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Show JOURNAL OF THE STODDARD SCHOOL DISTRICT ORGANIZED 1893 SUBMITTED BY EUNICE CLAWSON PREECE LAKE MOUNT JOY CAMP Jessie Creager, Morgan County D.U.P. Historian JOURNAL OF THE STODDARD SCHOOL DISTRICT: District organized 1893: September 5, 1893 trustees were appointed by the county court and according to law qualified October 7, 1893. October 20, 1893, said trustees met at district school house and organized as follows: D. Clawson, Chairman, T. M Grover, Clerk, E. E. Lyon, Treasurer. Agreement was entered November 20, 1893 with Mill Olga Edholm to teach said school for three months at the rate of thirty dollars per month. Also agreed to pay D. Clawson, two dollars and fifty cents per month for house rent. First term of school opened November 20, 1893 and closed February 16, 1894. Second term opened February 19th and closed March 23, 1894. Expenses during school year, receipts by orders: From T. R. Condie, Supt. Dec 1893 $44.60 Jan 1894 $46.20 Jan 1894 $1.10 Apr 1894 $46.75 TOTAL $138.65 Orders cashed by county treasure....$137.55, not cashed up to date ...$1.10 Expenditures: To Teacher $120.00 Rent for school room 5.00 School room desks 30.00 Schoolroom repairs 3.55 Fuel 8.20 Stationary .45 Janitor 2.00 $169.20 Debts incurred still due: Rent $2.50 Repairs $1.00 Fuel $2.80 Janitor $1.00 $7.30 Other Debts Incurred: Jan 29, 1894, To note to school furnishing company for school chart for $30.00 payable in one year drawing interest at the rate of 6%....To note to J. Williams the aum of $60.00 payable six months from date with interest at the rate of 1%. ...To W. L. Smith $50.00 for lot for school building. Said lot covering 9 x 17 3/4 rods with one half share in Enterprise irrigating canal. Paid on said lot $22.50 balance still due $27.50 payable autumn 1894. Total indebtedness $124.80/ Having this seventh day of December 1894, carefully audited the accounts of Stoddard District 1893-1894, I hereby certify that they are correct as heads the following years accounts, page 5. Signed Thomas R. Condie, County Superintendent. STATEMENTS - 1894-1895 Entered in to contract with Simmons V Mortison,July to build school house they furnish all material and work and finish building in a first class manner for $439.00. Payments as follows: based on interest for one half when building is finished the other half in cash on December 31, 1894. Received from North Morgan by order of County Clerk, $100.00. Note for $100.00 , sold at $2.00 discount to S. Francis. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS-- 1894-1895 By outstanding indebtedures incurred last year, June 30 $78.35 By city lot for district $50.00 To country warrant now on hand 1.10 To amount indebtedness , over reported 2.45 Order on county treasure for special school tax received $221.00 By note J. Williams and interest at 10 per 8 months $64.00 By order on In. Tres. for W. S. Smoth for school lot $25.00 Coal for school $15.50 Repairs for School ..ZCMI 5.00 Teachers Desk 1.50 Services for cleaning school house 1.50 To order on N. Morgan from Co. Superentendant 7.50 By note in at 8 percent Mortenson and Simmons on school house contract $375.00 By order received county tax $49.15 By order received a propriation $59.45 Paid to teacher $15.00 W. Smith for services 1.50 G. Heiner for repairs 7.50 Order received April 12, 1895, country super $49.30 From North Morgan $100.00 By note one hundred dollars sold for $98.00 To Simmons & Mortison , cash $363.15 To teacher $75.00 Sor janitor work 8.75 For dance for district 7.00 Note J. Williams 75.00 Note for chart 3.80 Coop Wagon & Machine Company stove 11.50 1895-1896 For indebtedness from last year $556.85 From county warrant from last year 1.10 Order received special tax $495.45 Orders from Co. Su for special tas $181.15 money drawn on warrants (five hundred and fifty seven $557.25 dollars and twenty five cents) Paid to teacher $184.40 Janitor work 10.00 Coal 12.50 School Dance 3 .10 Blackboard and whitewashing - broom, screen - chalk 19.20 Repairing benches 2.00 To trustees for last years service 15.00 Z.C.M.I. store bill, last years .45 STATEMENTS ---1895 and 1896 Debts unpaid Due J. Williams tow hundred and forty one dollars and fifty five cents. CE Condie fifteen dollars and sixty cents. Due clerk for taking school census, two dollars, Due clerk for his services book-keeping ten dollars, due treasure for services, forty cents. Total indebtdeness of district.... 