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Show 41-16-2 (4)) California Shipbuilding Corporation - 31 Vessels and an Additional 24 Vessels - Wilmington, California a) Total amount - $90,750,000 - 55 Boats 31 Vessels - $51,150,000 24 Vessels - $39,600,000 b) Corporation formed - January 6, 1941 c) Approximate fee - $ 6,050,000 d) Completion time - 31 Vess els - March 19, 1943 24 Vessels - March 14, 1943 e) Utah Share - 4.55% Stockholding 41-17-1 (3)) Houston Shipbuilding Corporation - 6 Ways and an Additional. 3 Ways - Houston, Texas a) Total amount - 9 Ways - $6, 673, 000 6 Ways - $4,680,000 3 Ways - $1,993,000 b) Corporation formed - January 6, 1941 c) Completion time - 6 Ways - September 15, 1941 3 Ways - October 15, 1941 d) Utah Share - 5. 25% Stockholding $5,250 Actual Investment - $31,500 41-1 7-2 (4)) Houston Shipbuilding Corporation - 25 Vessels and 12 Additional Vessels - Houston, Texas a) Total amount - $61,050,000 - 37 Boats 25 Vessels - $41,250,000 12 Vessels - $19,800,000 b) Corporation formed - January 6, 1941 c) Completion time - 25 Vessels - March 19, 1943 12 Vessels - March 14, 1943 d) Utah Share - 5.25% Stockholding e) Approximate Fee - $4,070,000 41-18) Todd-California Shipbuilding Corp. - Chemical Engineering Division - Magnesium plant - Permanente a) Total amount - $3,000,000 b) Utah Interest - 6% |