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Show THE WESTERN FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Everything in Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Structural Steel Work TELEPHONE 647 2257 LINCOLN AVE. OGDEN, UTAH NYLANDER BROS., TAILORS, Tailor-Made Suits to Your Measure 368 24TH ST. UPSTAIRS TEL. 342-J Ladies’ and Gents’ Clothing Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired. Remodeling. Exclusive Styles in Suits. $15 to $50 CIRCULARS ADDRESSED WRITE R. L. POLK & CO. SALT LAKE CITY MAILING LISTS OF ALL KINDS 360 1913—R. L. POLK & CO’S. SHEPHERD MRS ELLEN M, Nicely Furnished Modern Rooms for Housekeeping, 2220 Lincoln av, Tel 683-R. Shepherd John, emp N F Barnes, rms 2509 1/2 Lincoln av. Shepherd Leon L, formn Examiner, r 860 Glenwood av. Sheppard Bertram, hlpr O S L, rms 118 23d. Sheppard Harry H, mach Western F & M Co, rms 118 23d. Sheppard John, clk O S L, r 234 W Patterson av. Sherer, see also Scherer and Sharer. Sherer Chas V, appr, b 124 23d. Sherer John, live stock, rms 155 25th. Sherer Mrs Mary E, boarding, 124 23d. Sheridan Hugh E, boilermkr, b 463 26th. Sheridan Jas J, tmstr, b 463 26th. Sheridan Margaret (wid Hugh), r 463 26th. Sheridan Mary, laund, b 463 26th. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Court House, Tel 15. Sherman Chas C, swchmn O S L, r 2745 Park av. Sherman Chas J, motrmn O R T Co, r 2722 Jefferson av. SHERMAN EDWARD A, Dist Forester U S Forest Service, 203 24th, Tel 718, r 8 Peery Apts, Tel 909. Sherman Frances A, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 904 Grant av. Sherman Frank J, lab, rms 257 25th. Sherman John M, motrmn, r 904 Grant av. Sherman Lida, student, b 904 Grant av. Sherman Olea, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 2046 Adams av. Sherman Truman C, clk O S L, b 2046 Adams av. Sherman Wm H, clk O S L, r 2639 Lincoln av. Sherner Dorothy M, stenog, b 122 2d. Sherner Laura, student, b 122 2d. Sherner Lawrence W, hsemn Scoville Paper Co, r 218 2d. Sherner Mark A, farmer, b 122 2d. Sherner Mary E (wid Peter), r 122 2d. Sherner Peter C, farmer, b 122 2d. Sherrod Jay D, fireman S P, r 257 22d. Sherwood Archie W, fireman, b 526 Cook. Sherwood Frank W, lab, r 526 Cook. Sherwood Hazel B, stenog, b 357 Dan. Sherwood Hyrum, emp S L V C Co, b 214 W 2d. Sherwood Ira D, lab, b Plain City. Sherwood Luke, agt, r 357 Dan. Sherwood Mrs Martha J, r Plain City. Sherwood Owen N, emp S L V C Co, r 214 W 2d. Sherwood Wallace, emp S L V C Co, b 214 W 2d. Sherwood Wilbur J, meats, 225 33d, r same. Shewe Everett A, moved to Butte, Mont. Shidelar Minnie L, b 3054 Wash av. Shields David W, mining, r 583 25th. Shields Earl R, student, b 2641 Wash av. Shields Jesse E, usher Union Depot, b 583 25th. Shields John F, depot mstr Union Depot, r 236 28th. THE STORE OF FURNITURE SATISFACTION BOYLE FURNITURE COMPANY FURNITURE, CARPETS, DRAPERIES, WALL PAPER, RANGES EMPIRE CONCRETE CEMENT BLOCKS & CONSTRUCTION CO. OFFICE 2353 MONROE AVENUE TELEPHONE 410-W EVERYTHING IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK. JOHN J. McKINNON CARRIAGE AND AUTOMOBILE PAINTER SATISFACTION IN McKINNON’S PAINTED CARS AND CARRIAGES Rates Reasonable 2202 Washington Av. 1913—R. L. POLK & CO’S 361 Shields Martha (wid Jas), b 924 Binford av. Shields Myrtle, b 2641 Wash av. Shields Pearl H, clk Wonder Mlnry, b 583 25th. Shields Percy, fireman U P, r 2526 Lincoln av. Shields Roger W, eng, r 2641 Wash av. Shiels Martina H, clk Fred J Kiesel Co, b 625 27th. Shiels Monica L, stenog Ogden Whol Drug Co, r 625 27th. Shifflet Parker, contr, r 215 27th. Shimini Harry, rms 283 24th. Shinney John, r 631 26th. Shipley Atelia, student, b Riverdale. Shipley Bella, clk John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 203 Tracy av. Shipley Chas B, chkr, r 201 Tracy av. Shipley Ellen L, clk Shupe-Williams C Co, b 272 22d. Shipley Emilie E, milnr, b 2340 Lincoln av. Shipley Geo B, emp City Water Wks, r 2031 Wash av. Shipley Geo M, trucker O S L, b 2031 Wash av. Shipley Ida L, clk Shupe-Williams C Co, b 272 22d. Shipley Jas, driver Amer Exp Co, r 567 7th. Shipley John B, lab O S L, r 205 Tracy av. Shipley John W, tmstr Ogden Furn & Carpet Co, b 272 22d. Shipley Margaret J, stenog W D Brown Co, b 203 Tracy av. Shipley Mary A (wid Thos), r 203 Tracy av. Shipley Mary E, clk Shupe-Williams C Co, b 203 Tracy av. Shipley Matthew, formn Weber Lbr Co, r 2340 Lincoln av. Shipley May J, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 201 Tracy av. Shipley May L, clk Shupe-Williams C Co, b 272 22d. Shipley Moroni, wchmn, r 3636 Wash av. Shipley Moroni J, farmer, r Riverdale. Shipley Robt, formn, r 203 Tracy av. Shipley Robt L, clk O S L, b 337 32d. Shipley Sarah, died Sept 29, '12. Shipley Thos B, lab, r 272 22d. Shipley Wm, fruit grower, Riverdale, r same. Shipley Wm A, hlpr U P, b 203 Tracy av. Shipley Wm B, brtndr The Ranch, r 337 32d. Shipley W Earl, emp Weber Lbr Go, b 337 32d. Shipp Carl B, student, b 304 33d. Shipp Eleanor, supr Utah School D & B. Shipp May L (wid Jas E), mus tchr, 304 33d, r same. Shipper, see Schipper. Shirk John F, r 2657 Lincoln av. Shirk Margaret, laund, b 2234 Madison av. SHIRK W H, Paper Hanging and House Painting, Etc, College ct, 258 24th, r same. (See p 362). Shoemaker, see Shumaker. Shore Arthur, emp Amal Sugar Co, r 3191 Grant av. Shore Florence, b 2411 D av. Shore Geo, jan West Ogden School, r 2411 D av. Shore Jos, jan, b 2411 D av. |