269.55 Warrant for special tax on hand.. 119.90 $149.85 The Stoddard district account for the year ending June 30, 1896, reports an indebted¬ness of $269.55 with an amount on hand in the nature of a warrant on county treasure of $119.70. T. R. Condie, Co. Supt. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS -- 1895 - 1896 J. Williams for lumber for coal house $2.50 Simmons and Mortison, note for building school house paid on interest and principal $221.50 Paid treasure for services 4.60 Rebuild coal house & hauling lumber on last years account 2.50 Paid note to Nic Benek for bell & co note and in. 34.05 Paid to co wagon for stove 11.50 Amount on hand. .$119 . 70 , due C. A. Smith for trustee services eight dollars, T. M. Grover paid $8.00, A. J. Hemming paid $8.00 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS -- 1896 - 1897 Moss Brothers for Lumber $10.00 Pentz for hauling lumber 8.40 T.M. Grover, trustee service 18.75 Paid C. A. Smith trustee service 8.00 T.M. Grover bal trustee service 1.25 A.J. Hemming janitor work 10.00 A.J. Hemming trustee service 7.35 Charles Condie, teaching 15.60 Wells Grover hauling coal 6.00 J. Williams coalshovel .90 George Heiner coal 3.25 Pat - whitewashing 2.00 Ghas Pentz, 26.00 hundred coal 4.22 A. Robison work out house 3.00 C. Pentz work out house 1.00 Order received special tax $21.50 Order received special tax 40.00 Order received special tax 45.00 Order received 30.00 Wm Hemming work out house 3.00 A.J. Hemming work out house 3.00 Hyrum Smith lumber .75 J. Williams shingles 2.60 Received from the state and county school fund 37.80 Received from the state and county school fund 68.25 Received from state and county school fund 102.53. Current expences 1.80 Handling lumber .75 T.R. Condie for blanks 1.25 Peter Rock for playing for dance 1.00 Calling for dance .75 Repairing chart 1.25 one box chalk ,25 For samp. 1.87 Left on hand $107.80 For special purposes 4.45 Payed out 192.25 Special tax left 9.25 Received from state county fund 208.60 Paid teacher 200.60 remainder Emily Bohman Morgan City, Utah, Dec 11, 1897, received of A.J.Hemming, treasure of Stoddard school district 45 cts to apply to apatement -- 1896, tax P.A. Little, treas. DISBURSEMENTS FOR SCHOOL YEAR 1897-1898 Connway Morris trustee service $10.00 A.J. Hemming, trustee service 10.00 Charles J. Pentz, trustee service 10.00 Repairs & Improvement . 80 2200 hundred of coal 4.35 Janitor salaries 10.00 Taking sensus and book-keeping 12.00 For hauling coal 7.00 For improvements 4.05 Receipts for school year 1898 and 1899 On hand state and co. fund 2.65 District 1.02 Received special money 55.00 Received of state and county fund 410.97 DISBURSEMENTS FOR - 1898 - 1899 Bell rope, stove pipe and wire, broom 1.30 A.J. Hemming, trustee service 10.00 Conway Morris, trustee service 10.00 C. Pentz , trustee service 10.00 C. Pentz for taking sensus 5.00 Ed Preece 36.00 coal 5.05 Freight on bell 4.60 Cleaning school house 1.10 payment on bell in full 23.14 For whitewashing school house 4.50 For janitor work E. Smith 1.50 For expences of dance and picnic 2.50 For puting up bell .75 for janitor service 5.00 For janitor service 3.50 Albert Sion 39.50 coal 5.53 Dan Williams note and interest 67.20 J. Williams note and interest 51 ..75 The above account of the Stoddard School is correct... s/ Victor R. Bohman Balance on hand for 1899.. State and county fund 18.89 Special 38.33 Receipts for the school year 1899-1900 Received special district tax 150.50 State appoitionnent 151.01 County appointionnent 62.57 RECEIPTS OF 1900 and 1901 From balance on hand of last years state & county school fund 35.17 Dec 8, drawed for district expence 40.00 Dec 8, from county school fund of 1900 and 1901 41.25 Drawed for teacher one month- Jan 26 40.00 Jan 26, drawed for district expence 110.00 Dec 22, drawed for district expence 14.75 Jan 26 drawed for teacher one month 40.00 DISBURSEMENT OF 1900-1901 July 1, for amount borrowed from state and county school fund reported on hand 13.99 For uncollected county school tax of 1898 2.68 See warrant book of 1900 for the rest of disbursements for last years services to George Robison, trustee. Jul 1, 1901, . This certifies that I have audited accounts of the Stoddard district for the past year and find an amount on hand of state and county school funds of 26.51. s/ Thos R. Condie, Co. Supt. DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE SCHOOL YEAR 1899- 1900 Nov 15th Ed Preece trustee service 10.00 Nov 11th Estella Smith, cleaning school .75 Nov 11th Nellie Preece, " " .40 Nov 13th J. J. Lyon whitewashing 2.75 Nov 13th