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Show 304 UTAH GAZETTEER. R. Palmer, blacksmith. John Parry, mayor. Anson Root, saloon. Lewis Root, painter. George Wood, general store. CHARLESTON, Wasatch County. N. C. Murdock, Co-op store. CHESTER, Sanpete County. Chester Co-op Store. CLARKSTON, Cache County. Clarkston Co-op., John Jardine, prest. W. V. O. Carbine, postmaster. CLEAR LAKE, Millard County. Z. G. Woodhouse, Jr., general store. CLOVER FLAT, Piute County. Albert Clayton, groceries. CLINTON, Utah County. Fisher & Beich, meat. George A. Hicks, postmaster. Mrs. E. Julia Simons, millinery. COLLINSTON, Box Elder County. H. G. Jemmett, saloon. CROYDON, Morgan County. Craydon Coal Mining Co. Croydon Co-op store. Mrs. John Hopkins, general store. F. H. Walker & Son, general store. COALVILLE, Summit County. C. A. Carlander, shoemaker. Coalville Co-op. Institution. Co-op. Grist Mill, John Spriggs, miller. Samuel Gentry, blacksmith. Home Coal Company. J. S. Salmon, general store. Simpson & Swanson, general store. Sinister & Wright, music. J. H. Stallings, wagon and farm impl's. COLTON P. O., Wasatch County. Covington, hotel. J. Higney, store. W. H. Liter, saloon. Fred. Meakin, saloon. P. A. Smith, saloon. H. C. Southworth, postmaster. Peter Stubbs, general store. A. M. Thomas, saloon. Amos Wing, saloon. CORINNE, Box Elder County. Beier & Dehler, brewery. A. E. Barnes, live stock. H. Church, produce. Corinne Mill, C. & S. Co. (incorporated). Henry Foxley, live stock. P. Gratt, live stock. J. W. Guthrie, banker and forwarder. Peter Holmgreen, blacksmith. J. Keller, produce. Krigbaum & Co., wholesale produce. John Landrick, tinner. Henry Lewis & Co., groceries, etc. Mrs. W. Lovimer, millinery. F. M. Merrill, blacksmith. D. Ryan, coal dealer. H. H. Smith, general store. Smith & Coil, general store. D. H. Spencer, Jr., architect. H. W. P. Spencer, news, etc. Mrs. Alex. Toponce, fancy goods. SPENCER CLAWSON, Wholesale Dry Goods, 51 to 55 S., Main St., Salt Lake City. CUB HILL P.O., Cache County. Frink & Blair, builders. H. Hamp, shoemaker. James M. Larson, notions. Lewiston Co-op. Mercantile Institution, S. Allen, supt. S. Bobbins, blacksmith. Richard Taylor & Bro., builders. DEEP CREEK, Tooele County. John C. Devine, general store. DESERET, Millard County. J. S. Black, general store. W. A. Ray, postmaster and gen. store. Utah Forwarding Company. EDWARD W. WEBB, hotel. DETROIT, Millard County. Deseret Gold and Silver Mining Co. Howard Mining and Smelting Co. DOVER, Sanpete County. C. Alston, carpenter. Errickson, plasterer. L. Errickson, plasterer. C. Grundtvig, carpenter. J. Goodall, sawyer. R. Hodge, blacksmith. C. G. Lundryberry, stonemason. J. J. Naigley, shoemaker. John Nyhren, shoemaker. W. E. Potter, gunsmith. C. W. Perkins, sawyer. Reid, tailor. J. Redington, tanner. W. Robinson, postmaster. W. H. Scott, bootmaker. W. Shiner, sawyer. A. T. Toft, architect. DEWEYVILLE, Box Elder County. J. C. Dewey, general store. J. C. Dewey, Jr., carpenter. Deweyville Co-op. Institution. Deweyville Relief Society. William Howard, books and stationery. Benjamin Fritchel, variety. DIAMOND CITY, Juab County. S. Brooks, boots and shoes. Robert A. Hill, general store. Simon Stewart, blacksmith. John Thurmond, general store. Williams & Cussac, general store. DRAPER, Salt Lake County. N. Bobery, blacksmith. Draper Co-op. Ass'n, general store. Benjamin Green, general store. H. Pierson, cabinet maker. L. Smith, blacksmith. M. Smith, wheelwright. C. Sorensen, carpenter. DUNCAN'S RETREAT, Kane County. R. W. Reeves, general store. ECHO, Summit County. A. Asper, hotel and ranch. Beckwith & Lauder, general store. J. C. BROMLEY, hotel, etc. William Turpin, mill. R. Wickler, confectionery. EDEN, Weber County. J. Farrell, general store. E. B. Fuller, lumber. UTAH GAZETTEER. 