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UTAH HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY1Name and Address of Site Owner DateThe State of Utah April 23, 1975Address of Site Architect or Builder2522 Eccles Avenue Leslie HodgsonOriginal Owner Original UseJohn Shannon Houtz Private HomeMaterial Present UseHome for Northern Utah GirlsYear Built 19101. Describe the historical significance of the site. Include a discussion of the original and subsequent owners, and dates and events associated with the building and the owners.Mr. John Shannon Houtz, who built this house in 1910, was very prominently identified with the commercial and financial life and development of Ogden. He came here in 1883. He was a vice-president of the Commercial National Bank and known now as the Commercial Security Bank of Utah.Mr. Houtz was born in Schmoken, Pa., April 3, 1833, the son of Christian and Pauline Houtz. He came to Utah in 1848 residing in Salt Lake until 1870. In that year he became interested in cattle and horse breeding in Curlew Valley, Box Elder County and in 1882 extended his interests to include sheep, in which business he was engaged until 1909.During his early life he freighted from Omaha to Salt Lake and from San Bernardino, Calif. to Salt Lake. He started the first livery business in Salt Lake with J. J. Faust. During the building of the Union Pacific into Utah and the early construction of the Central Pacific, and the Utah Central, he was one of the principal sub-contractors. Mr. Houtz made Ogden his home until his death January 12, 1923. He was 90 years old.His wife was Louisa Curtis Houtz, born in Cottonwood, Salt Lake County, December 23, 1853, a daughter of Uriah and Mary Wiekel Curtis. They were married April 18, 1870. They had two sons; John S. Houtz, Jr. and Eugene P. Houtz, and three daughters; Mrs. Katherine Nichols, Mrs. Virginia Houtz Green and Mrs. Phoebe Houtz Browning; 20 grandchildren. Mrs. Phoebe Browning was the wife of John Browning of the Browning Arms family. They had 2 daughters; Mrs. John D. Rice (Beatrice) and Mrs. F. Seaton Prince (Barbara), mother of John Prince News. Mrs. Virginia Green had a daughter, Virginia Green McCone, (Mrs. Alan McCone) of Philadelphia who had held an executive position with the Ladies Home Journal. Her son,W. Houtz Green of Saint Louis, Mo. was with a Pharmaceutical firm.There were several owners through the years. The Benjamin Clay family lived there the longest time, other than for the Houtz family, for 12 years, from January 11, 1953 till 1965. They refinished and restored the home raising their 7 children, who all loved the house.-2-It is now owned by the State of Utah and used to rehabilitate Northern Utah young girls who have gotten into trouble but need the security of such dignified and beautiful surroundings. The case workers always present feel the surroundings contribute greatly to the rehabilitation of the girls. They take beautiful care of the house and love and help maintain its security.There can be a list compiled of owners; however, these 3 are the ones who have done the most to preserve the house.Describe the building in terms of its architectural significance. Include a characterization of the style, a description of any unique features it might possess as well as the contribution it makes to the environment.Greek revival in a carpenter form, by the use of square columns and the wood dentals supporting the soffit on the porch and upper roof area. The caps on the columns are in carpenter motif, composed of wood block, each block supports an extension of a dental which is located over the capital. Another striving for Wrigistian design isthe use of all materials available---red brick, with medium mortar,up to a frieze of lighter colored fire brick utilizing the standard stacked two bar motif of the period. Here the dentals are extended at various positions down through this frieze in a larger development of their shape. A third material is shingles, used on the dormer at the roof ridge. The fence along the porch is possibly added at a later period, although it is in keeping with the severe eclectic nature of the rest of the design. It bears no resemblance to any other portion of the exterior of the house. The windows are very well proportioned. The windows create