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This Collection consists of a 119 page Scrapbook put together by members of the Weber College Whip Club, the school's pep club, covering the years between 1946 and 1955. Included are a full listing of yearly pledges, 27 football programs, newspaper clippings concerning charity and sports events, 10 invitations, menus, 7 letters, 15 photographs, and a biography of the Whip Club by Norma Manning. |
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Show Next Game - - - Weber College vs. Modesto Jr. College Get Better Acquainted with the Wildcats in Their "Big 5" Game Series Nov. 16th, 2 p.m. Ogden Stadium SEARS SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT Satisfaction Guaranteed SEARS 2229-31 Washington Blvd. Ogden, Utah Ellison Dry Cleaning Co. 490 25th Street Up-To-Date Dry Cleaning Co. 2616 Washington Blvd. Phone 2-1224 DISTINCTIVE DRY CLEANING JOHNNIE RIGGS, Asst. Coach GOVE L. ALLEN. Coach Coach Allen is a big good-natured mentor of 250 pounds. He is a former star ol the Flagstafl Teachers' college of Arizona and has held several high school coaching posts. He served on an L. D. S. mission k states and while in the east played profes ball. He is an all-around sports performer. the Gila's starting li and Bill 'Savage, t lackles; Alfred Anti Hartman, iup will be as lollows: Gay Curtis ds; Bernard Smith and Lee Allen, >n and lames Winsor, guards; Bob H. Muse, quarterback; Dale Smith, :, right haliback; and Lee t coach and Bob Wa; Gila junior college ol Graham county is located at Thatcher, Arizona, in the broad valley nurtured by the Gila river. It is on U. S. highway No. 70 about 180 miles east ol Phoenix and 240 miles west of El Paso, Texas. The origin and foundation ol the Gila junior college was religious. On June 8, 1888, Christopher Layton, then president ol the local St. Joseph stake, was authorized by the L. D. S. church board of educaiion to establish an educational institution. On January 1, 1891, the St. Joseph stake academy began instruction. Later known as Gila academy, it served its purpose well for nearly 40 years before being turned over to Graham county as a public junior college. On March 25, 1933, the citizens of Graham county held an election and by an overwhelming vote accepted the Gila junior college as a public county institution and it has since operated under the authority of the Arizona state school code. The immediate campus comprises 15 acres centrally located in the town of Thatcher. The college has recently acquired by lease a ranch ol 450 acres with its water rights and facilities for the use ol the aviation education department. The organization ol the college involves divisions ol administration, professional preparation, technical and mechanical training and business education. The Wildcats resumed conditioning Mondav at Mon- park lor the next to last home game ol the 1946 ison. Weber closes Ihe curtain locally on November 16. For the BEST in Football See Weber For the BEST in PRINTING and LITHOGRAPHING Se St at LPuntina £r U-ithoatahhina Comhami 2421 KIESEL AVE. PHONE 8704 Programs Books Catalogs Office Supplies Stationery Labels Invitations. Etc. |