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Show EN school and to reach somep High School will be presented the to the Weber Board of Educa- parts not ‘served by. the ‘Bresent | {facilities, = _ tion Wednesday. The board also will receive a _. Approval by the board and]. plan for replacing some of the t subsequently by state agencies playground area to be elimin_ would permit construction to} ‘ated by expansion of the South _ begin this spring on the project Ogden Junior High School. that ‘Supt. G. Leland BurningThis involves use. of some ee ham is “hopeful will come in land in: the Laker subdivision if at around $2 million.” jadjacent to the junior high § ‘The project will ‘be done in _ stages to lessen impact on cur- school which has caused some @ rent use of the facility with| expression of concern by South ~ completion anticipated in the; ‘Ogden councilmen. The board also is expected t a fall of 1977. _ Presentation of the working make a decision on a proposal discussed at its last board meetdrawings on this project by arto purchase 10 new buses - chitect Sterling Lyon tops the ing this year instead of the five it we agenda for the first 1976 meetbeen acquiring each year.. ing of the Weber Board of Edu- has At its final meeting in 1975, , Canon... ae board members noted new fed- OTHER ITEMS jeral safety regulations going The meeting will commence into effect this year will make at 5:30 p.m. in the board meet- it impossible to buy 90-passening room at 1122 Washington. -|ger buses after ‘April 1. In other major items, the] DEFER PAYMENT board also will receive bids for Board members asked the ad. improvement of the communications and security systems at} ministration to prepare speci- ; fications to purchase 10 buses| Bonneville High School. . — Supt. Burningham said im- this year with payment of five- provements to the security Sys- to be deferred into the fiscal tem involves installaticn of a year and the budget for the,- WORKING PLANS for Wahlquist Junior Hi h School expansion project are reyear beginning July 1... 1 surveillance capability in aj viewed before presentation t o Weber Board of Education by (from left) AssistOther items on thep agents for move to decrease vundalism _. ant Supt. Jay Rhees, Supt. G. Leland Burni ingham and architect Wednesday's. meeting include: Sterling Ly Lyon. and break-ins at the school. in| —Preparation of a proposal | Washington Terrace. to acquire vehicles for the mainThe communications system tenance department to replace a number of vehicles with more than 100,000 miles and up to 14 years old. —Purchase of a lot for the ‘Weber High School home build- | ing program. . —Proposed ° ‘membership - of} ‘the board in the American As-} sociation of ‘School Administra- | ORS oe ee | FIVE PROJECTS ‘The Wahlquist Junior High School expansion is one of five construction projects scheduled to get under way this year in| the Weber School District. | Others included construction of new elementary schools in the Uintah, North Ogden and Kanesville areas and an expansion-remodeling of South Ogden| Junior High School. | The construction program will be financed by a $12 million bond issue authorized by distri proris ina specal. pecHon a Iqui ist Reports. 40: on Honor Roll —— all areas of FARR WEST— At the end of DeGarlais, Guy -DellaLucia, first term, more than 140 Kathy Gibson, Kelly Gregory,| students at Wahlquist Junior Diane Hansen, Ronda Hill, Taya High School were rejoicing as Jabbs and Robert Jusko. they took home honor grades. Becky! Earning high honors in the], TERRY. KREBS, ninth grade were: Jeff Adams, Mahas, Joyce McLean, Diane - Landay Barrow, Fern Bartlett, Nielsen, Kathy Tanner, Blaine ‘Diane Davis, Rulon Eames, ’!Taylor, Nanette Taylor, Sheri , Alissa Floyd; Jeff Gorman, Thompson — and Jennifer Tip-| Léann Hadley, Greg Hardcastle belts. Tim ~ Scarborough, Darrell ¥ , > and. Susan Holt. DeEtt Howard, Robyn Lun- Spencer, Sheri Stevens, Keith ist, Joyce Maw, Yvonne Van Meeteren and Nolan White. ‘tay, Michelle Nielsen,| Honor students in the eighth a Rose, Jeff Stevens, Mark grade were: Betsy Calderwood, Saun ers, Jan Taylor and) Sharlan- DellaLucia, Shay Holley, Dana Hunsaker, Wanda Daniel. Wright. ‘On the honor rolli in the ninth Turnbow, Pat Vanderkooi and ae grade were: RoLene Anderson, Jeff Wilmoth. Wendy Bibee, Teri Bingham, | In the seventh grade high honor students were: Kent David Boren, Tammy Brady,| Anderson, Terry Brown, Kari Butler, Joan Adams, Jackie Calvert, Debbie Carnahan and Tracie Carson, dD. Christenjsen, Marla — Clarke, Vince Anita Cluff. DeGarlais, Jolene | ‘DeGiorgio, GREG CooK, Sheila Cooper, Kristie Freestone, ‘Michael : David DeVries, Lana Esplin, Grange and Norette. Gri fin. Peggy Fackrell, Robyn Fawson, JOLENE HILL, Y Anette | Lisa Goodell, Douglas Groberg, Joanne Hancock, Bret Harper, Holmes, Bruce Illum, Natalie | Jardine, Bruce Jones, Brenda Lorrie Haws and Larry Hill. ‘Nanette Holmes, Bill Howard, Lewis, ‘Diane Mayhew, ~ ‘Susan Cary Jardine, Merilyn Jenkins, Miller and Leanne Moyes. Jill Owen, Deann Parke, Kent) os Lynn Knight, ‘Tyresha Knight, G.’ Scott Larsson, Mark Mc- Rawson, Mary Alice Saunders, | Farland, Mark “Montgomery, Dawn ‘Silker, Shellie Stratford, Lisa Nadell and Chris Neeley. Tim Tanner, Alan Taylor, Jody | Mihui Pak, Kenneth Pribble, Taylor, Sheila ‘Wayment and . Mamra Rauzi, Stephanie John Zadrozny. Rodriguez, Benson Roper,| On the honor roll’ in’. the Coleen Skeen, Karen Skeen, seventh grade were: Thelma Dalen Slater, - Ken “Taylor, Baldwin, Deann Brown, Raedell Sherry Wakefield, Chris. Godderidge, Geraldine Hamp, Weaver, Melissa “‘Wickson and Becky Hooper, Debbie Layne, Wendy Martin and Amy Meibos. Doug Worthen. — Taking home high honors in Ranae Miya, Chris Mousley,| the eighth grade were: Julianne Susan Saunders, Shawn SedBotsford, DaNene Creamer, derholm, Sally Skeen, Sheila Annette Davis, Peggy Taylor and Sheila Zampedri. the eee ee with ee _ munications a A modeling of Wahlquist Junior i plans for a multi mil- is being Apiproved and Oe dollar expansion and re- ed to provide for better com-@ sei ate bi “dion Sere Board to Get Plans For Va Iquist Job, -—- LT Se gaa aaa Sie |