a pattern of two large windows on the upper floor, left and right, with a resulting proportion in the center of the three vented windows, smaller in size. Two large windows are repeated on the lower level.Ron HalesDescribe what alterations have been made to the original structure. For example, have there been any additions? Where? When? In what ways has use of the interior space been altered? Has the building been stuccored or otherwise sheathed?The John S. Houtz Residence has had minor structural changes. The family room on the back (east side) was added about 15 years ago. The original front glass door has been replaced (now in the basement in storage). The upstairs hallway has been walled in to meet fire regulations for a state-owned house. All the original woodwork is still in excellent condition.-3-Describe the physical condition of the site at the present time.The house is in excellent condition and will remain so as long as it is State owned. All owners have taken pride in its timeless design. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Parker and baby son are the House Parents residing there now with the state case workers on hand.What are the future plans for the site:DR. Residence for the State of UtahSources used in compiling the history. (Persons interviewed, books, diaries, family histories, newspapers, etc.)The obituary notices of Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon Houtz, which were rich in information about these persons. Also found were the date and notice as to when the sewer was hooked up to the house giving us the date of its construction. Mrs. John D. Rice (Beatrice Browning) gave me more information on her grandparents. Mrs. Mickey Clay and her husband Ben have also given dates and information about their rejuvenation of the house. Mr. Clay is in the construction business.I knew Houtz and Virginia Green, as I lived thru the block on Jackson.Person compiling form:Name: Mary Francis Hetzel FisherAddress: 2811 Malan Avenue Ogden, UtahTelephone: 392-8187Return to :Preservation Planning Office Utah Historical Society 603 E. South Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 |
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Show UTAH HISTORIC SITES INVENTORY ?Name and Address of SI te Owner The Stete of Uteh Address of Site 2522 Eccles Avenue Orlginel Owner John Shennon Houtz "aterial Date April 23, 1975 Architect or Sui Ider les lie Nodgson Orlgin.1 Use Priv.te No.e Present Use No.e for Northern Ut.h Girls Year 8uilt 1910 I. Oescribe the historical slgnlflcence of the site. Include a discussion of the original .nd subsequent owners, and dates and events associated ... Ith the bui Idlng .nd the o"'nars. "r. John Sh.nnon Houtz, ... ho built this house In 1910, w.s very prominently identified ... lth the co....ercial and fin.nei.l life and develop. ent of Ogden. He ca ..e here in t883. He wet a vica-president of the Co"mercl.1 N.tion.1 S.nk .nd known nOW as the Co....ercl.1 Security Bank of Utah. "r. Houtz w.s born In Schmoken, P•. , Apri I 3, 1833, the son of Chrlstl.n and Pauline Houtz. He ca ..e to Utah In 18~8 r<uldlng 1n Salt Lake untIl 1870. In that velr he became 1nterested In cattle .nd horse breedIng in Curlew Valley, 80x Elder County and In 1882 extended his interests to Include sheep, In which business he w.s engaged until 1909. During hIs e.dv llfe he freighted from O... he to Salt lake and fro. Sen 8ernardino, Calif. to Selt lake. He stlrted the first livery business In lake with J. J. F.ust. During the building of the Unton P.clfic Into Ut.h .nd the earlv construction of the Centr.1 Pacific, .nd the Ut.h Central, he .... s one of the prho;lpal sub-contr.ctors. "r. Houtz _de Ogden his ho.e until his Janu.rV 12, 1923. He w.s 90 years old. His ... Ife .... s louisa Curtis Houtz, born in Cottonwood, County, Oece..ber 23, 1853, • daughter of Uri.h .nd ".rV \/lekel Curtis. They ...ere •• rried April 18, 1870. They h.d t ...o sons; John S. Houtz, Jr. and Eugene P. Houtz, end three daughters; Hrs. K.therine Nichols, "rs. Vlrgini. Houtz Creen and "rs. Phoebe Houtz 8rownlng; 20 gr.ndchildren. "rs. Phoebe 8ro... nlng .... s the ... ife of John Browning of the Bro... nlng Anu r.".lly. They h.d 2 d.ughters; "rs. John O. Rice (8e.trice) and Mrs. F. Se.ton Prince (B.rb.r.), .other of John