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Show August 18, 1953 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - Cherry Valley Dam - California a) Bid amount - $8,707,000, Utah (sponsor) and Western Contracting Corp. b) San Francisco Office c) Low bidder and bid amount - Guy F. Atkinson, $7,162,800 August 19, 1953 Department of Public Works, State of California - Improvement of Waldo Grade - Marin Cty., Calif. a) Bid amount - $6,203,000, Bates and Rogers (sponsor) and Utah b) San Francisco Office c) Low bidder and bid amount - Guy F. Atkinson, $4,122,000 August 20, 1953 Consolidated Coppermines Corporation - Brooks and Morris Pits Stripping -Kimberley, Nevada a) Bid amount - $4,885,197 b) Salt Lake Office c) Low bidder and bid amount - Isbell Construction Company, unknown September 24, 1953 Phillips Petroleum Company - Installation of Piping for a truck loading rack - Woods Cross, Utah_ a) Bid amount - $10,640 b) Salt Lake Office c) Low bidder and bid amount - Horace Brothers Construction Company, unknown October 6, 1953 Salt Lake Pipeline Company - Relocation of 8" pipe Duchesne, Utah a) Bid amount - $11,880 b) Salt Lake Office c) Low bidder and bid amount - Engineers Pipeline Ltd., unknown October 19, 1953 Kennecott Copper Corp. - Stripping - Western Pit at Kimberley, Nevada _ a) Bid amount - $1,195,080 b) Salt Lake Office c) Low bidder and bid amount - Isbell Construction Company, unknown |