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A collection of yearbooks from Weber Normal College which comprise the years 1919 to 1923. Included in the yearbook are photographs of students, class officers, faculty, the Board of Trustees, athletics, and departments within the college. It also contains sections about the clubs and organizations within the Academy, literary pages, student poetry, and advertisements from local businesses. 1922-23 edition published by Weber College. |
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Show DECEMBER 15-Pete Couch gets a position. Chosen as a last resort by the Seniors for their class president. Lois Jones chosen as his assistant. Weber defeats the Alumni in basket ball 36-30. Seniors win the ninth Barker Contest, and therefore cinch the honors. DECEMBER 18-The College women organize a "Women's Association." Its principal idea is to follow plans laid out by the college men's organization of "The Royal A. B. C. D." DECEMBER 19-Mr. Stokes is banqueted by the faculty. He will depart from our midst in the near future. DECEMBER 20-Juanita Ramsey, president of the women's organization, announces that the college boys should feel it a great honor to escort a college girl. The statement proves fatal. Claude Helm had a nervous breakdown. DECEHBER 21-Mr. Tracy challenges Mr. Terry to a chariot race. Budge challenges Couch to a peanut race. Heber Jacobs acts as the peanut. The College party held in the evening is greatly blessed with the arrival of Santa Claus. Josephine Rhees dances with joy when she realizes he is giving presents away with his own hands. DECEMBER 22-Apostle Melvin J. Ballard gives a Christmas address. In the afternoon a holiday romp is enjoyed. DECEMBER 23-Christmas vacation begins. DECEMBER 25-Santa Claus visits the children. DECEMBER 25-31-Vacation. January JANUARY I-Birth of a New Year. Many students make resolution. Many break them the next hour. JANUARY 2-School resumes action. Five per cent law still in force. Holiday spirit dies. JANUARY 3-New display of rings is prominent. Just Christmas presents from loving fathers, we suppose! JANUARY 4-Alumni reunion. Competition in yelling a strong feature. Or. Terry is yell-master and squad for his historic year of attendance. Class meetings are enjoyed by the Alumni of the school. George H. Brimhall speaks very hopefully for Weber College. Nichols' School Band fuRnishes the music. A dance follows the program. JANUARY 5-E.d.Woolley and Madge Campbell engage in their first disagreement. College boys handy to promote undesired feelings between them. It does not prove disastrous. JANUARY 8-Mr. Barrett announces that he thinks that variety is the spice of life-when referring to JANUARY 9-Founders' Day. Big parade led by prominent men. The afternoon is celebrated with a program and matinee dance. JANUARY 10-Milt Halls proposes we lynch some Chinks in order to get Weber College on the front pages of standard newspapers. JANUARY 11-President Tracy talks to the debating club. His subject is on presenting a debate. JANUARY 12-The Weber high school will discontinue at the end of the year of'23 according to a decision by the Church school commissioners. Weber wins from O. H. S. in tight game by a score of 25-22. JANUARY 15-Ed. Williams goes ward teaching. Has a very enjoyable time in his labors. The instructors notice that he is unprepared the following day. JANUARY 16-Victor Wotherspoon cracks up Weber. He also tells some of his missionary experiences. Weber College accidentally beats Weber seconds. Vern Hill saves the game; the score is 32-20. JANUARY 17-Budge and Miss Jensen a little unfriendly. Condition improves later in the day. JANUARY 18-Stump speeches at Wright's to advertise Ogden's first college basket-ball game. College loses to the B. Y. C. by a score of 38-18. Miss or Mr. Jacobs' solo dance at a program in devotional causes favorable comment. It is dedicated to the Seniors. JANUARY 19-James Lindsay sings about "His Wild Irish Rose." and Grace Foutz tells the college about a prisoner who had the blues. (An uncommon thing.) The team was "jinxed last night," Claude Helm reported. "They were not used to the flashy colors of the 'foreign' bunch who visited us." Bear River loses to Weber high five by a score of 45-I 5. JANUARY 21-The faculty has a party." Backward"was the name of the party. Some idea for an educated group! College boys go to Evanston to play basket-ball and poker. Lawrence Budge hurts his leg when he attempts to knock a pine tree down on the hike of the Winter Sports Club. JANUARY 21-"Mary Ann," the school movie star breaks a camera at the photographer's. The Public Service Bureau goes out on some pleasure trips. Programs are taken to Riverdale, Marriott, Wilson, and Warren Wards. JANUARY 22-The faculty still shows signs of "Backward Parties." If the students weren't strictly honest the book store would lose money. JANUARY 23-Troop of "Chink" maidens visit the school. Boys go wild. A. B. C. breaks up. College