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Show 152 Students on FARR. W eT — Julie Botsford, of 152jwere: part on ‘the students Academm bonee roll i in ihe: eighth wale ( at Wahlquist Junior Calderwood, Bet Lana Christense ee ad Join Zadsoet iain Shaw, Sally ska o! acer, | Sheila Tay to Be eat 2) High School have rated them a| Sandy Clark, Annette Davis: _—[ Denise Day, Guy DellaLuc place on the honor roll. Ninth graders on. the high Kathy Gibson, Kelly Grego ae and, on honor roll. were: Jeff Adams,| Suzanne Lana Tammy Bibee,|Hansen. Wendy Barrow, David Brady, Boren, wson, Lorene ‘Sexton, q ae LaMonte ebedlgeusee Ronda Greg Cook,|Hill, Robert Susko, Lisa KenJoan Calvert, Krebs, Joyce Claudia Davis, Diane Davis and nedy, Terry McLean, Cheryt Nakano, Diane big Rulon Eames. Y Boni Nielsen, Barry Odow, Alan GORMAN, ” nton and Darrell Spencer. oberg, Greg Hardcastle, Bret|Simo ‘Kathy _ JEFF Holt, STEVENS, per, Nanette Holmes, Susan|_ SHERI Cary” Jardine, Marilyn Tanner, Blaine Taylor, Nanette Jenkins, Joyce Maw Robyn Lundquist,|Taylor, omen Sherri Thompson, ‘Michelle Jennifer Tippetts, Melanie and ee tac Benson Roper, Mie Cheryl Rose, Mark Saunders,} On_ the — - 1 honor ‘roll th the grade were: Wahiquist _ Shelly} Skeen, Dalen Slater, Jeff eighth ‘Karen Stevens, Ken Taylor, Wendy Bates, Brook Burdick, Donette Wakefield,|Clarke, DaNene ‘Creamer, ‘Taylor Sherry and ‘Melissa Wickson Brenda Brady, Terri Brown, Rands, Roger Saunders, ‘Lynette oo Keith VanMecteren. and ‘om Favero, Alissa ee Mike fadley, Larry)‘honoror rol were ‘Knight. yventh ma graders on the Kent haan Maw, MarkiKristie Lee Freestone, eestone, D Mar». McFarland, Gene Moyes,|Hadley, Jolene Hill, Annette Yvonne i °C FRARR WEST— A Plain City presi dent Larry Knight, youth has been elected student |secretary Karen Skeen and body president of Wahlquist | historian Merilyn Jenkins. Be . ihe Junior oi omens, veel ge re ie "Ret Boren, Donnelle “TYRESHA KNIGHT, G. Scott Giftensen, Vince DeGariais M k ‘Larsson, Julayne 5 Doug|Pegsy DeGarlais, Shay Holley, ‘|Lynette Hardy, Dana Hunsaker, Worthen. ks Becky Mahas and pars a e honor roll in the ae ve Neil, Beth Olofson, Gary ae a ceon. ‘ee pvt at i for the) Girls’ association. officers for School :/|1975-76 a a | Assisting him willbe eel ae ied Rodriguez and Stephanie) a ales i. Stratford, Robby co Taylor, Tracy. Taylor, ValiShellie estergard, — Carolyn ‘Winder Thornock, Tim ‘Tanner, Alan ae Hea and Daniel Wright. _ Taking a spot on. ‘the high ‘Taylor, — Jody Taylor, ‘Bruce oe are ee Joanne and : of 00 W. 2650 Nehate “and secretary. Lorrie att, the boys! ene BG y | associati Mickie Holmes, vice president Doug Worthen and secretary David DeVries. Elected to head ‘the ninth grade class are president Lonn : Joe |Jackson, vice president : Murray, Lisa Nadell,| Holmes, Brenda. Lewis, Diane Chris Neeley, Blaine Nelson,|Mayhew, Susan Miller, Jill Mihui Pak, Trudy Peabody, Joe|Qwen and Ann Parsons. S| | Alice| Mary DEANN PARKE, Rodriguez, m, Sederhol Shawn : Paul Sorensen, Terri Storey, Saunders, ‘ Hoe h out ity ain y y Ci Pil. iB Led ie Rodriguez, < aie CE mae E an e i ne ay Pree te reestone ic eh 1 . an on president Jeff Bradford, vice mM president Nolan ‘White, :|secretary Raeann Broadbent # | and senators Rhonda Hill, Dawn | | Butterfield and Lynette Stokes. | Chosen pep club officers are | president Lisa Nadell, vice | president Coleen ‘Skeen and |secretary Tracy Taylor. ‘Winners of the cheerleader ys ee Ml} a _ MARK MONTGOMERY ~ New President Jelections are Sherese Bingham, | Teri Aeschilmann, Julayne Maw, Laurel Moys and | a Stephanie Rodriguez. . with Pénty Wilson, G on . an uage skskillsSchool Center er Lyn ge gua iY’ :Me es at the people is student cae a Knight young ‘ |