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Show 346 UTAH GAZETTEER. Lewis Thomas, blacksmith, Third, bet. Johnson and Washington. Lewis Edward, machinist, Chestnut, bet. Second and Third. Lindquist N. A., furniture, upholstery, undertaking, Franklin and Fifth. Lindelorf N. P., shoemaker, First South, bet. Arch and Monroe. Littlefield L. O., printer, Journal Office, Second. Livermore John, laborer, Third South, bet. Main and Washington. Locker Thomas, blacksmith, First, bet. Chestnut and Walnut. Londahl E. W., iron turner, cor. Second South and Franklin. Loosli Fred., farmer, Franklin, bet. Seventh and Eighth. Low Andrew S., salesman wholesale dep't, Z. C. M. I., res. Providence. Low Silvester, miller, Central Mills. Lundberg C. H., blacksmith, Seventh, bet. Johnson and Washington. Lundberg Christian, plasterer, Seventh, bet. Johnson and Washington. Lundberg Solomon, cor. Fourth and Franklin. Lundberg Alfred, stonecutter, Franklin bet. Fourth and Fifth. Lundberg Gustav, m'f'r of doors and sash, Franklin, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Lundberg Frederick, general salesman, cor. Franklin and Fourth. Lundberg John, blacksmith, cor. Pine and First. Lundberg & Garff, Building and Manufacturing Co., cor. First and Main. Luty William, watchmaker, Washington, bet. Third and Fourth. Lyons John, stationary engineer, cor. First and Walnut. Lyman H., m'f'r summer drinks, Second, bet. Chestnut and Walnut. Ms Madsen Mads, farmer, cor. Sixth and Pine. Madsen Peter, farmer, First South, bet. Pine and Arch. Mainwaring R., laborer, Second Ward. Mallory Lemuel, carpenter, cor. Canal and Tenth. Martineau, J. H., civil engineer, Washington, bet. First and Second. Martineau L. R., Assessor and Collector, cor. Third and Pine. Martineau C. F., machinist, Washington, bet. First and Second. Martineau Nephi, farmer, Second, bet. Main and Washington. Mathews H. J., salesman wholesale dept. Z. C. M. I., res. Providence. Maughan W. W., attorney-at-law, cor. Franklin and Second. Maughan Peter, school teacher, cor. Franklin and Second. Maughan Joseph W., railroader, cor. First South and Franklin. Maughan Hyrum, farmer, Arch, bct. Fifth and Sixth. McAlister Charles, harness maker, cor. Fifth and Pine. McAlister William, harness maker, cor. Fifth and Pine. McAlister John A., harness maker, cor. Second and Franklin. McBleeker Rev., St. John's Mission, Second, bet. Johnson and Thomas. McCulloch William, miner, cor Sixth and Arch. McCulloch John, miner, Arch, bet. Fifth and Sixth. McCulloch Robert, laborer, cor. Arch and Seventh. McCulloch William, Jr., laborer, Perry, bet. Eighth and Ninth. McCulloch Charles, laborer, cor. Perry and Eleventh. McCulloch George D., teamster, Monroe, bet. Sixth and Seventh. McCulloch George, laborer, Perry, bet. Fifth and Sixth. McNiel Thomas, farmer, Walnut, bet. Third and Fourth. McNiel Charles, brakeman U. & N., Walnut, bet. Second and Third. McNiel William, laborer, cor. Eleventh and Perry. McNiel Archibald, farmer, cor. Sixth and Arch. Meeley J. W., plasterer. Merrill F., agent Singer S. M. Co., Third, bet. Main and Washington. Meyer Louis A., upholsterer, Franklin, bet. First and Second South. Mickelsen Niels, farmer, Fifth Ward. Mickelsen Ephraim, farmer, Fifth Ward. UTAH GAZETTEER. 347 Miller C. L., shoemaker, Thomas, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Miller N. C., job wagoner, Thomas, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Mitchell William, miner, Ninth, bet. Perry and Canal. Monk Hans, farmer, cor. Fifth and Pine. Monk Andrew, farmer, cor. Fifth and Pine. Morgan Thomas, farmer, Fourth, bet. Main and Franklin. Morrell Thomas, cor. Second and Walnut. Morrell J., dealer and shoes, etc., Fifth, bet. Walnut and Chestnut. Morrell Heber, laborer, cor. Second and Walnut. Mortimer James, farmer, Pine, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Morrison George, wheelwright, cor. Thomas and Fourth. Mortensen H. P., laborer, Eleventh, bet. Canal and East. Morris Gomer, laborer, Fifth Ward. Mosiman L. A., gardener, cor. Seventh and Perry. N Napper Charles, miller, First, bet. Washington and Johnson. Napper Cyrus E., druggist clerk, Fourth, bet. Main and Washington. Nelson John, farmer, cor. First South and Chestnut. Nelson William, farmer, Second Ward. Nelson Brigham, saloon keeper, Second Ward. Nelson T. W. R., saloon keeper, Second Ward. Nelson Ole, farmer, cor. Second and Johnson. Nelson Andrew, farmer, cor. Sixth and Perry. Nelson Alexander, farmer, cor. Sixth and Perry. Nelson John A., shoemaker, Third, bet. Main and Franklin. Nesson James, farmer, cor. Main and Second South. Newbrand Christopher, tailor, cor. Ninth and Perry. Newberger Alex., section man, U. & N., Eighth, bet. Franklin and Main. Nibley C. W., supt. U. O. M. & B. Co., Second, bet. Thomas and Chestnut. Nibley Henry, job wagoner, Second Ward. Nielsen P. A., manufact'r boots and shoes, Third, bet. Main and Franklin. Nielsen Jens, farmer, Washington, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Nielsen N. P., farmer, Washington, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Nielsen Rasmus, tailor, Perry, bet. Seventh and Eighth. Nielsen Erastus, laborer, Perry, bet. Seventh and Eighth. Nielsen Johannes, farmer, Pine, bet. Sixth and Seventh. Nielsen Peter, farmer, Canal, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Nielsen J. C., brass moulder, Third South, bet. Washington and Johnson. Nielsen P. G., watchmaker, Washington, bet. Second and Third. Nielsen H. G., laborer, cor. Sixth and Franklin. Nielsen Fred., shoemaker, Franklin, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Nielsen France, plasterer, cor. Sixth and Pine. Nielsen Mons, farmer, cor. Monroe and Tenth. Nielsen Hans, job wagoner, cor. Johnson and Fifth. Nielsen Mathias, farmer, cor. Sixth and Johnson. Nielsen Martin, shoemaker, Franklin, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Nygaard Christian, laborer, Sixth, bet. Franklin and Main. Nyman Carl, farmer, Tenth, bet. Arch and Monroe. Nyman Andrew, farmer, Monroe, bet. Fifth and Sixth. O O'Brien John, cook and baker, cor. Eighth and Arch. Olsen Jens, farmer, cor. Sixth and Walnut. Olsen C. L., farmer, Sixth, bet. Perry and Canal. Oram Richard, locomotive engineer, West, bet. First and Second. Orlob August, carpenter, First South, bet. Pine and Arch. |