E. Lyon, trustee service 14.00 Nov 1st C. J. Pentz trustee service 5.00 Nov 13th J. Williams sundries for school house 2.25 Dec 20th Allie Lyon, janitor work 1.50 Jan 13th George Robison, coal for school 8.50 Mar 3rd T. M. Grover Janitor work 2.50 Feb 27th Alabert Lyon coal for sbhool 5.65 Mar 18th T. M. Grover janitor work 1.00 Mar 2nd Allie Lyon Janitor work 1.00 May 146h Allie Lyon janitor work 2.00 May 16th C. E. Lyon Trustee service 1.50 May 16th School dance and picnic 4.00 May 16th J. Williams note and interest 124.60 May 16th J. Williams, broom, chalk, glass 1.00 Receipts 1900- 1901, Balance on hand of state and county, Aug 1, 1900 $35.17 The district fund is indebt $4.99. Receitps of 1900 and 1902, July 1, from acount on hand of state & county school Bund, 26.5. Disbursements of 1901 and 1902, Jul 1, for current expenses pasy year, 2.16. Record from county treasure 1901 Dec 20 thru June 28, by check $396.01. 1902. July 1, the acount of this district for the past year show an amount on hand of state and county school fund of district fund, I find that the trustees have not been conpensated for past year no census taken..R. R. Condie. Co. Supt. Receipts of 1902 and 3 Jul 1, From amount on hand of school fund 21.51 From amount on hand, special tax. 50.99 1902, Received from county treasure Nov 24, special tax money 150.00 Dec 19, No 456 Cgonty warrant 95.70 Jan 20, 1903 No. 466 Stata warrant 92.51 Mar 7, 486, state 18.62 Mar 7, Special money 125.00 April 18, no. 498 rential and state money 25,52 Jun 13, special 589.85 EXPENCE ACCOUNT 1902- 1903 Trustees G. Robison, C. A. Smith and Wm Lyon 38.00 Janitor, Earnest Smith & Lot Smith 15.00 Joseph Williams note 43.55 Joseph Williams lumber 6.60 Joseph Williams note on organ 21.40 Z.C.M.I. Nds and c 11.95 Roy Heiner Cedar Post 6.60 Leo laggard stove pipe 3.95 Mr. A. Hines Labor 4.00 C. A. Smith census and labor 5.00 C. A. Smith white washing chool house 4.00 Alice lyon cleaning 2.40 Wm H. Lyon, attendance at board meeting 1.50 Wm H. Lyon coal and hauling 7.80 Wm H. Lyon coal and hauling 4.25 Geo Robison coal and hauling 8.50 Wm Smith cleaning s/pipe 1.50 Geo Robison chores 1.35 Trustees, Wm H. Lyon , C. A. Smith and T. Robison 38.00 Teachers Mrs. Molly Frisby, five months teaching 40 per month 200.00 RECEIPTS OF 1902 and 1903 July 1, from amount on hand of school fund 53.86 from amount on hand of special tax 110.59 Dec 21, special tax 122.81 Feb 16, 1904 County check no. 523 92.40 Feb 16 State check no. 532 99.96 Feb 15 State check no. 550 26.04 May 9, State check no. 540 23.31 April 19, money from Morgan Bank 75.00 on note.. total 603.97 EXPENCE ACCOUNT Special Wm. Lyon Coal 7.65 Special Jos William and Sons Wall Paper & Hardware 22.55 Special Z.C.M.I. Candy & Nuts & C 4.80 Special O. Evans Book Case Freight & Expand C 13.00 Special Wm. Lyon Repairs 2.25 Music and Promptor 5.50 Special C. A. Smith Note books & C 1.75 Special C. A. Bond Painting & Papering 70.00 Special H. B. Ery Books & Supplies 54.04 Special Wm. Robinson Insurance 9.60 County Alie Thurston Music Teacher 7.98 Special C. A. Smith Census 2.00 Special Old Books 20.73 Special William O. Smith Janitor 18.00 County Belva Slater Teacher (six months at $45.00 per month 270.00 Special C. A. Smith Trustee Special T. Q. Robinson Trustee 38.00 Special Wm. H. Lyon Trustee Special Morgan Bank Intrest 3.75 Special George Q. Robinson Coal 15.00 Totle 566.60 Minutes of a school meeting held July 13, 1897 in the Stoddard district school house for the purpose of election one trustee to serve for the term of 3 three years. David Clawson was elected to the office.... Charles J. Pentz, clerk. Voters of the school election held in July 12, 1897: Thomas Grover, Louisa Grover, Nathaniel Smith, Conway Morris, Charles J. Pentz, A. J. Penta, Mary E. Smith, W. S. Smith, T. M. Grover, Mary E. Lion. Minutes of public school meeting held in Stoddard district Dec 30, 1893 was called to order by Chairman of board, D Clawson the notiee of object of the meeting was read and a tax was levied of three forths of one per cent to carry on expences of district voting was done by ballot poles was open four houES. Voters: W9 Smith, A. J. Hemming, J, J. Lyon, C. E. Lyon, T. M. Grover, D Clawson C. A. Smith, J. W, Preece. An election was held Nov 7, 1893 for the purpose of electing 3 trustees to serve for the term of two years. The following men was duly elected. T, M. Grover, 2 years, A. A. Smith, 2 years, A. J. Hemming, 2 years. Stoddard Dec 31, 1896, as per call of notice the resident taxpayers met in