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Show ——— a - 6 SSS — : Since the turn of the century, enrollment in Utah colleges has increased from 341 to 20,000 or 5800%, while state population has increased but 144%. College enrollment in the United States -has risen from 250,000 in 1900 to 2,300,000 today, with a corresponding population rise of less than 50%. But there are deeper reasons for this expansion we so keenly desire. We owe to the oncoming generations of this county the opportunity to enrich themselves intellectually and spiritually just as thousands of others have done before at this school. Our affection lies not in its brick walls, its classrooms or even in the efficiency of an excellent faculty. It lies in the personal integrity and worth of thousands who exemplify the ideals for which Weber stands and has always stood. Fifty-eight years ago (1889) when Weber was launched as an L.D.S. stake academy, Louis F. Moench, newly-appointed principal and leading educator in the northern part of the state, said: “I will seek to lay a true foundation in the hearts of the pupils upon which they may build their education.”’ This remains our desire now. And it is also our wish to keep trying to reach the more than half of our students who, for economic reasons, must end their educations prematurely because Weber is not a four-year school. We hope to reach aid in this great aim. Page 6 them soon. We solicit your ES = Se — thc AS = SS> — =—— — =— < —aseir a : — = SS Ll, = es LASAZ Y $ Z Ss ae = —-> —_ —S= Se was =~ SS nr 3 Si by > = Ss y 7) te — y « Weber college is organized after the pattern of the new community college recommended by President Harry S. Truman’s commission on higher education. It serves not only those planning to go to the professions, but also a widely diversified student population who will find their careers in the semi-professions, services, and trades. —=_ —_—_—___., wet . -| ae ————— | g ‘ = y =a x N = NT NS 4\/ AR \S NY y ‘ | = . \ Ay S. Red Var A SN S Ww (> F | SS YX ’ ) ) Rim 3 va' LX 4 «A Q—<>. 4 Te NG =~ sn QO Sp A; 4 ly ~~ “ae 2, Zo AY present for three-year trades and home eco- a eee a Recently 4,500 citizens of the Ogden area, besides hundreds of alumni, showed their support for an expanded program by contributing $65,000 in only eight days for the new campus. Thus, the stage is set. The school can operate on two campuses when nearly half the students can be accommodated at the new site. This arrangement will require at least $700,000 for new classroom buildings and approximately $350,000 for a student union building. We must look to the legislature for the classroom buildings and to the students and alumni for the union building. In the Ogden area is a great need at a curriculum in elementary education, a nursing program, three to four years in industries, and four years in business, nomics, and liberal arts. E Sie ee . What about tuition costs? The average out-ofstate fee in the United States is $227 per student. Utah institutions have in excess of 2000 out-of-state students who are being charged only $55 each. Utah taxpayers are bearing the cost of out-of-staters who pay no taxes and are suffering a loss of $344,000 yearly. The expansion Weber college is requesting would not cost the state half this amount. “ka ————— SS = Yi oe eee Nats soa SNS + NS rN 7 or CS = x > Sel S ae =. From the by Wayne Davis “After God had carried us safe to New England, and we had builded our houses, provided necessaries for our livelihood, rear’d convenient places for God’s worship and settled the Civil Government; one of the next things we longed for, and looked after, was to advance learning and perpetuate it to posterity; dreading to leave an illiterate ministry to the churches, when our present ministers shall lie in the dust.” As in the days of yore, eight solemn men sat around the table, stroking their long beards. ‘They were thinking ... Times were difficult and things were hard to get. Yes, there was land and more land, but what good was land without money to buy tools and horses with which to work it? Money was needed .. good hard cash to buy bricks and books. At last they had it. Of course it was not simple . . . They owned their homes and good homes were hard to build. Homes had a cash value. They would mortgage their homes and put the money into a ney building to educate their children. And they 1s es Four years after these eight resolute men sat GIFTS cf&MEN TANYA at a table, a new building took root in the heart of the city. In the following years other men walked around the building and then around the city block and thought and planned. Their dreams came true . . . The school grew and covered the block. During the past sixty years, thousands of Weber students have been scurrying through that first building and the buildings that followed on that ten-acre block. Many times they have looked at the past, and they have thought of the eight men.. . Lewis W. Shurtliff, Nils C. Flygare, Charles F. Middleton, Joseph Stanford, Robert McQuarrie, Thomas J. Stevens, David McKay, and Louis Moench... who mortgaged their homes. And in another day a man walked around that same campus and then gazed over the city and thought ... “We are striving for strong, honest men who can face reality, who can uphold the righteous ideals of the community. So we will establish classes in the fields of arts, science, and religion, which will develop our children culturally, intellectually, and spiritually, with the hope that they will strengthen the community with their loyalty, service, and integrity .. .”’ And he did establish these principles in the school. More recently, another man envisioned a campus with beautiful lawns and trees, covering not only one block but many blocks. He saw massive buildings and a peopled campus. He worked for the school and during his administration a new building was built. And later the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which held the deeds to Weber, gave the school to the state with the understanding that its buildings were to be used for education. In our time, a man cheerfully smiles as he walks around the campus. He has plans for a larger campus which will maintain for the college the prestige of its past tradition. He sees a campus with beautiful buildings overlooking the city. Today, as in the days of yore, you also can give your gift to Weber college and future generations. The eight bearded men .. . the spiritual leader, President Emeritus David O. McKay ... . the workers, President Emeritus Aaron Tracy and President Henry Aldous Dixon ... and many others of the past and present administrations and faculties know you will be true to traditions of the past and endow Weber college generously with your own material, as well as spiritual gifts. |