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Show 42 WEBER ACADEMY CATALOGUE and interest, and their application to commission, insurance, bank discount, stocks and bonds, averaging ac-counts, partnership, settlements, etc. Five hours throughout the year required of all first year commercial students. BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCEAfter the mastery of letter forms and fundamental principles of letter writing the student is given practical work in conducting all kinds of business correspondence. Three hours per week throughout second semester. Required of all first year commercial students. COMMERCIAL LAWThis course comprises a study of those matters of law that have constant application to business lifecontracts, negotiable instruments, lien, guaranty and suretyship, interest and usury, sale of personal and real property, warranty, bailment, agency, partnership, joint stock companies and corporations, insurance, common carriers, attachment, stoppage in transit, real estate, banking, taxes, distribution after death, property rights, etc. COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHYA study of the commerce and leading industries of the world, treating of the influence of geographical location, relief, soils, and climate, in determining the character of natural resources; the development of greater industries; the location of commercial and industrial centers; and routes of trade. HISTORY OF COMMERCEThe test in commercial geography presupposes some general knowledge of political and commercial history as preliminary to the study of the present trend of commerce. For this reason the history of commerce is given. The origin, early development and growth of commerce is studied, and its influence upon the world's civilization is traced, ending with the two great eras: the age of steam and the age of electricity. PENMANSHIPThe object of this course is to develop, through proper exercises, a plain, easy, and above all, legible business handwriting. "WEBER ACADEMY CATALOGUE 43 SHORTHAND a. The most part of the year is devoted to the study and complete mastery of the system, practicing for accuracy, legibility and ease in writing and reading. During the remaining time dictation is given, with accuracy still the paramount thought. SHORTHAND b. After a review of the text the student goes immediately to dictation, practicing for speed as he progresses, takes more difficult matter, including correspondence of great variety, legal forms, circulars, speeches, etc. SPELLINGIn this course special attention is given to commercial and legal words, but not to the exclusion of the miscellaneous terms. The aim is to give the ear as well as the eye a careful training to the right formation of the word. Correct pronunciation and definitions are prominent features of this course. Three hours throughout first semester. Required of all first year commercial students. ENGLISHSee outlines of English subjects. MATHEMATICSSee outlines of Mathematical subjects. Typewriting The typewriting department occupies a large, well-lighted room, and has a first-class equipment of fifty standard machines and new furniture. The student has unexcelled facilities for becoming an expert typewriter. Speed, accuracy and neatness are the qualifications every student is required to work for; no erasing is allowed, and each lesson must receive the teacher's approval before the student goes on another lesson. The Touch system is used exclusively. For advanced students writing from dictation for the acquirement of a high rate of speed is practiced. Filling legal forms, directing envelopes, writing architectural specifications, are types of the different forms of practice. Each student is taught |