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Show i ‘BRIGHAM | “CITY—Box Elder ‘High. School’s. football machine ‘rolled’ over the. ‘Scots. 32-13 last nigh open crowd-pleasing: contest. But the Bees didn’t sit on the Scots without a spirited battle. Speedy little Michio Shio, 140- peaaae halfback, led the Bee tack with wide end runs. at- And when the seat back wasn’t digging for pay dirt, big Ross Poulson, foe ERS uty g the center of the line usually for yardage. — Keeping the attack well mixed, “Lefty” Hal. Reeder, ‘heaved seval long ‘Passes, two. that went SED's: t “Ben _ “Lomond ‘High © School threw a scare into the Bees in the first quarter, marehing straight down the game’s first score the aften, taking kickoff. VNR are ‘Scots all night, took the kic off on the 19 and returned. it to the 35 yard line. Garth Rhodes. broke nies of Box Elder’s ie Be Rhbdae and Heap alterras the next five plays and Rhodes had domin- ated the first quarter. the Bees’ deketa Tana handed quarterback, TE a 'threw a 30-yard- plus Michio Shio. Shio “slippe iebind Lomond ge the run and then Scots to. : pases the Eh Ben pass E carried the Pe 4 eed. ts ae on ches lh + ore aie he, Bee's fone rent 3 Heaps rat a Bass ie 7 tellin ore out of hisyhand: Box Elder rec on thhe Ben Lomond 30. Hal Re er couldn’t find ‘a receiver when nein Tan, a. BASS: On; the next play so Oss_ or the field: for the - Brent Heap, who shinedhtos throughth | After’ Ben Lomond | tHe i hs Ben Lomond 20. en. took the ball over eave through the center e Aine,| { Isen’ again ~ scored for ‘the n the third quarter and in fourt. - quarter ‘Hal Reeder threw.to Ralph Andersen for the ‘fourth seore. Also in the last quar:, on auer took the pigskin over aes sneak ‘for. the fina ae : feldcy _ only, ty ue its e: : With caer: Shi e went over for the TD. Th e conae was missed. e Ls the third | drive aote | Heap ca ; ca eu narter, i idfie an th ae | the ccotet at, Rhod a n, ek Pack: eh a sordon, -Zobel, Hyde and May. eae ‘ingey,- Jensen, hoe over for the ‘extra pone” oe e ard “ih an. - Rigby, ‘Reeder, Jensen, Bede re. GGordon, oe Ben Lomo pe Ends——Rothe nF1€: Ye ‘Easley. "Paekies — 2 Andersen, ‘Xonas, ‘Halling... i. ‘Guards—Palmer, ‘Hansen, Mil rp es! Centers—Nelson, Heit Backs—Heap, Nolan, oo Pipes, Call, Bergera, Rhodes, ae quieter, Butler. |. Score by caer Bos- 7 12—82). ‘Box Elder . Ben Lomond ...18 0 ee (o-13 |