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Show APOTHECARIES’ WEIGHT 20 grains .. 1 scruple 8 drams .... 1 ounce 8 scruples ... 1 dram 12 ounees .. 1 pound _ Ounce and pound same as in Troy Weight METRIC EQUIVALENT—Linear Measure 1 centimeter, |45; 5... 0s. cccscecse 0.3937 inch STO slic co abict ba ves sde tc ox 2.54 centimeters 1 decimeter ........ 8.9387 inches — 0.328 foot ™ 1 £OOb mas « vpn cine a) oe coe bance 8.048 decimeters 1 meter onic cicwe +». 89.37 inches — 1.0936 yards lL yard weverererivre ct 0.9144 meter AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT 2711/82 grains 1 dram 25 pounds . 1 quarter 16 drams ... 1 16 ounces .. 2,240 pounds ounce 4 quarters 1 pound 2,000 lbs.. .......... ’ .... 1 1 cwt 2% inches 4 quarters 1 1 1 1 1 1 MEASURE .... 1 nail 4 nails .... 1 quarter ...... Simmons weve ey hes ede ei hiuyard 1 CUBIC MEASURE 1,728 eubic inches ............... 1 cubie foot ZT cubic, feet; csiccdccsccccccecce 1 eubie yard 126 etic TOS, ee. er 1 cord (wood) 40 cubic feet ........ eeeeee 1 ton (shipping) 2,150.42 cubic inches ...... 1 standard bushel 281 cubic inehes ...... 1 U.S. standard gallon 1 cubic foot ....... «.- about 4/5 of a bushel DRY 2 pints ..... 1 quart 8 quarts ..... 1 peck LIQUID 1 b 1 1 oe 544 yards MEASURE 4 pecks .... 1 bushel 86 bushels 1 chaldren MEASURE MEASURE 24 sheet, 1 quire; 20 quires, 1 ream (480 shts.) 2 reams ... 1 bundle 6 bundles .... 1 bale SQUARE 144 sq. in....1 sq. ft. 9 sq. ft 1 sq. yd. 801% sq. yds..1 sq. rd. 40 sq. reds ... 1 rood 4 reods ...... 1 acre 640 acres . 1 sq. mile TIME MEASURE seconds . 1 minute 24 hours ...... 1 day minutes .. 1 hour 7 days ...... 1 week 29, 30 or 31 days ...... 1 calendar month days .... 1 month — in computing interest days ..... 1 year 866 days .. 1 leap yr. MISCELLANEOUS 8 inches ..... 1 palm 6 inches .... 1 4 inches ..... 1 hand 18 inches .... 1 SaeS inches. As mioin do ooiel as cece. 1 Bible WM kes nnsgattanadssss sends Ek military spare eubit eubit pace navdesiethls os sdeeees 43,560 square cord, ! 3.624 feet. . ' _ gram L pound: e@eeeeeszeeeeeereeeeeecese es oa ne coeeees. 8. bE1. once ue dct ton ............. APPROXIMATE 1 1 | 1 METRIC 0.9072 grams | kilogram metrie gam ton 1 Wektetiter EQUIVALENTS Wp PTOI 5... lee cedeccecsccceail eT Peis... .......... oe eee entescccens ' 19—Patriot’s Day APRIL 21—San APRIL 26—Confederate Jacinto MAY and Mass.). ( Tex.). Memorial laration MAY N.C.) 20—Signing of Mecklenburg of Independence 30—Memoria| Day Tex.). (Va.) Confederate 14—~-Pioneer Day 4—Independence (N. (States Day Day Dec- C.) except N.C., oA, Memorial Day (Idaho). Day. I1—-Colorado Day (Colo.). AUG. AUG. 16—Battle of Bennington (Vt.). SEPT.—(1st Monday) Labor Day (All States and SEPT. Territories). 