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Show 34 SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT drilled in the transcription of their shorthand notes, in commercial correspondence, legal forms, envelope addressing, etc. The school is fully equipped with the best machines in office use. COMMERCIAL LAWThis course deals with the laws of trade and finance, how to draw up papers in legal form, common usages and practice pertaining to contracts, partnerships, corporations, in fact everything pertaining to common law, ARITHMETIC Applicants for this course must have completed the eighth grade work of the district schools. However, men and women of mature thought are capable of pursuing this subject to a successful termination without such preparation. The fundamentals of arithmetic are discussed; fractions, interest, discount, and commercial transactions receive special attention. This is of great benefit to business students and to those who have finished the eighth grade, but who are not familiar with all the principles. ENGLISHThis course includes the regular training as given in the first three years of the Academic courses. COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHYThis course is designed to give the students an intelligent understanding of the products, industries, and commerce of the principal nations of the globe. In this work, special attention is given to the products and industries of the United States, and the relation which this nation bears to the world. In the beginning, some attention will also be given to political geography, for the purpose of refreshing the student's mind on the subject, and of giving an intelligent basis for the work. PEDAGOGY. THEORY OF TEACHINGRequired of fourth year students in the Normal course. This course embraces a study of the responsibility of the teacher, and the nature and devel- WEBER STAKE ACADEMY. 35 opment of the child, the science of teaching, and the principles and methods of school management; the teacher's relation to the parents, to the pupils, and to his profession. Three hours per week throughout the year. Putnam's Manual of Pedagogics. TRAININGRequired of fourth year students in the Normal Course. Methods of presenting the various studies in the grades are carefully considered; selection and arrangement of material for instruction; outlining lessons, planning courses, and making programs, are features of this course. Four hours per week throughout the year. PEDAGOGYRequired of third year students in the Normal Course. This course comprises a discussion of the purpose and means of education, the principles of educational systems that have been in vogue, the evolution of educational thought, showing how the present systems have grown out of those of the past. Three hours per week throughout the year. Painters' History of Education. PSYCHOLOGY AND LOGIC PSYCHOLOGYThe subjects of the nervous system, consciousness, sensation, perception and thought, are discussed. Special stress is laid on emotion, habit, and will, and their training in order to produce a well-rounded character. Students of history and literature, as well as those preparing to teach, will find this study profitable. Halleck's Psychology and James' Briefer Course. Three hours per week throughout the year. LANGUAGES. LATIN IThe aim in this course is to acquire an elementary knowledge of Latin grammar, and a sufficient vocabulary to read Caesar with some ease. Four hours per week throughout the year. Collar and Daniell's First Year Latin. |