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Show THE ART OF DRESS You can not obtain a finished education under poor instruction. Hence, you choose to attend the Academy. Neither can you DRESS WELL with inferior, out-of-date materials. So we invite the young ladies of the Academy and everyone else interested in new and correct ideas, to call and see our handsomely Tailored Suits, Dress Goods and Suitings. You will find that Burt's SILKS and WAIST1NGS wear better and come in prettier patterns than are found elsewhere, Don't overlook our GLOVES, VEILS and BELTS; all the new styles. BURT'S is a store of HIGH QUALITY, and reasonable prices. S. J. BURT & BROS. You Can't Blot it Out That OUR SHOES are sold on their merits. Our Qualities are High Our Prices Low. Dee Stanford Shoe CO., Washington Avenue. Office and School Supplies, Late Books, Fine Stationery and Church Publications. EASTER NOVELTIES. SPARGO'S BOOK STORE. THE ACORN. VOL. I. MARCH, 1904. YOU ARE SOMEBODY'S IDEAL. (Synopsis of a lecture delivered at Union meeting held in Ogden Tabernacle February 14, 1904.) There is a disposition in the human family to copy the actions of others, be they good or be they evil. The history of the world bears evidence of this fact. We are imitators of those who have gone before, as evidenced by the races of people who inhabit the earth. All people are born into the world in the same manner, but environment in early childhood shapes the destiny of each individual. The Arabian prefers a nomadic life, not because he enjoys comfort and ease, but because he is an imitator of the habits and customs of his ancestors. He prefers to live on the great plains and deserts, exposed to the elements, fearless and free, not regulated by the laws of man. His food is prepared as it has been by his ancestor for hundreds of years, not because it is more nourishing or palatable, but because his appetite has been educated to it in his childhood. He dresses in the flowing garment of the Orient, not because of convenience or tidy appearance, but because his fathers clothed that way. The inhabitants of the islands of the South Pacific are another type of people in their habits, customs and mode of life. Although descendants from the same source as the Arabian through another strain of blood, their isolation from the influences of the No. 2 Far East has changed their idea of life. Without effort they secure their food from the trees and from the ocean; they are indolent and careless. They clothe themselves only in the garb provided by nature, and the sexes mingle indiscriminately with little or no wearing apparel. This was true of men and women alike previous to the advance of civilization among them. Here we have the two extremes: the Arabian woman clothing her body and veiling her face, the woman of the islands indifferent entirely to any sense of modesty. Look at, the American Indian of three hundred years ago and then consider from whence he descended. Environment not only changed his habits, but darkened the color of his skin as well. Contrast these people with the races who have accepted Christianity, and we no longer wonder that Jesus the Christ is the ideal of so many of our Father's children. As a result of His teachings and habits, comfort, culture, and refinement have increased in the world, and were the world to fully emulate His example, all these would be multiplied unto us. IT IS WELL TO HAVE IDEALS, PROVIDING THEY ARE GOOD IDEALS: To have for our ideals such men as Robinhood, who was the ideal of his followers because he was brave and generous of heart would tempt us to partake also of his disposition to be a robber and a thief, because he pos- |