9—-Admission Day (Calif.) Sarl. 12——-Defender’s Day (Md.). OcT, 12——Columbus...Day(Ark.,.Ariz., Colo., Conn., Dela., Fla., Idaho, Ill., Ind., Kan., Ky., La., Me., Md., Mass., Mich., (Me., Battle JUNE JULY Mo., Mont., Neb., Nev., N.H., J., N.M., N.Y., N. Dak., Ohio., Ore., “i R.I., Tex., Utah, Va., also in Puerto it Kan. judicial does Vt., Rico. not Wash., W. In Ark. affect and notes or proceedings.). NOV—(1st Tuesday after Ist Monday) General Election Day. Every State and Territory except Alaska, Dist. of Col., Hawaii, ippines holiday St. lll., Mass., Miss., Ohio, and Vt. In Ill. it is a in Chicago, Springfield, Louis, Galesburg, Danville, Phillegal East Cairo In Ohio it is a_ half and Rockford. In Maine it is a legal holiholiday. day only as to the courts, which also close on ennially, NOV. the State Election Day (bi2nd Monday in Sept.). 11—Armistice Day. NOV.—Thanksgiving Day. fourth Thursday DEC. 25——Christmas ARBOR DAY Normally the of Nov. Day. is a legal holiday in many States although in some it is observed as designated by the Governor, — 2% acre pound WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES %, of acord 2,200 pounds TEMPERATURES Fahrenheit ol MO FOURS Freezes 80° above Zero Al oe ee oe Freezes 82° above Zero = ~ TUG BED e o:d.octetoswitianeons Freezes 86° above Zero | " Wine 252 ho esas ee eee ts Freezes 20° above Zero VineWOr? . oo descsececce Freezes 28° above Zero — PIGQKOL ness éieccces. Boils at 173° above Zero © — Water! OS ecoseeveses. Boils at 212° above Zero ; Petroleum (average) Boils at 806° above Zero Biaee: taste <3... 6. ek ee 98.4° above Zero Eges' Hatch: oeecieecc ee 104° above Zero Fahrenheit Temp. — Centigrade deg. x 9/5432 Centigrade Temp.—Fahrenheit APRIL JUNE 3—Birthdey of Jefferson Devis (Ala., Ark., Fla., Ga., Ky., La., Miss., Tenn., Tex., Vat,\S@2y 254 bushel oc. sc cln cc 00 bs 8 hee oe 21/5 1 stere, or cubic meter LPAPPTIC) ton ob os 40 ee FEB. 22—Washington’s Birthday. MARCH 2—Sam Houston Day (Tex.). MARCH 25—Maryland Day (Md.). GOOD FRIDAY—(Conn., Dela:,:Fla., La., Md., Minn., N.J., Pa., Philippines, Por- Ala., Fla., Ga., La., Miss., Gecimeted 0 o o.oo one SIOLOT DEE 4 inches: liter ...... 1.06 quarts liquid—0.9 quart dry ORES T cwinergewgwe eee eet w'ik he, Tene 1.1 yards 5 of a mile J. oc ies SHRI kilometer Oak 1 Hester (La). (Ala., Orleans irthday Birth in Mass.) FEB. 12—Georgia Day (Ga.). FEB. 14—Admission Day (Ariz.). (Ky. ounce 1 metric ton .............. 1.1023 English ton 1 English Lee's; (Ala., Fla., Ga., Miss.). MAY 10 — Confederate Memorial 2.2046 pounds 0albRE New of E. as a day of fasting and prayer.) APRIL 12—Halifax Resolution (N.C,), APRIL 13—Birth of Jefferson (Al a), steres 0.08527 has « ohn ¢ 6ode oe «cl 28.85 8—Battle to Rico, Tenn. In Conn. Good Friday is usually proclaimed by the Governor Weights 1 JAN. Day. Year's 4 re Kans., Ky.,. Md., Mich., Nev... N.J., Neb., Mont., Dak., Ohio, Oreg., Pa., S. Dak., Tenn., Tex., Utah, Vt., Wash., W. Va., Wisc., Wyo., and by Governor's Procla mation Measure of Volume centimeter ........... 0.061 eubic inch* Indh oi... od. 16.89 cubic centimeter ; decimeter .......... 0.0353 cubic foot — foot .......... 