boasts a victory over Weber High's first "3", with two subs. The score is 9-12. JANUARY 24- Athol Tribe thinks a great deal of Melba Nelson-that's not all; he has done so for JANUARY 25-Weber College fails to make desired impressions. The college team loses to Snow. The college issue of the Herald printed. JANUARY 26-Monk, the user of Stacomb; Andy, his marcel wave and his girls; Pete, who is cute; Larry, the theological kind; and Bill, with his black eye due to Clara Packard, are described by Mr. Poulter. A crippled team loses to Box Elder. Boils are prominent. JANUARY 28-Myra Wright ships a gang to Kanesville, Taylor, Farr West, Harrisville and Lynne Wards to do Public Service Bureau work. JANUARY 29-President Tracy rules that "boils" shall never again take part in school athletics. JANUARY 30-Dave Kennedy sings "Kiss Me Good Night, Dear Love," above all the rest. He hopes his young lady will hear. Tracy announces that graduates caught playing pool will have their credits taken away. JANUARY 31-Mrs. Jennie Lloyd addresses the students. February FEBRUARY 1 -Blanche buys a birthday present. Larry Budge celebrates. Greetings extended him by- many students. FEBRUARY 2-Weber band plays a few numbers. Hawaiian music rendered by Maurice Wright and company. Weber wins from Davis. Monk gets tired, so goes out (on personals) for a rest. FEBRUARY 5-Preparations begin for the last Weber-O. H. S. game. FEBRUARY 6-Winter Sports Club hold a meeting. Campaign for "Merely Mary Ann" progressing. FEBRUARY 7- Ed. Williams advertises the Acorn. Three cheers for Ed. FEBRUARY 8-Seniors lead in selling tickets for "Merely Mary Ann." The campaign rages. Sophomores do some advertising in a one-act play. FEBRUARY 9-Alumni players encourage our Basketeers. Weber proves too much for the O. H. S. FEBRUARY 14-Last night of "Merely Mary Ann." Announcement made that Weber High School Basket-Ball Stars are tied with Brigham for first place in Ogden Division. FEBRUARY 15-College team takes a sight-seeing tour to lx>gan. The champions lose to B. Y. C. FEBRUARY 16- Announcement of the Seniors' victory in Inter-class debates. Weber High School wins from Brigham. Students paint the score everywhere. Reports of the game sent to Weber by wire. College girls entertain their young men friends at a Valentine party. FEBRUARY 19-Coach Stevenson says: "The team's all right." Helen Wilson becomes excited over something-perhaps the year-book. FEBRUARY 20-Stringed ensemble directed by Mary Fisher makes its appearance. Dr. Marshal of the U. of U. talks on "Good English." FEBRUARY 21-The High School team practices on the Wasatch team. So much is it practice that they meet defeat by this fast five. FEBRUARY 22-Birthday of Washington. School discontinued for the day. FEBRUARY 23-Announcement of the death of Dwight Harding. Funeral services held at the Sixth Ward. The school extends a letter of comfort to Dr. Harding and family. "Senior Feed" given at a dance. Consists of one good sized jaw-breaker. FEBRUARY 26-Students entertained with one hour of theology. Exams are plentiful. FEBRUARY 27-Fifty-minute periods are instituted so that Weber students may get "more sense" from a class recitation. FEBRUARY 28-Ed. Williams thinks of the Acorn. Doesn't worry much. Thinks Helen is doing fine. He retires with no worries. March MARCH 1-March enters-winds are prominent. Saints lose to the Weber College. MARCH 2-College celebrates their victory, the first one in their history. High School doesn't like the College chasing around loose. Cliff Vest tries to do them up with his own hands. His success is evident. MARCH 5-Chase Taylor wants an orange. He, however, is financially embarrassed. MARCH 6-Weber dreams of success at the tournament. Rousing rally held. MARCH 7-Boys leave for the State Tournament. Students send them off without breakfast in order to be sure that they are there on time. President Tracy returns after a trip through the East. MARCH 8-President talks on the subject of the Kirtland Temple. Receive reports of Weber's victory over Monroe, at the tournament. MARCH 9-Willard Marriott, President of the College Student Body, announces that the Vaudeville is to be presented by the famous body of natural actors in the college. Leon Bush spiels. MARCH 12-Basket-Ball team sneaks back to school. The team is praised for their efforts. T. E. Pardoe gives his reasons for our defeat. "A 'Couch' was present, and so they refused to 'Budge'. " MARCH 13-Chuck Taylor and Chick Crawshaw tell the assembly what they think of it. MARCH 14-College debaters sit on the stand. Junius Tribe acts as their spokesman. MARCH 15-Dr. Lind's numerous "A's" are floating around. Ed. Woolley dreams he earned one. MARCH 16-Francis Moore adds five per cent more to his list of discounts due to indulging in a discourse with Miss Ruth Agren, in study-hall. College debaters lose to B. Y. C. MARCH 19-Emma Buehler gives us an idea of Weber's prominent students in their school pranks. Mentions a love scene from Josephine and Olin. |