Description |
This Collection consists of a 119 page Scrapbook put together by members of the Weber College Whip Club, the school's pep club, covering the years between 1946 and 1955. Included are a full listing of yearly pledges, 27 football programs, newspaper clippings concerning charity and sports events, 10 invitations, menus, 7 letters, 15 photographs, and a biography of the Whip Club by Norma Manning. |
OCR Text |
Show DID YOU KNOW THAT- SIZE OF THE PLAYING FIELD. The game shall be played upon a rectangular field, 360 feet in length and 160 feet in width. The lines at the ends of the field shall be termed END LINES. Those at the side shall be termed SIDE LINES. The GOAL LINES shall be established in the field 10 yards from and parallel to the end lines. The space bounded by the goal lines and the side lines shall be termed the FIELD OF PLAY. The spaces bounded by the goal lines, the end lines and the side lines shall be termed the END ZONES. MARKING THE FIELD OF PLAY. The Field of Play shall be marked at intervals of 5 yards with lines parallel to the goal lines and each of these lines shall be intersected at right angles by short lines 15 yards in from the side lines. All lines shall be marked—preferably in white. .-THE GOAL POSTS. The Goal Posts shall he placed in the middle of each end line, shall exceed 20 feet in height and be placed 18 feet 6; inches apart, with a horizontal crossbar the top of which shall be 10 feet from the ground. SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FOOTBALL. The ball shall be made of pebble grained leath- B I I For a BIGGER and BETTER ! WEBER COLLEGE -••J* I B I g I Ijn— malley's Jeweler 2479 Washington Blvd. .mi—i ii i ——. iiii —— iiii -— uu—iiii—iiii —— in i—mi—mi—im—mi—mi - M——mi—mi—mi—i #§f mt- mi—utt—uu—— mi—nn— in—.mi——«J» I t The Pilot Drive-ln { 31st & WASHINGTON BLVD. ? Mt. Lomond Drive-in ; Junction Harrisville Road & Wall Ave. Curb Service j -mi—— nn—— mi—mi—— mi—.im—uu—— mt—un—— im—mi—— mi—— mi—— im——uu—— m\ mi—i«|f er (natural tanned color) without corrugation of any kind, enclosing a rubber bladder. It shall be inflated with a pressure of not less than twelve and one-half pounds nor more than thirteen and one-half pounds and shall have the shape of a prolate spheroid—the entire surface to be convex. The circumference, long axis, shall measure not less than twenty-eight inches, nor more than twenty-eight and one-half inches, short axis, not less than twenty-one and one-quarter inches, nor more than twenty-one and one-half inches; the length of the long axis shall measure not less than eleven inches, nor more than eleven and one-quarter inches. The weight or the ball shall be from fourteen ounces to fifteen ounces. The Referee shall be the sole judge as to whether the ball offered for play complies with these specifications. For night games, a white ball or other colored ball may be used by agreement between both teams. A ball constructed with more than four panels may be used by agreement between both teams. £i i—-mi—uu—mt* -1111——mi—mi—-uu—uu—— tm—-uu—— mt—— mi—— im—im—uu—— uu- BEFORE — DURING — AFTER ANYTIME! Riche's is ready to serve you their Famous MLB. BEEF BURGER All Types of Sandwiches - Soup - Soft Drinks | I RICHE'S £•11—— un——mi——tnt-wi—> mi——un——mi—mi—mi——mi—uu——mi—mi — uu—mi— mt——w i—ii it—iin- im—im—— mi—mi—tm- -uit—mi—im—im—mi- If You Truly Want the Finest TRY US ONCE SHOE DYEING, REPAIRING BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER MODERN SHOE CLINIC ACROSS FROM CITY HALL Au—mi—mi—— tm—mt——mi—; nn—im—im —— uu - —im—— mi—tm—ini- I I t$*i—im— nu-— mi—— mi—— mi—im—in—— mi—— mi—— un—— mi—tut—— mi—— mi— „«—-__—— mt——■■*§• We're With You, Weber! a>tasi Printing and Lithographing Company 2421 Kiesel Avenue Dial 8704 OGDEN , UTAH s JZ^ OUR AIM: Not to be the biggest, but the best in our field. PRINTERS OF THIS PROGRAM FOLLOW-THROUGH ASSURES CLEAN LINEN SERVICE A.—Mil—llll—IIII— Hll——MM——IIII——IIII——IHI——Ml.———IIII——llll——IIII——IIII— IIII——HH—— IIII nn 4« Over fifty years experience as pioneers in the linen supply field enables us to offer complete and economical follow-through service. Our job begins with the manufacture of flat goods, garments and towel cabinets. Through every detail of latest laundering and ironing equipment and techniques . . . prompt, regular or emergency deliveries of fresh, immaculate linen supplies and uniforms . . . our one task is to prove to your satisfaction—"It Pays To Keep Clean.'* I j^mwd&h]fj_~srjSpp_-Sir((T(nt m I = I I —— im-^ mi——iiii-_—mi—-un—mi—— mi—— im—iiii^— mi—— nn—•tnt——»mi——mi—-uu——•mi—-nu—— iiift VISIT 150 TWENTY-SIXTH STREET, ODGEN, UTAH. 1» i—mi——nn nn—mi ml—nn—mi—nn—nn—■nil— un—mi—nil—nn—nil—mi—ml .ifr SEARS SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT Satisfaction Guaranteed SEARS 2229-31 Washington Blvd. Ogden, Utah 4»—■iiii——iiii———mi——- mi—nn—uu—ml—nil——nn—ml— mi—nu—nu—nn—nn—mi— un—i ♦ ♦ « you can rely on WESTERN ARTS NOTHING FINER IN PHOTO ENGRAVING QOelteAk PHOTO EVCBAVIiHS I 362 24TH ST., OGDEN, UTAH —nn—>un—nn——uu—uu——'ill——nil——nil——uu——uu—■ml—-nn——mi——ml——mi—mi——tin——i. | |