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Show FRED M. NYE CO. THE CLOTHIERS 2413 WASHINGTON AVE. PARAGON TROUSERS THE TROY WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY S. H. Hendershot, Mgr. TROY LAUNDRY 2538-40 Wall Ave. Best Line to California SALT LAKE ROUTE 114 1913—R. L. POLK & CO’S Covi Geo, emp Amal Sugar Co, r Wilson la. Covi Louis, farmer, r Wilson la. Covi Raymond, b Wilson la. Covington Berryll, brkmn S P, r 705 28th. Covington Florence, b 705 28th. Covington Henrietta, died May 21 '12. Covington Jos, farmer, r s s 12th 6 w of S P tracks. Covington Josiah B, emp Leek Brick Co, b 705 28th. Covington Mrs Sarah, r 2366 Grant av. Covington Susie, b 705 28th. Covington Verna, b 705 28th. Cowan, see also McCowan. Cowan Albert B, farmer, r Slaterville. Cowan Clarence, farmer, b Slaterville. Cowan Jas, farmer, r Slaterville. Cowan John, farmer, b Slaterville. Cowan Louis, farmer, r Slaterville. Cowan Nellie, b Slaterville. Cowan Priscilla (wid Jas), r Slaterville. Cowan Richd, driver, r Slaterville. Cowan Robt, farmer and justice, r n s 12th 6 w of S P tracks. Cowan Roy L, farmer, r s s 12th 9 w of S P tracks. Cowan Wm, farmer, r Slaterville. Cowan Zella, b Robt Cowan. Cowe W C, constable Plain City. Cowles Alice (wid Jas E), r 849 20th. Cowles Edith, stenog, b 849 20th. Cowles Le Roy E, tchr Weber Academy, r 847 20th. Cowles Sarepta E (wid Henry), r 2046 Quincy av. Cowles Wm H, died June 29 '12, Cowley Claude, constable Wilson. Cowlishaw Mrs Hannah, r 1984 Wash av. Cox Bertha, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 230 23d. Cox Edward, tchr, r 422 16th. Cox Vera, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b 230 23d. Coy, see also McCoy. Coy Alfred J, farmer, r Plain City. Coy Chas, jan Sacred Heart Academy, r 2064 Quincy av. Coy Clarence, student, b Plain City. Coy Francis, farmer, b Plain City. Coy Sarah, grocer, Plain City, r same. Coy Walter J, farmer, r Plain City. Coy Wm, grocer, Plain City, r same. COZY BILLIARD HALL, Harry Korb Propr, Pool, Ice Cream, Fruits, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco, 326 25th, Tel 1801-J. Cozzens Adelaide J, student, rms 2651 Monroe av. Crabtree Harvey, repr O S L, r Plain City. Craft Helen M, tchr Mound Fort School, r 2528 Madison av. Craft Quincy R, emp U S Forest Service, r 2555 Fowler av. Cragun Mrs Alunda D, b Plain City. BUCHMILLER & FLOWERS FINE FURNISHINGS Clothiers and Furnishers 2461 Washington Ave. PIERCE’S PORK AND BEANS— DAY OR NIGHT, ALWAYS RIGHT Office and Factory, 29th St. and Pacific Ave. Tel. 995 “You Don’t Know Beans” Till You’ve Tasted Pierce’s JOSEPH PANEK UTAH’S BEST MANUFACTURING FURRIER HONEST WORK HONEST PRICES 127 E. THIRD SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY—1913 115 Cragun Bessie, b View. CRAGUN BROS (Wiley G and Wilson E), Fruit Growers and Ship¬pers, Importers of Bananas, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Dates, etc, Car Loads a Specialty, 2244 Washington av, Tel 49. Cragun Calvin, farmer, b View. Cragun Eva, student, b 2635 Madison av. Cragun Henry L, produce, r 255 33d. Cragun Hilda L (wid Wm), r 255 33d. Cragun Hyrum, farmer, r View. Cragun Lee, farmer, r View. Cragun Lillian E, student Weber Academy. Cragun Mary A (wid Wilford E), r 2635 Madison av. Cragun Pearl, tchr Weber Academy, b 2635 Madison av. Cragun Simeon S, slsmn Cragun Bros, r 263 28th. Cragun Violet, student, b 2635 Madison av. Cragun Wilbert S, farmer, r View. Cragun Wiley G (Cragun Bros), r 733 26th. Cragun Wilford, lab O S L, r 2148 Lincoln av. Cragun Willard, farmer, r View. Cragun Wm, farmer, r View. Cragun Wilson E (Cragun Bros), r View. Craig Della E, b 483 17th. Craig Eliz, opr John Scowcroft & Sons Co, b Grant av. Craig Geo A, canner, r 539 23d. Craig John M, mach O S L, r View. Craig Mattie F, died Jan 26 '12. Craig Nellie C, sec S L V C Co, b 483 17th. Craig Ray, b 539 23d. Craig Wm, mach, rms 336 24th. Craig Wm G, b 483 17th. Craig Wm W, pres and mgr S L V C Co, r 483 17th. Cramer, see also Creamer and Kramer. Cramer Frank J, eng, r 2352 Jackson av. Cramer Julian, musician, r N Ogden. Cramer Margaret A, student, b 2352 Jackson av. Cramer Wm, clothing, 162 25th, rms Montana House. Crandall A Beulah, smstrs, b 347 9th. Crandall Harold, student, b 31st and Euclid av. Crandall Jay G, painter, r 1446 Wash av. Crandall Lawrence, student, b 31st and Euclid av. Crandall Ray W, clk Grill & Son, b 347 9th. Crandall Rose E (wid Wm H), r 31st and Euclid av. Crane Arthur E, hlpr OSL, r Farr West. Crane Arthur J, farmer, r Farr West. Crane Chas E, moved to Ellensburg, Wash. Crane Frank, hlpr, r 209 21st. Crane Ida J, b Farr West. Crane Jas, fireman U P, r 2125 Royal av. Crane John, waiter Kennedy Coffee House, b 260 28th. Crane Walter, lab, b Farr West. Crane Walter W, farmer, r 115 W 2d. |