we have to suppress working hours.’ call SD have ‘No- ma’am, but them . dyring Adjutant Genbral Publication Section bowling leagueteam, left to right, standing: Lt. Colonel A. L. Anderson, (Chief, AGPS) Charline Pett, Louise Read, Mary Marshall, Amar Mabey, Valeen Glasmann, Catherine ‘Wooley, Joyce Skarr, Faye Hardman, Ruth Hughes, Evelyn Warren, Martena Leishman and Lt. Colonel J. B. MacQuiddy, Susan (AG White, Betty Executive Butler, Lucille Bob Hawk Answers HAWKWIZ 1. Face and Hand Towels. 2. For Red, Green is complimen- tary color. For Blue, complimentary color. Orange mations found in caves. Stalagmites are icicles-in-reverse found on the floor of caves. = 5. No. (Boiling “water ‘cause curdling. Hall, Seated, left to right: Mary Alice Christensen, Margaret Pell and Marcelle Weaver. And the little dog, upon emerging from the tobacco patch, asked: “Does your cigaret taste different lately ?” Louise Dixon, say ane. |: is = 3. Stalactites are icicle-like for- 4. Yes, officer). is apt to _ Soldier (in barracks)—Just look what the wind blew in! New Arrival—Wind, nothing. It was the draft that did at. Sgt.—By the way, have you ever seen a ghost? Cpl.—Well, once I thought I saw one, but I wasn’t there long enough to make sure. ¢ | Ase J — — NORTHSTAR —_ “Don't you recognize an offices when you see one?” ' |