28.317 cubic decimeters. ~ meter .............. 1.808 cubic yards syard’*? i663 3.0.9 % - 0.7646 cubic meter os Pore a Lett Cencctl 0.2759 cord 25. 5-2 ...34. pwirkoeiczov 1—-New ag9—R.| BOG ae ek eee 100 square meters hegOGHeOR) .OC . bea NAG vedencantdiers 2.47 acres , MOT eae lee Biba 's's obec as boss 0.4047 hectare ° | square kilometer ......... 0.386 square mile. square mile ........ 2.59 square kilometers - ROU MEASURE SURVEYOR’S MEASURE T92 INCHES oo \n0.00.05-00-004 00h tee > xa st hs Mak Zo TPES 5 « - cscdeunn whew oe dee owelew puebaia's 1 rod 4 ¥OG6 ...0 10 .te he a ae Ridneie ek w 1 chain 10 sq. chains or 16@ sq. reds .......... acre GEO BOVeS | go acco nuns occ cocceveces L SQ. Mile 86 sq. miles (6 miles sq.) ......... 1 township 60 60 28, 30 865 1 LONG MEASURE 1 foot 40 rods ... 1 furlong § furlongs.1 sta. mile ..... 1 rod 8 miles .... 1 league PAPER ROMA, JAN. 26 Fla., Ga., Miss., NG, Pasi. Tenn., Va.; Ky., La., Tex). 12—Lincoln’s Birthday (Alaska, FEB. Cal., Colo., Conn., Dela., Ill., ease rods 1 liter .. 0.908 quart dry—1.0567 quarts liquid E.QUROO e ett, EO 1.101 liters 1 quateidOg !....., .woenasiad: 0.9463 liter 1 dekaliter ......... 2.6417 gallons—185 pecks T Wee tee cies elite!’ ke. 0.8785 dekaliter lL peck’ $3 45..i. Tile + tah awee SAY 0.881 dekaliter T hektebter’ cio cis . os ccmodedecs 2.8375 bushels E Osteo st. 0.3524 hektoliter 1 OUNCE .....000ee000004 80 Cubic centimeters ---- MARINERS’ MEASURE © Teeth L.C.OFLR occa cccbweecesseeee 1 fathom 120 fathoms ...... be d bite ok - 1 cable length 744 cable lengths ....... Se eecccectcese L Mme 5,280 feet .........0. ccccccccee L statute mile 6,085 feet ......... tile atin aha hindi 1 nautical mile 1.9884 Sauare Measure square centimeter ....... 0.1550 square inch square ineh .......... --- 6.452 centimeters square decimeter ........ 0.1076 square foot | square feot ........ 9.2903 square decimeter square meter ........... 1.196 square yards square yard ........... 0.8361 square meter 1 cubic @ GUMEC 1 cubic 1 cubic 1 cubic 1; cubi¢ oO 4 gills ....... 1 pint 4 quarts... 1 gallon 2 pints ..... 1 quart 8114 gallons .1 barre 2 betrels 2.0... esuell A biaty 1 hogshead CS i.gb acs 6c dca ica daedceshccs t TOG ons de acs Wie 'Th 6 sbi #6 4 Oh ae 0.5029 dekameter 1 kilometer ..... wa Seaa 0.62187 mile 1 made team thre nena cmb orsomboc 1.6093 kilometers 1 short ton Long Ton TROY WEIGHT 24 grains ........-... RAE eae va wad 1 pwt. 20 pwt. .... 1 ounce 12 ounces .. 1 pound Used for weighing gold, silver and jewels CLOTH GORQOIEE IN THE UNITED STATES HOLIDAYS WEIGHTS AND MEASURES deg. — 32 + 9/5 —__—_— | Ist Year, Paper 2nd Year, Calico 3rd Year, Muslin 4th Year, Silk Sth Year, Wood 6th Year, Iron 7th Year, Copper 8th Year, 9th Year, Bronze Pottery 10th Year, Tin 15th Year, Crystal 20th Year, China 25th Year, Silver 30th Year, Pearl 35th Year, Coral 40th Year, Ruby 45th Year, Sapphire 50th Year, Gold 55th Year, Emerald 75th Year, Diamond |