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Show 26 CHURCHES—CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. EVANGELICAL. St Paul's Evangelical Church (German)—575 23d. Rev P P Tester, Pastor. LUTHERAN. Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church—575 23d.. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. First M E Church—24th bet Wash and Adams avs. Rev Geo F Rassweiler, Pastor. African M E Church—2817 Pingree av. Rev J H Brown, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN. Central Park Presbyterian Church—3111 Wash av. Rev A F Wittenberger, Pastor. First Presbyterian Church—Adams av s e cor 24th. Rev John E Carver, Pastor. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. 1501 Washington av. MISCELLANEOUS. Margaret Taylor Memorial Union Sunday School—519 W 24th. Eugenia Dunsmore, Supt. Salvation Army—255 25th. Industrial Dept and Hotel, 257 25th. J A Warren in charge. CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES. Assembly Club—149 25th. Frank Turner, Sec. Associated Press—360 24th. T H Burton, Operator. Association of Ogden Ministers—Meets every Monday. Rev F G Brainerd, Pres; Rev H D Zimmerman, Sec. Catholic Knights of America (St Joseph's Branch, No 420) — Meets first and third Thursdays at home of Secretary. J E Clausse, Pres; W J Dermody, Sec. Eagles' Club—2437 Hudson av. Earl Geiger, Sec. Elks' Club—2515 Grant av. C O De Wolf, Sec. CLUBS AND SOCIETIES. 27 Epworth League (in connection with First M E Church)— Lizzie Eisenberg, Sec. Meets Sundays, 6:30 p m, in Church Parlors. German Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with St. Paul's Evangelical Church)—Meets at church 1st Wednesday 3 pm; Mrs Josephine Muehl, Sec. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Dix-Logan Post No. 3—Meets Union Labor Hall, 2d and 4th Wednesdays. Commander, F G Vallereaux; Senior Vice, M Z Sims; Chaplain, John Preshaw; Quartermaster, Charles Rollow; Officer of the Day, J N Ham; Officer of the Guard, S S Roman; Adjutant, W N Peirce. Dix-Logan Corps No 2, W R C—K of P Hall. Regular meetings first and third Friday afternoons. Mrs. Nannie V Owens, Pres; Mrs J A Allen, Sec. Lincoln Circle No 2, Ladies' of the G A R—Meets K of P Hall, 2d and 4th Thursdays, 2:30 p m. Mrs J C Nye, President; Mrs C W Hadley, Vice-President; Mrs Sarah Crossman, Chaplain; Mrs Mabel Walker, Guard; Mrs. Sarah Way, Sec. Inter-Mountain Fair Assn—2442 Grant av. H M Rowe, Sec. Iowa Association—423 24th. John E Bagley, Pres; Mrs Walter Richey, V-Pres; O A Kennedy, Sec; Mrs. Mary Griffin, Treas. Knights of King Arthur, Wasatch Castle—Meets Fridays in M E Church. Knights of St Paul—Meets at Presbyterian Church Mondays, 7:30 p m. Stanley Bichsel, Pres; Holton Dickson, Sec. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First Congregational Church)—Meets at church 2d and 4th Thursdays. Mrs W G Dalrymple, Pres; Mrs C F Conn, Sec. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First M E Church)—Meets last Thursday 2:30 p m at church. Mrs Geo Craig, Pres; Mrs Ernest Schonin, Sec. Ladies' Aid Society (in connection with First Presbyterian Church)—Meets Thursdays at homes of members. Mrs R J Cooper, Pres; Mrs E Bichsel, Sec. Ladies' Mission Circle (in connection with First Baptist Church) —Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at homes of members. Mrs E A Dunsmore, Pres; Mrs Anna B Enloe, Sec. Ladies' Missionary Board (in connection with First Presbyterian Church)—Meets 4th Tuesday at 2:30 p m in church parlors. Mrs J E Carver, Pres; Mrs C F Dunsmore, Sec. Mountain View Cemetery Assn—2411 Wash av. J H Knauss, Sec. Ogden Caledonian Club—Meets 2d Tuesday at 2475 Washington av. J E Henderson, Chief; Alexander Liddell, Sec. 4 |