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Show : <n as Wednesdays ‘was a. silver- News- KSL_. Sterling Scholar program April 17 at letter day: “y for 168 high school Awards1S. pEdsram seniors-as.they were named Cott mwood High School. finalists in the Deseret NewsKSL Sterling Scholar program These 12 winners and 24 runners-up will be announced that involves $80,000 in schol- and $5,400 in cash arships awards. , The students, reining in 12. categories, were selected at regional. competition in Pleasant View, Salt Lake City and. American Fork. They were among 444 nominees from 39 high schools. (See | story on page B-1.) Ez ach of the finalists will re- ceive a silver Sterling Scholar pin and an opportunity to enter the final judging April 10 at. Woods Creat High School. Wednesday’s judging | was conducted at Weber, | Highland and American Fork — high schools. | ie : ae. not be thirteenth disclosed annual “ the.program that will Bebe heard on KSL Radio me | Clearfield. _ Se clor — Becky Cassler, pe Mark W. Bikineton, Brigh on; Jeffrey Brent Maureen Smee and Susan pee | cash and ru Davis, —— and~ Nihon in Olympus: Mabey, tay #Player, sts enter homestretch— po wink ay Plein “up, may apply ie _ David K. Gillett, Kearns} This year’scentral finalists from and sot Cat | SORE ko ah fe, Dav kas 4 c & — caer until the “Weber; Laurie Knudsen, Box and Carol ee oa i FOREIGN LANGUAGE — Amy J. Barker, Davis, Arlin Somers, Ben Lomond; David Logan, nes Cyprus M. East, ve, and Tim uateaarics ‘SI On, Naylor, Granite, enOK aL oyd David Newell, Orem ; Elaine Schaelling, »Pleasan | ” , » and Bonneville.— : | Stephanie Cherie Ann Arave, lamhoa Gamboa, ; | Judge Memorial; Martine Mahoney, Olympus; Gregory D. | Moss, Kearns; Tom Pruess, Yorgason, Granger. a “Mary — Sue Span South; Conny Remund, Cot‘Baadsgaard | tonwood, and Clara Thayne, Fork; Mike Dyer, : “terson, Jordan. : SCIENCE — j oe Brimhall, = et- Harold Christensen, Box Elder: Tad =| Clearfield; Aaron Box Granger. Fork; Vance Law, Provo, and Anna Thimakis, Bingham. _ Chadburn,| ART AND ART CRAFTS — Moore, Koch, Weber; ‘Dale Neibaur, Ogden; Sherrie Mendoza, Ben| RICKY TT. Burningham, Sase, Granite, Nuttall, Patricia South; Lindsay, East; Dale a e : s oe d P y. C Cy Cyprus, and Pearce, ark ual and coe Schmidt, Granite. | Wendy Brown, Orem; Max Janet Fork, Cornshy,: Spanish and Jordan, Hendrickson, wee y ie Glissmeyer, Olympus; Christi Matheson, Cottonwood; , Kay Thon as, Granger. 4 McDonald, South. »Bates, Lehi; Alan Young Provo: Cather. . Te Darling, Neil Tae Kathleen Fisher, South; Jodi Donald and Skyline, Pure Olus, Bryan Pernelids, Bonneville; and GregJeffrey Holbrook, “Layton, Hall Wagner, Logan. Maribeth Christensen, , West;. Olympus; Highland; Jarvis, Nathan Robin Luch, Granger; Joel) Zitting, pe eanne Takohashi, Bonneville; Glenna Washburn, Davis, and Lynette Zahmel, Logan. Sane ae nr io Ogden; Suinmiere, Box Eiders Mitte: Thane Sylvia ae Fernley, tia 7 a R. Friz, Ogden; Wendy Liu, who in specific caTEROrI6e. Deseret Elder, Kyle and Sutherland, Olympus, Ronald Vandermyde, Murray. : may receive one, and others | Diane. Cummings, Sky include runners-up or finalists De Etté Farnsworth, howe Robert Schone we only to“ winners, tho north, Brighton; : Caywood, 1s Hillcrest; -Traer and Jordan, Casta. teal Wendell Gibby, Orem. . whe for scholarships Jillair Henrié. Viewmont, and Perkins, Davis. . Granger. | Bountiful: ~ Steve Jacob, Granger; Jeff Magee, Skyline; Douglas PeSundberg, that total $80,000. Some are of- fered Bonne- Elder; Lana Hubbard . Lomond; Paul Mann, dersen, te Utah Scott Rosery ‘Ville, and Keith Voegele, | ,! ‘Layton. Cottonwood, $100. Under arré es. me gary during thet ring . American Buhler, R. and Fork, Patrice Pope, Provo. | BUSINESS EDUCATION — Marilyn Criddle, Clearfield; and Mark Newman, Provo. GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP — “Vicky Lee Gilbert, Box Hendrix, Sheila Lucas, Weber; Debra Elder; Brian L. Gould, Bonne- Layton; Alan Shade, Weber, shawn Twitchell, Davis, and ie Hh Holjeson, Ogden, and Susan pyxton. Ben Lomond. Buxton, pen Lome joing Raty Orem. ' VOCATIONAL TION Box — Elder; EI Richard Brian aed Lamano, Alan Willams, Bear River. Dan Bradshaw, Carstensen, Larsen, Speirs, East; John Skyline; John Murray; Aaron B. Cyprus; Spencer Packer, Brighton, and Terry - folomon, Regina (¢eliqg Bonneville; Grimm, Hatton, Xynzler, East; HOMEMAKING ~ Contant, — Jackie M. Douglass, Sky View; Corey Davis: Weber, Welling, We Bs Skyline; Dolglas Gailbraith, Kearns; Anne. 3 Henkels, Judge Memorial: young, Murray. weve , Hilton, Patrice Arent, East: Cheryl Kristine and Susan M. Valentine, D Brad Duane Brad Bountiful. Kearns; {Ljindeman, Cottonwood; Lisa tillman, Skyline, and Ray MUSIC Julie ville: Dale d and Brighton; Russell Joe Brimhall, Payson; — Clough, Jordan, Tew, Provo. Fork, Merrill Hallam, a 2nd David Peet,Lehi. Eileen Mark Johnson, Slympus, and cl Ro sae Clark Shurtz, hey Clay Jarvis Nielsen, Spanish Fork, Christensen, Orem. ~ and ar |