305 ELSINORE, Sevier County. A. Bertelson & Son, grist mill. Elsinore Co-op. Mercantile Institution. EMIGRANT SPRINGS, Box Elder Co. J. Williamson, saloon. ERDA, Tooele County. J. M. Gallagher & Son, blacksmiths. W. L. Wheelock, peddler. EPHRAIM, Sanpete County. Christiansen & Dahl, blacksmiths. J. P. Christianson, wagons. C. C. A. Christiansen, painter. Ephraim Co-op. Saw Mill. Ephraim Co-op. Store. Charles Frederickson, wheelwright. P. Greaves, produce. Louis Hanson, painter. J. P. Hansen, cooper. Mrs. H. Hansen, milliner. George P. Jensen, blacksmith. C. Jenson, general store. M. Jensen, photographer. H. H. Jensen, blacksmith. J. C. Jensen, wheelwright. George I. Jensen, photographer. C. A. Larsen, P.M. and money lender. J. P. Meilstrup, general store. Peter Mortensen, confectionery. P. McFarlane, stonecutter. Christine Peterson, millinery. E. Poulsen, furniture. Mrs. G. Pehrson, hotel. P. Schwalbe, painter. T. Thorpe, mill. C. Willardson, grist mill. Charles Whitlock, harness and saddler. EUREKA, Juab County. J. Beck, general store. D. Cantlion, restaurant. Hop Sing, laundry. M. C. Leetham, hotel. W. McGinnis, butcher shop. McChrystal & Co., gen’l store and saloon. W. Maxfield, barber shop. McMurphy & Bently, saloon. C. H. Montague, shoe shop. J. Q. Packard, mining. C. Paynter, butcher shop. Prusser & Connor, saloon. Sam Hop, laundry. J. Robbins & Son, gen’l store and saloon. P. Shea, hotel, H. K. Tompkins, hotel. J. W. Tuttle, livery stable. FAIRFIELD, Utah County. Fairfield Co-op. Mercantile Institution. H. Snyder, general store. FAIRVIEW, Sanpete County. A. Danielson, carpenter. Fairview Co-op. Mercantile Institution, P. Hurst, Superintendent. C. K. Hansen & Co. general store. N. P. Hjort, blacksmith. Neils Neilson, carpenter. Neilson Bros. gen’l store and lumber. J. Nerstrom, blacksmith. P. Ostenson, cooper. O. L. Terry, saw mill. FARNHAM, Emery County. Benjamin F. Davis, saloon. M. W. Walen, general store. SPENCER CLAWSON, Wholesale Dry Goods, 51 to 55 S., Main St., Salt Lake City. FARMINGTON, Davis County. E. T. Clark, stock, etc. T. B. Clark, salt and coal. George Clawson, wagon maker. John Earl, blacksmith. Farmington Co-op. Mercantile Inst’n, F. Coombs, Manager. L. H. Kennard, drugs, stationery, etc. W. O. Mayfield, grain. North Cottonwood Mill. Oviatt, blacksmith. James E. Robinson, general store. Rock Mill, flour. H. Southworth, miller. John Southworth, miller. George H. Steed, grain, etc. Steed & Bourne, grist mill. W. Whipple, sawmill. John Wood, general store. FAYETTE, Sanpete County. P. Dock, general store. Fayette Co-op. Mercantile Institution. Mrs. Palmer, hotel. FLACK'S STATION, Salt Lake County. Germania Lead Works. FORT THORNBURGH, Wasatch Co. J. B. Adams & Co., post traders. — Sadler, saloon. Seymour & Co., post traders. FILLMORE, Millard County. C. Anderson, meat. Fillmore Co-op. Mercantile Institution, J. V. Robinson, Superintendent. Free Traders' Union, J. Kelly, Manager. MRS. A. HENRY, drugs and medicines. Huntsman, general store and hotel. James King, People's Store. FREMONT, Piute County. Fremont Co-op. Store. FOUNTAIN GREEN, Sanpete County. T. E. Anderson, shoemaker. Daniel H. Cook, blacksmith. A. M. Dougall & Co., mills. Fountain Green Co-op. Mer. Inst'n. Fountain Gr'n Lad's Co-op. Mer. Inst'n. H. C. Hansen, general store. Olof Olson, carpenter and furniture. J. Proostgaard, sewing machine agent. John Peterson, mills. FRANCKLYN, Salt Lake County. J. Behrman, general store. T. S. Cohill, general store. Horn Silver Smelters. Peter Smith, Brewery Saloon. FRISCO, Beaver County. A. M. Adsit, physician. T. C. Burns, attorney. H. Barnes, boarding house. Bennett, Holbrook & Co., general mer¬chandise store. William Boatright, blacksmith. J. W. Clark, saloon. E. Cummins, tailor. O. S. Carver, livery. L. Christensen, shoemaker. Frisco Mining and Smelting Company, A. M. Bigelow, supt. John Galvin, saloon, Grace & Richards, blacksmiths. Horn Silver Mining Company's general store. |