Prince He... s. "rs. Virginia Green h.d • d.ughter, Virglni. Creen Ketone, ("rs. AI.n "cCone) of Phlhdelphl ....ho hid held .n executive position ... Ith the l.dles HOlle Journ.l. Her son,lL Houtz Creen of S.lnt louis, "0 ..... s ... ith. Pharm.ceutic.1 fino. There were sever.1 owners through the The Benj ... in Clay f.mllv lived there the longest tIme, other than for the Houtz famllv, for 12 Vears, from J.nuarV II, 1953 till 1965. They refinished .nd restored the home raising theIr 7 children, who all loved the house. It is now owned by the State of Utah and used to rehabilitate Northern Utah young girls who have gotten into trouble but need the securlty of such dignified and beautiful surroundings. The case workers always present feei the surroundings contribute greatly to the rehabilitation of the girls. They beautiful care of the house and love and help maintain its security. There can be a Ii s t comp i led of owners; however, these 3 are the ones who have done the most to preserve the house. 2. Oescrlbe the building in terms of Its architectural significance. In-clude a Characterization of the style, a description of any unique features it might possess as well as the contribution It makes to the env i ronmen t. Creek revival in a carpenter form, by the use of square columns and the wood dentals supporting the soffit on the porch and upper roof area. The caps on the columns are in carpenter motif, composed of wood block, each block supports an extension of a dental which is located over the capital. Another striving for Wrlgistian design is the use of all materials avallable---red brick, with medium mortar, up to a frieze of lighter colored fire brick utilizing the standard stacked two bar motif of the period. Here the dentals are extended at various positions down through this frieze In a larger development of their shape. A third material is shingles, used on the dormer at the roof ridge. The fence along the porch is possibly added at a later period, although it is ln keeping wlth the severe eclectic nature of the rest of the design. It bears no resemblance to any other portion of the exterior of the house. The windows are very well proportioned. The wlndows create a pattern of two large windows on the upper floor, left and right, with a resulting proportion 1n the center of the three vented windows, smaller in slze. Two large windows are repeated on the lower level. Ron Hales 3. Describe what alterations have been made to the original structure. For example, have there been any additions? Where? When? In what ways has use of the Interior space been altered? Has the building been stuccored or otherwise sheathed? The John S. Houtz Residence has had minor structural changes. The family room on the back (east side) was added about 15 years ago. The original front glass door has been replaced (now in the basement in storage). The upstairs hallway has been walled in to meet fire regulations for a state-owned house. All the original woodwork is still in excellent condition. -) - ~. Oes(:rib .. the condition of til" site at the present time. The house 1s in e~cel1ent condition and will ,"main so as long as it is State owned. All owners have taken pride In Its timeless de-sign. Hr. and Hrs. Ronald Parker and baby son are the House Parents residlng there now with the state case workers on hand. 5. What are the future plans for the site: DR. Residence for the State of Utah 6. Soyrces used In compiling the history. diaries, family histories, newspapers, (Persons etc. ) interviewed, books, The obituary notices of Mr. and /'Irs. John Shannon Houtz, which were riCh in information about these persons. Also found were the date and notice as to when the sewer was hooked up to the house giving us the date of its construction. Mrs. John D. Rice (Beatrice Browning) gave me mOre lnformation On her grandparents. Mrs. lIickey Clay and her husband Ben have also given dates and information about their rejuvenation of the house. Mr. Clay ls in the construction business. I knew Moutz and Virginia Green, as Jackson. 1 ived thru the block on 7. Person compiling form: Name: Mary Francis Hetzel Fisher Address: 2811 lIalan Avenue Ogden, Utah Telephone: 392-8187 Return to: Preservation Planning Office Utah Historical Society 603 Eo South Temple Salt Lake Clty, Utah 84102 |