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Show ae “meet pitcher, be held at tre end of the year, We have several promising ovtlooks in the - pesnective cutlookdng sreas, Boys in all three grades are participating in this snort, Ve will keep you posted on the doings of our team, “Staff NO... AT HLQUIST Mm April Babs we played North Ogden at Nahlquist, The starters were: Val Knight, catcher, Kevin Unck, to KEK The KH * x eK baseball KK team “Wynn Fowers, of these by the time te first over, behind 6-0, But in the 3rd started rolling imiing we Pers we were are Yavid Dana ble, everycne raig Cgden 16, PS SOFTBALL Yablgvist 5, ™ Crorther also with Roy Roy,was The that on April 8-0, Roy girls softball K*eX Roy's also . Under 9 with favor, won the direction team works the K near where also to keln us vrenare us for the big ecunty track (cont'd, next colurn) Karrie Lund Deonna Vause “rs, Asst. Cogchs Lr. | 4 sechcol in a manner as best trey can! .e are very sorry for other cirls who aren't on this team, that there vas no squad for trem for! bcy-choasing to ia PAGE 6 lifford Simple Simon Rapny Allgreen evin Plates yvindy Baker enny anis Cock Lcupis ose Fowers ebhbie Poor lan Drynound yron Black ichard Trout ivored Day aDusk beday ritc ir. ir, Shaw (not really!) the Persimmons Shaw Freddy Pappas iiss Corridor Andrew These girls, amidst falls and errors, try tc renresent out every after- future to let us know our strengths are, an Davidson Lund Stratfcrd Wary Jane Gibson Linda Costesso Coach: of track noon after schcol. Several meets have been sche“uled with other sckools in tre : Fields Manager: ebbie ebbie Dolly uy England ody West Denise Dixon Colleen lieibos : Right Field: Michelle Gibson Mary Knicht Short Stop: Julie Taylor game, 13-7, DeVries, Shari Susan left BAe7d TRACK Coach Base: . game KKK RH Ke KK Fadley Shelia Trird ~Paul “right off the . Renee Alien Maya Koga Base: Penny Baker CG nter score TAAL, * Bose: second 5-0, The First nitched, Val Knight hit two trinles, and Terry Hales rit a double, The girls also lost their softball game they played with North Czden that day also, That score was Pam Hcuses pplecorey Hancock teven Patrictic olyglas Groberg Pauline Sculptor Jon icrthless ally Choo Choo at home Gay Ann Allred iary Beth Fovers Connie Fetterscn Catch: Lisa encouraged team them Pifatt Se Heteatnt Fitch: thers wro nlayed were Kerry Parker in left field and Clifford Simpsen nitcling, Glade aodet Melody fona possi- with Kerry Ronelato 7nd Val gced luck Knight scoring, In the 6th Pt tkeir sare at Bell tris inning Gre> Graves scored Wednesday! andin the 7th inning Vad and Kerry sccred avain. The final score was lhorth Lucia and is is to sunport the 7aMes, e@ wish Della slie “inter Hike Archer arryOn ‘rong ecnsists If it % * Slater wdi HK Johnson Tracy. # pache boys: Val Knight, Gary Grant, Wynn Fowers, Ter= ry Hales, Vearl Trompson, Greg Graves, Kerry Parker, inning was NAWE GARE wen me Can you figure out who tiiese neople are? * first base, Terry Hales, second base, Vearl Thcompson, third base, Greg Graves, s'ort stop, Glade fillan Whetton, hike Jones, Crowther, left field, Kerry Glade Crovther, Cliff SimpRonelato, center field, and son, Jody Maw, Kerry RonelaMike Jones, right field, to, Kevin Knight, Kevin Unck, We got off to a slow start, and Ktrk Williams. Tre manaand THE try out ‘re Ke The Villain Grouse RowleyPoly K | KEK HX H HK K class chool of ‘uch] yell of exverience the is | The auto will be perfecte: hen it becomes "fool~ n-the-other-car" proéf, No man is a hero to his we llet, |