school house for the purpose of considering the question of levying a special tax for building and improvements the rate was fixed at seven mills for building and three mills for improvements the designated time for polling arriving separate balloting for each were made which resulted in 16 for no tax and 3 for tax the chairman annouced the result after which meeting was adjourned. Conway Morris chairman, Charles Pentz, clerk Stoddard School Dristrict: Minu es of a trustee meeting held December 30, 1896 the trustees met and levied a special tax of one fourth of one per cent. meeting adjourned Charles J. Pentz, clerk. Minutes of school meeting held Dec 20, 1894 in district school house according to no5ice. Chairman of the board was absent and a motion was put and carried that W. S. Smith act as chairman and said meeting the notice was first in order was read by the clerk, notice to the tax payer of Stoddard district are herein notified that Dec 20, 1894 and conmencing at 6 PM a public meeting will be held in district school house for the prupose of leving a special tax in order to carry on expences and balance on school house dated Dec 1, 1894. After which a motion was put that we levy a tax of one and one half percent and was voted by ballot and was carried in a clear note. A motion was put that we give the taxpayers of district a chance to labor on school house lot and all other labor that will have to be done according to the amount of tax they have to pay. The minutes was read and accepted meeting adjorned. Clerk of board, T. M. Grover. Voters: T. Grover, D. Clawson, W. S, Smith, E.M. Preece, N. Smith, W. P. Rollins, T. M. Grover, A, J, Hemming. Minutes of school meeting held July 8, called to order by chairman C. A. Smith first in order the notiee was read as follows public notice . A school meeting will be in stoddard district school house Jul8, 1895, and an examination will be made for trustees. Dated June 18, 1895 the report was read and excepted it was moved and carried that the trustees be rewarded five dollars each for their services for the fear ending Jun 30. Adjoruned. T. M. Grover Clerk of school board. Stoddard school district minutes of trustees meeting held Dec 31, 1895. Trustees met and surveyed a special tax of one forth of one percent, meeting adjourned, Clerk T. M. Grover. Minutes of the public school meeting held July 13, 1896 in Stoddard school district for the purpose of electing school trustees the notice was read and Charles J. Pentz was elected trustee to serve for the term of three years. A J Hemming for two years and Conway Morris for one year. T. M. Grover, clerk Minutes of public school meeting held July 13, 1896 in stoddard district school house the anual report was read and the notice was read and apoitnment was alowed of eight dollard each trustee per meeting adjourned forth the year ending June 30. Voters at school election: E. M. Preece, Natinal Smith, C. J. Pentz, T. M. Grover Bell Grover, A. J. Hemming, Delia Hemming, E. S Pentz, David Clawson, Harriet Clawson Sarah Smith, G. H. Smith. October 22, 1896; paid to T. M. Grover for trustee services and for taking census services and for clerking slip, eighteen dollars and seventy five cents 18.75, leaving a balance of one dollar and twenty five cents, 1.25 still due T. M. Grover. Dec 1, 1896; paid C. A. Smith for his trustee service in full in order on the colector on special tax 8.00 in full. Dec 15, 1896; paid C. J. Pentz for lumber for out house vallue of 10.00 Dec 15, 1896;;; Paid C. J. Pentz for hauling lumber out house, 8.40. Articles of agreements between Conway Morris and Charles J. Pentz and Alfred J. Hemming school board of stoddard school district Morgan County Utah for two terms of school commencing Monday October 26, 1896, conditions upon efficiency as per- scribed in our latest school laws. We the trustees of Stoddard District, Morgan County Utah and for the length of time above mentioned do affix our signatures below certifying that we will engage the above mentioned J. T. Davison for the length of time above mentioned and will pay him forty dollars per month for his services, Charles J. Pentz. Trustees subject and in concideration of the above aggreement I pledge all my services and by way of affirmation affix my signature to this agreement. Teacher; J.T. Davison We further agree to furnish the school room with such apparatus as may be necessary consistent with our means. Dec 15, 1896, paid T. M. Grover for trustee service balance due him 1.25, one dollar and twenty five cents. |