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Show HISTORY FOR 1955-56 Linda Improvements: lips of th Movies: A new were water planted fountain in the back was added also. to Bus Jensen the yard loading in back stations of the were tarred in e building. We h ad one excellent one, threesgrades Assemblies: Valley Dances: _ by fair the Jee ertained sponsored for ninth Night dances Boys* Association Ap assemblies: presented on March 27th. On dian School presented their assembly. South gave their 22nd, and Central Davis brought their exchange assembly Evening w: t on November Eighth 25th, The llth. on April us tained front March 22nd. Student Body Girls' Association pre- sented th eirs on February 7th. The Weber High Band entertained Weber High*ts Music Depa The P.T.A. gave theirs on January 12th. ober Tu- "Ten Tall Men", Assemblies: Speech assemblies were on February 19th and assemblies were on December 21st and February 22nd. ge school, were some of was on the main November events of 18th. the The a semi-formal, date dance on February 10th; graders and their dates was on May 23rd, January 24th ne assembly on Novenibe on May Ist. Saat year. Girls' and the A sport af— Associatior graduation Melodettes: Wahliquist had a very fine group of singers this year instructed by Mr, Grant Russell and accompanied by Marilyn Chugg, an eighth grader. Besides appearing in many assemblies, they entertained in hospitals, ward churches, and before community groups. ‘ Publications: Eagle Notes was a booklet published at beginning of school and sold for 10 cents per copy. It was a student directory. The school yearbook, Tumbleweed was fine as usual, Severa issues of the school newspal paper, were printed. An innovatsen was a literary publication, _ Back-to-school-night: v with Halloween teachers, party: refreshm Plays: Three December Trysting Fathers and On November have This was held 4¢ and’ on parents came batk oy an assembly. October 28th with te spook school alley, te wet acquainted concessions, and nts. one-act plays 20th it was Place" were Daughters’ contests, a lunch, good and were presented “Courtin* given. Party: This Time". was food. under Then early in direction on May the of 22nd school Mrs. "The year Ledingham. Burglar" with games, On and "The dan Little Girl Day: It was held on April 6th. Sponsored by the Girls' Association, featured prizes for the best costumes and best talent. District elementary supervisors assisted by Mr. John and Mr. Rhees were judges, Sons’ Party: to eat. This event was on February 3rd, with games a oa and plenty PSS Mothers a program, it and |