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Show HONOR ROLL (conti.) 8t Grade Karrie Minaga,Cindy Smith Julie Stevens,KentStratford Happiest: 8t Grade Allen, Janet Charlton,Cathy Denese Marcia Susan Jenell Karrie Marcia David Suzann Denise Colleen Meibos Gary Orton Shortest: Charlene williams Ricky Burnett Smartest: Sharon Hodson Karen Sugimoto,Craig Toone Kim Tubbs, Don Worthen Karen GOSSIP, .Gossip..Gossip.. (cont.) _ Barrow David Slater Skinniest: Susann Taylor — S§teven Rhead Checketts,Joellingland Geilman,BeverlyGibso nGabbiest: Denise Barrow Tony Taylor Graves,Chad Hancock Jenkins,StevenKoga x * * * kK Kk * F Lund,Mark Lundquist 7th Grade PERSONALITY TRAITS Parisi,CynthiaSaunde ts Slater,Bryce Taylor Best Personality: Connie S,okes Taylor,VickieTrembly steven Peterson Corey Stubbornest: Diana Bowles Scott Stratford Renee Allen,Jim Allen |jaughiest: Faye Blanch Christi Carson,ConnieCliffor Rochelle ward RonaldChristensen,Val Holle; [Craziest: Monette Lord Glade Crowther,Shanna Knight Taft Meyer Oo Grade Maya Koga, Duff Lord Most Poetic: Lynne Puckett Pat Markos, Blake Miller | Keith Kennington Debbie Miller,LorraineMiller Most Romantic: Susan Taylor Charlotte Petterson, Robert Milo Meyerhoffer Pontius, Paula Walker. Gabbiest: Linda Gibson Reed Jenkins Hey everybody-- Why not make Betty Brown | Sophisticatedist: this your goal? Don Worthen St GRADE Sweetest: Cutest: PERSONALITY TRAITS Kay Wakely Robb Miles Debbie Maw Eddie Saunders Best Looking: Janet Toughest: Olguin |. Sally Stewart Craig Wildest: Charlton Gary Orton Marcia Parisi Dale Farr Wildest: Debbie. Simmons Blake Waymen Grounchiest: Karen Rawson Nicest: Willson Jamell Hancock Corey | Montoya Lorraine Batterthwalte Sandra John Parker Jerry Ropelato Grumbiest: Joy Satter thwai tel Smartest: Shelia Lucas Ricky Freston Kevin Knight | Toughest: Jenelle Jenkins © Shyest: Joyce. Dickerson Randy Vaughn Meanest: Bonnie itddy Robert Fox Laughiest: Karen Prevedel Jerry Jackson Lovliest:Nancy Kawa “Tallest: Richard Stoney Marilyn Schoonmakdr Roger Hartman ' Shawnee Larry here's Kathy Ledingham: Slater Larsen tive nouns. Gregg: Fly-paper, and vacuum Name wo. 3 collec- waste-basket cleaner. There UD. coming to up got Thornock give her retoid story at the speech festival, and fainted Somehow, she got a superior Flat off it, and splatt!! on the floor!!She gave her solemn promise that if she got her name in the Wahl pape she'd faint. Well, Kathy... Susan Mr. called Stratford Curtis'a warlock! Boy was she mad when her stupid lit: told Mr, punk cousin Val Curtis,all about it. class That type to just is ‘much for Pam Stokes; it real gets on her nerves! You shou hear her muttering under her breath. In fact, just recent book copy and a sock her gave sent that it sprawling on the floor. Sock it to em Pam! Not to mention, but the main compla type class is that the Pat Markos pushed a desk in front of him just as he was walking down the aisle.Pat Claimed it was an accident but pretty soon Spence claim that she hit him over the with a meat grinder. We are having a very snow season, with hundreds of fal ,ccompanying Mrs. a hint. dance a girls was head Ronald Howell Supa pene Well, might Ask him what come after him. typewriters just don't Sprit | | right. "This room. isn't 4. ¥e to wa in,' said Spencer Griffin as Nicest: Smiliest: times in Kathy Thornock Blair Hancock Funniest: Joanie Talbot Chris. Lundgreen Flirtest: Debbie Groberg Mike Bowman just she these ly she got up Reed Hall Devilishest: Can you believe it... Jody was hiding in the till when he found out that Nancy was going to ask him, Well he better watch out, one of it. This is a tribute to all of you who have fallen. Too bad for ali of you who have fallen. Too bad for all of you, but I ju didn't happen to notice it. Rick Penrod had a shaking |