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Show EDITION ~ ae anes Ree 4 ——____‘HO __MEC_OMING es _ ‘Students, Alums, in Two Day Reunion | Queen and Attendants fo Reign Over Assembly, Game and Dance Pretty Queen Etta Mae Taylor and her two attendants, y Afton Kunz and Elaine Barker climbed onto the purple thrones today to begin a two-day reign as royalty of the Weber College Home- coming celebration. Chosen Tuesday morning by popular studen t vote, the royal court will lend their official presence to events as Cozy as a cider -jand donut reception and a S spacious as the open play of the "football field. ope mecrpaaenp a ‘* The reunion, spread over two days this year because of school dismissa Friday, . will begin today With the traditional ‘homecom ing assembly at 10:30 a. m., in the Moench auditorium. Students, faculty, and returning Alumni will be welcomed by ‘college Pres. H. A Dixon, Alumni Pres. Douglas Bur: nett and Student Body Pres. Fred Bas After the assembly the Weber college band will hold. a concert in city Mr. hall park under direction of Delmar Dickson. Today's activities close Bas:with the Alumni receptio n at the Insti former Weber stude tute of Religion from 8 to 10 Pp. m., under direction of the Alum ni Associa- tion, All of Homecoming Get Acquainted Tea 8 to 10 p. m, in the L. D. S. Insti- Afton — Kunz, left, ae and Elaine Barker, right, will & For Alumni ls Tonight at Institute Weber college alumni back on the campus for homecoming activities will get together informally at a reception tonight, October 11, from festivities. -* Calendar of Events for Homecoming oe WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10 ~12:15-2:00 P. M.—Registration for Car Parade, Gym Lobby THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 10:80-12:00 A. M.—Homecoming Assembly tute of Religion, Alumni President Douglas Burnett said. . a Highpoint of Alumni sponsored 12:15-1:00 P.-M.—Pep Rally Concert activities during the two-day re8:00-10:00 P. M.—Alumni. Tea, Institute of Religion union, today and tomorrow, ‘the reception will give old ‘students and faculty members the chance to meet and discuss past glories fat :00 P. M.—Cars Assemble on Adams, between 24th & 25th over cider and doughnuts, Mr. Burnett said. oS me 7:30 P. M.—Parade . In’ announcing the reception; Mr. 8:00 P. M—Football Game, Burnett also invited all friends: of _-. Immediately. After ‘Game—Homecoming Dance. the college, whether Alumni or not, to attend homecoming affairs. These get’ underway this morning with an assembly at 10:30 in the Meonch auditorium. After the assembly the college band will hold a concert in Municipal — Building Park. The Alumni reception ends today’s acThatcher Allred has chosen part+ pus. In the cast so-far named for tivities. of the cast for “The Traitor’. ne the Traitor”, six college actors Tomorrow is a holiday at the‘col.Among those cast for the forth- hhave achieved roles. te lege. Homecoming events resume coming play “The Traitor’ are John Thatcher Allred, director of the in the evening with a football game Shorten, Marilyn Carver, Bill EI- play, said he was please d: with the at the stadium and conclude with liot, Rebecca Wells, Ray Fielding, the Homecoming dance in the col- Walter Prothero, Dean Thueson, results of tryouts which have taken place during the past two weeks. lege ballroom. | oe Bob Van a Dyke, Jay Poulter, Members of the Alumni organiz- ney Young, Herbert Spence, Whit- He believes that a cast as strong Harold and well-balanced as ation assisting President Burnett in Westergard, has -been. Theron Watts and chosen will live up to the best preparing the reception are Marvel Lynn Bush. of fi RS tie expectations with a play unusua Young, Marjorie l Koldewyn, Casts are selected for all College- enough Mrs. and strong Lydia Tanner, enough to need Dr. Don: Buswell, Community productions from con- a team of player s as good as. the and Howard Ogden. testants both on ‘and off the cam- college and the city afford a FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 oF Car judging at halftime Partial Play Cast Selected s. chairman,’ John Kelly, facul ty, and Blain Taylor and Dell Foutz, stu-|dents, activities will resum e tomorrow evening when a parade of brightly decorated cars will file through the business distri ct of Ogden and proceed to the game at the stadium. The traditional victory bell and queen float will also make the motorized snake dance to the game, Cash wards will be given to the Owner of the best decorated autoMobile. Weber will meet Carrol college of Helena, Montana at 8:00 D.-m,. Half time activities at the sta- dium will be highlighted introduction of the queen court to the crowd. | by the and her Welcome Home, Grads! Hope | You Have Fun! fT oer days > two As an added ? attraction ‘to the once-every-year feature of Homecoming, comes a special edition of the Signpost. This minia ture ‘Model news tabloid is dedicated to -all persons who have spent their time at. Weber Read. the stories, gripes and your store this other Homecoming to be brought out at.a later date. «= any of College, — register your away with souvenirs for reminiscing - eS Lo make. Homecoming more memorable than ever, introduce yourself to everyone you a special effort to make see. Make friends. . The social memomany new cherish are oftentimes equaries we l to the academic curri HAVE FUN! cula, ee ¥ the reencaateine, over g a reign Taylor, center, and her atten dants, lants, Pa : Queen Etta Mae nts are invited, . ae = According to the sche dule of events Worked out. by celebration |