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Show COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT. Bookkeeping Class. The door on the left leads to the Typewriting room. WEBER STAKE ACADEMY. 33 COMMERCIAL COURSE. BOOKKEEPINGThe Ellis system of "learning to do by doing," is used as an outline. The theory of this system is that the student is a proprietor doing business in his own name and with his own capital. Bookkeeping and the transaction of business are arts requiring, for their intelligent mastery, a knowledge of many technical terms as well as a ready familiarity with a number of special forms and business papers. These are fully explained and ample opportunity is given the student to become acquainted with them. Each student is a class by himself, and as his work differs from all others, there is no opportunity to copy. After six months' work in this branch, according to the ability of the student, a course in practical work is offered. In this the student does actual business with other students also with the bank, wholesale house, commission house, and other offices. The object is to make the transaction in as realistic a manner as possible and then to find the best method of recording them. PHONOGRAPHYThe aim of this department is to supply the constantly increasing demand for good practical stenographers. Nine out of ten of those who secure employment as stenographers find it a stepping-stone to advancement in every direction. Our graduates are now holding positions of trust all over the State. The time required to complete this study depends upon the student. We offer a two years' course, but many are able to become expert in a shorter time. Our students have been able to maintain a speed of from 100 to 150 words per minute. The instruction includes the fundamental principles, business correspondence in great variety, legal matter, invoices, circulars, speeches, etc. Classes in session all day. TYPEWRITINGTypewriting is a sister art with short-hand. No shorthand writer is all that he should be unless he is skilled in the use of the typewriter, Students are |