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Show Music Festival Held The annual Region Music Festival was al held “March 6th at Web er State College. Two Wahlquist Students, Jennil yn Rhees who played a vio lin solo, and Bob Olsen, who played a saxaphone Matinee Dance The Pep Club sponsored a matinee dance on March 20 on an Easter theme. Popular records were used | for dancing and Easter pictures decorated Sym walls. Prizes ‘Beatle records, animals, and the of stuffed candy were given for drawings and Spot dances. As an extra surprise, and white little of a two tiny pink bunnies (the brother Pep Club and sister officer) |@were on hand to pass out candy to dancers. *% Solo, wer e named the outsta nding Soloists at the meet in )) string and woo dwind instruments Tespec tively, Ratings of others who | participated ere as follows Sharon Koga, excellent for her cello SOlo; Kathleen Marker, excellent i and Susan Erickson for violin Solos; good Kei th Cragun, excellent for a Clarinet solo: superior for the String qua rtet consisting of Jennilyn Rhees, Richard Rhees, Kathleen Marker , and Sharon Koga; and excellent for the brags ensemble, Ron Moyes, Mar ilyn Wardle, Bil l Cardwell, Terry Bailey, Terry Ker r, Greg Shaw, and Kraig Miller. ’ |