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Show APRIL a rbara i . Miss and ‘Monte ee J 1 8 y ke ea a ore-to prehave devat tine “aera mT mo APRIL Four-Way % “Albanettes. presented an as: “‘Bembly of Hawaiiann life’ on the | (ong) Papooley of ‘¥sland ‘eomplete with the strains of th . “Little Brown Gal,” a familiar hip swinging hulu dancers wit h “Hawaiian Hospitality” heir 'F Vednesday. Hollywood visitors to Papooley ard Pack am ‘and Moyes deserve Hele Soneratulations is ou Mar, for tutelage that paid off. PICKED FOR GIRLS STATE Parker Pemberton, Sharon arker, Pat Herfurth and Kay organ representatives at Girls’ State this spring. After detailed interviewing these girls were noied of their honor, a nd i. tripped— ernment procedures, : CHOOSE CLASS RINGS __ The junior class are now in the important process. of, choosg class rings. Members of both ‘sexes, juniors, seniors, sophotar have been here voicing eir opinions onthe duel oe tween, rings with aid with stones. cs m4 sit ion ing asoS show ais: are _brew-. date for the yearly ‘Meet. - 12 Track eo Tor 10 A four-way. high sas Avg Wick pene field meet will be staged,’ i iee. .to the public, tomorrowat p.m. Stadium. at the Weber College ' Competition will be ‘provided -by Lomond, Box Elder, Ogden .and | Olympus high schools. |