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Show SENIOR HIGH GISTRATION OUTLINED © Registration dates for junior and seni schools in the Weber School District hay fish: been set, school officials said today. Inthe T. H. Bell, South Junior and junior high schools the seventh grade- register Aug. 21 from 6 to 8 p.m. . + The eighth grade will register at: hours Aug. 20, and the ninth grade als 8. p.m. Aug. 19. . - «Sophomores in the Weber andsBi high schools will register Aug. 23 fro 8:30 p.m. The juniors at the same ) and. the seniors also at the same hours Students: could .come activity cards and to pay | the opening ‘of school, ctficials ‘said. ‘he Weber: County. Board, ofjage dating for the dente cation is on record oppos-|cials. date dances for junior high) so-, to become date affairs, the prin- ee cipals said. tee hey said the dances began at| The five principals were com: 7 or 7:30, and were dismissed at mended by board members for Aken 10 p. m. Any student who left} a 1} oe ee ee to a ae during ta thereturn, dance was not al-/ViG¢ wholesome atmosphere; ae = =" pie fovea a thea ior be biel cane Dh cmt “3 PTA representatives often a : Re tended to help school officials ae oard eae Henry A. Matis,|Supervise the dances. _ _| who said he had received sev-| All principals acknowledge eral complaints about date|the girls’ dance presents th dances. major problems. Each of the| The principals of Wahlquist, | junior highs allow three dance Roy, Valley, T.. H. Bell and|4 year. South Ogden said they had taken| Girls’ dances are stags as ar all reasonable means to discour-|the others, but have a tenden - eee, |