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Show 14 ACORN Harvey Taylor, Ephriam Poulter and Arthur Brown were chosen to represent the Senior Class in the Public-Speaking Contest for the Cottle-Henderson medal. We are all looking forward to this with interest, for we hope to see a '14 win the medal. Our debating team has been chosen and now for winning that "Cup." The debators are: Glenard Gould, Ephriam Poulter, "Ren" Richards and Irvin Poulter. There is nothing we Seniors cannot do, and last, but not least, the tryout for declamation was held January 26th. Eight members of the school were chosen, among which were three from the Senior class. They were, Ora Engstrom, Harvey Taylor and Irvin Poulter. Taking Charge We, the Senior class, took charge in chapel Wednesday morning, January 21st. We took our places upon the stand and a program followed. The first thing was a class song, which was made more interesting by the brilliant little Sophs, who wished very much to aid their "Seniors" sing. Next was a speech by our Student Body President, Lorenzo Richards. He delivered a very flowerv oration on "Advice to Sophs." The Senior Male Quartet furnished part of the music for the occasion. Their numbers brought a great deal of applause. More interest was added to our program by a reading from Miss Bertha Wheelwright, one of our members. Following this was a piano selection by our "fairest maid," Kathryne Volker. A stir was made and as the concluding number, Ephriam Poulter, president of the class, presented a fountain to the school from the Senior class. Principal W. W. Henderson, representing the school, accepted the gift. He expressed great appreciation for the Senior idea of useful improvement. Junior Confidence The Juniors gave their annual dancing party Friday, January 9th. The auditorium that night presented a very beautiful scene. The hall was transformed into beauty with decorations of evergreens and the class colors, red and white. A complete canopy was formed of the red and white crepe paper. Festoons of evergreens and red paper were artistically arranged around the walls. Happy New Year formed of evergreens, expressed the good-feelings of the Juniors to all. Every one of the 300 people present seemed to partake of the cheerful spirit, and enjoyed themselves. The Weber Academy Orchestra furnished exceptionally good music for the evening. The orchestra was sta- ACORN 15 tioned behind an artistically arranged lattice work of red and white. From a cleverly appointed booth on the west side of the hall, fruit punch and red and white mints were served throughout the evening. The Junior dance was certainly the greatest social success of the year; it out-classed any which has yet been given. Did you notice the number of Juniors chosen to enter for the Cottle-Henderson medal? More than from any other class, you may say we have the quantity, not quality, but you may rest assured that none of the Junior orators are lacking in quality. We stand a very good chance of having the winner come from our class. The Junior contestants are: Jennie Barlow, Wilmer Jensen, Cora Kasius, Joel Boyce. Friday the Juniors held their debating tryouts, nine members of the class participating. The team was selected, and the class has no fear but that it will be very successful. The members of the team are: Wilmer Jensen, LeRoy Leishman and Cora Kasius.. You all know what these students do in their classes and they will be just as successful in debating. Sophomore Events The Sophomore Oratorical tryout, at which a great deal of talent was displayed, has been held. Rae Lofgreen and Elzira Robinson were the winners, but the other contestants deserve praise for their apparent hard work. Miss Lofgreen was on the school debating team last year and her merits as an orator are equally as good as those of a debator. Miss Robinson is also a worthy orator and will soon prove her talent as such. With these as our representatives the other classes are in great danger of losing the medal. The debating tryout was held January 11th, and Vilate Froerer, Alta Nielson, Esther Thompson and Leland Evans were chosen to represent the Sophomore class. Last year Miss Froerer was on our class team, which triumphed over all others and brought the victory to us. They are all working hard and are determined to have the numerals of '16 engraved once more on the debating cup. Everybody is looking forward to the Sophomore dance which will be given February 11th. It is going to be one of the best given this season and if you don't believe it, come and see. Freshman Memorials We, the Freshmen, are as busy as any other class, for we are working with a newly chosen debating team. We will contest with the Sophs in a short time. The team is very enthusiastic over the coming-contest and promise to give the Sophs a hard run for the prize. The debating team that we have chosen is as follows: Elwood Winters, Elda Ririe, Delia Terry and Bryant Furniss. |