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Show DONALD HALL listens in as Jay Hancock dials the special amplified telephone being usedi in social studies classes at W ahlquist Junior High School. nference Frones: | ’ if you ak a Wahiquist Junior other telephone except that con- was not iincommon to see schoo High School student how far hi versation can be amplified so buses loaded. with students head that as many aS one ite ease Mrs. Richard Hamer, Weber Gor quist Junior High and Dennis En, h will be shown to schools, civic groups and ; Patricia Bitsue, 9th grader at Wahl‘at Weber High, check over- film which film shows the importance of effects of good prenatal care, and is available 1!‘pi ee wequest.. : ' ay ~The innovation, to teach concepts of me and | fidine Students at the school are cur- space, is being used as part of ‘SEE ‘BUSES id using their own version the over-all school program at. : Algo uch trips have beer of the mythical “time-machine,”’ the school, and— according to memorable for those participat in the form. of a conference tele- school officials has proven its ‘ing, as schools have grown ir dhone. — practicality in many ways. population, the— _The device is much like any In past years, they say, it those—being aff tunity has “stead ay tae has | ine els, but the sa ae ited cannot handle FARR WEST — A course cov-| Peking ands sii rates pohunie ering the various aspects of in- to rise and the different types surance begins on Wednesday at of coverage—liability, property | Wahlquist Junior High School and continues on ‘subsequent ,|damage, medical, collision and| comprehensive. evenings—Jan. 22 and Jan. 29. The following Wednesday, the Starting times the three evetopics will be fire insurance, ings will be 7:30 p.m. Instructor will be Junior Stew- coverages under a standard fire, art. The course is being spon- policy and home owners policy, and accident and “The sored by the school PTA. Attend- oe ance is open to the public. = -.:>Coverage Blues.” | Final evening, “the ‘subjects | WILL SHOW DIFFERENCE will be rate. making, coverage, On the first evening Mr. Stew-| various types policies, what’s art will cover the difference be- best for you, estate planning, | wills, taxation of life insurance tw e ‘and proceeds. ‘panies, auto ’ Insurance, ne Tuestay, January | of the most’ “interesting noted by- school adiminist trators and teachers is that of connecting groups of students in different geographical areas. me uitdard- Examiner, tor “— 14, 1969 Alnibip, any w oo. can be |