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Show Lowell Savage Marjorie Glines Helen Abbott UTAH-IDAHO DEBATING TOURNAMENT The Utah-Idaho Debating Tournament for 1936-37 was held at Logan February 26, 27. The debating teams which were entered by Weber College were: Wayne Bundy, Dan Alsup Paul Jenkins, Elmer Mumford Howard Coray, Pat Quinn Bob Clark, Barbara Foulger Eloise McKay, Robert Polidor Frank McQuown, Larry Evans Helen Abbott, Marjorie Glines Lowell Savage, Marlowe Thome Miss Arla Cox was Weber's entry in the Oratorical Contest at Logan. Paul Grogger, Lester Richardson, and James Andrews entered the Extemporaneous Speaking Contest. Paul Grogger won first place and Lester Richardson won second. CALIFORNIA TRIP Mr. Monson, Wayne Bundy, Dan Alsup, Howard Coray, Lester Richardson, and Paul Grogger attended the National Phi Rho Pi Debating Tournament held March 23, 24, and 25 in the Municipal Auditorium at Long Beach, California. Pat Quinn and Howard Coray tied with a team from Muskogee, Oklahoma, for second place. As a result of this placement Weber College received a trophy cup. In the extempore division Lester Richardson tied for first place in the first two rounds and placed fifth in the finals. Elmer Mumford Marlow Thorne Howard Coray Pat Quinn STATE HIGH SCHOOL TOURNAMENTS The State High School speaking tournament was conducted at Weber College February 5 and 6. The tournament was under the supervision of Mr. Monson. Miss Read took charge of the judging, with Mr. Nilsson and Mr. Trevithick directing extemporaneous speaking and oratory, respectively. Twenty-nine teams participated in the Woman's Division. Ogden High was awarded first place and South High second. Of the forty-one teams entered in the men's division, South High won first, second, and third places. Ogden High, as a school, placed second. Twenty-six students were competitors in extemporaneous division. Grant Husband of West High won first place and Earl Barker of East High, second. Of the eighteen oratorical contestants, Miriam Cutler of Lincoln High and Joseph Ovaile of Logan High tied for first place. Irene Coombs, Ogden High, placed second. Bob Clark Barbara Foulger Paul Jenkins |