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Show te, -_ Weber Picks Principal 7. oe “A 13-year veteran inJ. the Wear- _ School District, principal of the ber yrett, Wa ton Terrace Elementary School, has been appointed principal of ____ -___ Tgh fhe Wahlquist J amor ee | School: [= he appointment __was_an— ~~ ___ wnounced today by Dr. William es R. Boren, superintendent 0 Dr. Spenreplaces poan it, who hastake = cer | sition with the State Depart: | ment of Public Instruction. = e ve Boren also announced other changes in adminis posts in Weber County is, effective immediately. said that Thomas Little- principal at presently al Elementary in Roy ome principal of Washerrace Elementary, rebecome principal at .will er, Municipal this fall. * _ = es - J. RAY JARRETT eph W. ee Allen, now at Hoop- Moved to Wahlquist R. Bybee, Calvin i formerly with the Ogden City Schools for |= ». MOVES TO HOOPER tely five years, 1S af ¢. Merlyn Hansen, principal approxima native of Uintah, and has been @& Elementary at Wilson School, principal at Burch) = be the new Hooper princi- assistant. will Creek. He attended Utah State |= pal Calvin Bybee, last year at|University in Logan. Lincoln Sorenson, born in Salt # Burch Creek Elementary School| Brig-) = as assistant principal, will go Lake City, has attended ham Young University and ni- = - to Wilson as principal. _ re Lincoln Sorenson, now an ele- counselor schools mentary the district will become inc counseling the Burch " ~ May on|ber District em| staff, the Washington: move Creek|mentary,“ten counseling staff for the --=-~8eHthe his e gan es re = Cee : % sds ny (fee oe Nephi he took aj ive natof oe al)” 79 on ee in educati degr ~_~—_—__-_-_ , master’s Te Lo.) inty ft State Universi | Ea career with the;= S. i UL rc) ROS to Hooper. : Bee at tive he enjoys working with students, but his pet peeve is any student who e . does not take advantag of his opportunities. hunting, and and he likes embarrassing was the time ‘0 ne University of Utah. “Merlyn Hansen, born inj - Si oo oo See _ taught four _—ee are@ favoritesports five: 1 girl, 3 boys, and 1 wife. “He is a very hard worker and says his most Col 2 = - = Sanpete County, ee years in other districts, includ-| =~ Se ing Uintah, before coming tof fe + West Weber school in 1948. up early, came out experience he woke dressed, to school lto discover that iSaturday morning. Fe He says pright colors and the ‘ ten o'clock news. Jarret has a family of He receiv Weber experience. boating; fishing; oy Jarrett Mr. Jarrett, our new principal, comes to us of ‘after several years astr ini adm and ng chi ‘) tea His an, first taught at the ArVilla Elementary School Municipal) and ther ae -~* res Pe introduce-Mr. | “vocational education for the dis © tee ‘ we and only it was” |