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Show Barker Extemporaneous Contest THE JAMES L. BARKER EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING CONTEST was won by the Senior Class, with Lawrence Budge winning the individual prize. The contests brought forth enthusiastic competition, and it was not until the final day that the Seniors were certain of victory. The Juniors and Sophomores tied for second place. Ruth Folkman of the Juniors gave Lawrence Budge close competition for first place in the individual contest. Following is a tabulation of the entire series: Seniors Place Juniors Place Sophomores Place Contest No. I ATHOL TRIBE I TED WOODS 3 SYLVAN WARNER l II LLEWELYN MCKAY I VAN TANNER 2 MARJORIE ALLEN 3 " III HAROLD FARLEY 3 RIGBY JACOBS 2 JOHN CRAGUN 1 " IV NAN EMMETT I RUTH BREWER 3 ANNA HOLST 2 V CARL GREEN 1 LEONARD STEIMLE 3 RULON DOXEY 2 " VI HEBER JACOBS 3 MYRTLE JENSEN 2 STERLING WHEELWRIGHT I " VII SHERMAN COUCH 2 RUTH FOLKMAN I THURMA SCOVILLE 3 "VIII WALLACE GREENWELl I ELMA TAYLOR 2 EDNA CRAGUN 3 " IX LAWRENCE BUDGE I RUTH FOLKMAN 2 MARJORIE ALLKM 3 14 20 20 The class with the lowest score, according to this tabulation, is the winner, the aim being to get as many first places as possible. Grant Oratorical Contest THE LAST GRANT ORATORICAL CONTEST for Weber High School was won by Miss Eileen Agren, who spoke to the subject: "Obedience to the law of Tithing;" the third Grant Oratorical Contest for Weber College was won by Miss Elizabeth Seppich who spoke to the subject of "Responsibility of Officials in Law Enforcement." Both speeches were good models of oratory. The winners were presented by President Grant with an autographed book. In both the college and high school the first two places were won by girls. In this way, they demonstrate that the results of the same contest of one year ago, in which five boys won the first five places, was more of a coincidence than an indication of superiority on the part of the boys. Nearly every student in the school competed in the contest, and winners are to be commended for their well-earned success. The general subject assigned to all students was "Obedience to Law" from which Miss Agren and Miss Seppich selected their specific topics. Sons of the Revolution Contest WEBER DID NOT ENTER the Sons of the American Revolution Oratorical Contest this year, due to its advancement from a high school to a college. Since this contest has been conducted between Ogden High and Weber, however, the two schools have divided honors as follows: 1920-PHYLLIS MCGINLEY, 0. H. S. "George Rogers Clark." 1921-RUTH SCOWCROFT, Weber "Should Germany Pay." 1922_LEONARD WRIGHT, Weber "Law Enforcement- the Guardian of American Democracy." Dr. Edward I. Rich Contest EVEN WEBER'S PROGRESS-her entrance into the field of higher education-is not without its regrets. Chief among these, as concerns student-activities, is that of being unable to enter the Dr. Edward I. Rich oratorical contest. Last year, little did Weber's representatives realize that they were the last Weber students to thus defend the superiority of Weber in high school oratory. They did so, creditably, by capturing all three places, making that contest a fitting climax for Weber. By annually celebrating his birthday with such a contest, Dr. Rich has done more to stimulate interest in this activity than any other citizen of Ogden. Although Weber Students can no longer compete therein, Dr. Rich, because of Weber's success and appreciation, has placed all future contests under the supervision of Weber College. We are proud of the honor of still being associated therewith, and thank Dr. Rich for the interest he has manifested in this activity and in Weber. History of Dr. Edward I. Rich Contest 1914-Won by Raymond Swartzfager, O. H. S. "Uncle Sam and Big Business." 1915-Won by Leroy Leishman, Weber "America's New Patriotism." 1916-Won by Ben Young, Weber, "World Wide Peace." 1917-Won by Douglas Leishman, Weber, "Patriotism, Our Greatest Inheritance." 1918-Won by Carl Sandstrom, O. H. S., "Liberty and the American People." 1919-Won by Katherine Becker, O. H. S., "The League of Nations." 1920-Won by Ruth Scowcroft, Weber, "The Need of American Patriotism." 1921-Won by Delbert Wright, Weber, "Limited Armaments-The Guardian of American Integrity " 1922-Won by Athol Tribe, Weber, "World Distress and American Opportunity." In addition to winning six out of nine first places, Weber has won six out of nine second places. |