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Show “Back To School’ fn “back-to-school” pirobail at 7:30. Parents are ‘atged: tke in ate Aedancs. and get acquainted with their child’s teachers . the classes they attend. _A-business and assembly will, be held in the auditorium which will last 30 minutes. Following that the parents will follow their child’s school schedule, | attend‘ing each of his rooms for ‘Seven minutes. : ‘A’ typical ‘school | lineh: will then be served for 25 cents. ‘Mrs. Roberta Story, president : of the Wahlquist PTA, said the aim of the “back-to- school” night is to aquaint the parents with the ‘teachers and also bring parents closer to what the students doing in the classrooms. “baba ica are : Sed Well, Can Poy Tie That? as a Dell Huband (left). iis ‘len. admiring the tie of Jou Hal Folkman which won him first place in Wahlquist Junior high’ School’s | annual “Little Girl, Bright Tie and Shirt Day” Wednesday. Jo | Dell and Jelaire Hancock (seated) were also winners with the best_ little girl makeups. — A matinee dance was held in the afternoon. | Wahlquist Girls Sponsoring Parly _ FARR WEST — Girls of Wahl. “quist | FARR WEST_Students of the: Wahlquist School will have a chance to swing their favorite High School will tg) each father by his daughter. as gy = ee nee ‘Dress will be sport for both. ph partners at the first dance of the season, tomorrow night. The dance will be held in the school Ro at 8:30. Dates and stags will e admitted Biel ou oes * in order. | Deis a ; The en R WEST —Wahlauist’ ‘Ju mish School Se ae do- BE AA io Junior sponsor their annual fathers and daughters party tonight | at 8 eS the schoo] gymnasium. A An invitation has been sent. There will be. a program, ‘re- lays and dancing. Refreshments will: be served. | ‘Committee members ‘Thompson, Burrows, i are Kay chairman, with Helen Melba | Gooch, Norene Ross, Larae - Parker, _ Sharon. Rheese, Becky Burnett, Ann Fox, : Evelyn Johns and Fu Mave, con ate. a. re. |