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Show 36 CONTRACT RECORD - 1941 41-2) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - 13,500 ft. Breakwater and Restoring 12,500 ft. Breakwater - Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbor a) Their Contract No. - W-509-ENG. -1381 b) Job amount - $10,321,300 c) Dated - April 1,1941 d) Bond amount - $5,160,650 Performance $2,500,000 Payment e) By - F & D - Aetna - Hartford - USF & G = 12-1/2% each 19 others = 50% f) Utah Construction Co. portion - Ed. D. Smith & Sons (on Premium) g) Compensation Insurance with - Indus trial Indemnity Exchange h) Columbia Construction Company - a joint venture composed of: Henry J. Kaiser Co. 15% Kaiser Co, 15% Utah Construction Co. 10% Morrison-Knudsen Co. 10% W. A. Bechtel Co. 10% MacDonald-Kahn Co. 10% General Construction Co. 10% J. F. Shea Co. 10% Pacific Bridge Co. 10% 41-3) Bethlehem Steel Company - Foundation Work for Buildings and Shipways - San Francisco Bethlehem Yards__ a) Their Contract No. - Requisition AH-2733 b) Job amount - $2,600,000 c) Dated - Joint venture agreement - January 2, 1941 d) Risdon Yard joint venture composed of: MacDonald-Kahn Co. 60% Utah Construction Co. 10% Kaiser Co. 10% Pacific Bridge Co. 10% J. F. Shea Co. 10% 41-4) City of San Francis co - Three-Story Underground Union Square Garage - San Francis co a) Job amount - $1,200,000 b) Joint venture agreement dated - March 30, 1941 c) Liability insurance - Adv. $15, 000 5/2 |