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Show on™, Tell A Soul: GOSSIP Spring tic time , LATEST SC oops SIUyy! is such for a toman+ teachers J anct, soup to? Rlnatkt Do you exception, as they seem to. able be having an affair lately,) that Everywhere you look, there | don't put anything Lori Favero, Glade either, threy mst abeut are you You know » the wa y De | iiss cs % ne “MDk,. writtear, in the viet—| AVL Re, KE pent gw 2,909 “ples cent” hint. “Gan hake ae dna’ vol den't be sc blunt, she has nity of as. well as Students, Sue Stra ti-et, ford and Er. Rowley are no| tell us why! they are, Sharing a seen« ingly deliehtful chat.And What realize that All we've tec get cut ber sc it's for a worthy You may not think “hm AN BLEASE were un to something, been | If you walk down 9th far ip causes sc, living out in the toolies DOES have its advantages, but] Ask grade hall before school, ycv are probably familiar with loud, shrieking, dia- bolocal chants such as: "Stop it, Michael!" "No, | Val Fclley any ad-y. Especialfytichae l, no!" "Niichael!!" if ycvur dead end road is a If LaDawn doesn't say this | favorite snot for midnight in her sleep by now, she pieces of paver away, and | parkers, “hy, not too dong must be very supernatural, about 50 fits in tyne the | ago, the Slaterville Concer t Keep it un, students! other day, Glade eventuall y | Croir Gang decided to teund | me KKK HK HHH KH HH Caught on, however, ; UD a Rosse and scare the lo<« BOOKS FcR THE INTELLECTUAL _ The story is told of } wvin ' varvints avyay! NE PLO LaDawn noticed that the ir. Kellett sure had a DICK AND JANE ...Author bus was inconvieniently tougr time with }is math cdas s Unknown. "See Jane run," early one day, sc she had one day, because they would “See Jane find Dick." These to run for it with her laugh at, everything he said, are but a few of the many shoes in her hand, or sheta and he couldn't understand. it « adventurous lines in this miss it, I think, though, He asked LaDawn to tell him exciting becok. It is the that when she got on the why, but she was in a stupor story of a little girl anj bus, she wished she HAD along with the rest of the her compan ion, Follow them missed it, after all, class, and besides, she was throug h their many breath~ ir. Randall tells us embarrassed, Just a word of taking advent ures. Discohe likes Wynn so much hee advice, The students in your ver the secret of their Cause he has an I.Q. just 15th period class aren't think ~ faithful dog Spot and how below the point where a ing along the same track as y ou. he finds them. Enrich person has the ability to "atch out, because it sure your life with the abunfind his fight seat in the | makes LaDawn embar rassed, dant knowle dge exhibi ted morning, tir, Curtis's unusual ways in this very ecntemporary Ken Tramp came up with are rubbing off on every body. novel, a real weird science fair Wren you valk down the hall, | THE THREE LITTLE PIGS... project=-= all abcut the now, instead of sayin li, ev~ Author Unknown, "Oink, glories of ESP and other eryone says "All rightl" bry cink, oink." This is a mystical wizardries, The G. also succeeded in making ! typical remar k made by the main idea was that you havethe softbs1l team! You st culd leading characters in this to BELIEVE in order to see Fim after school every t| book, The pigs were men-= grasp its unlimited deoths; nich’, nlayi ng alene with the aced endlessly by a rather but man, nobody covld | virls 7s if he was one cf windy character, Mr, tiblf, catch the beat of the | trem. It is renorted that wh though Fis intentions are thing. But noor Ken tried | questioned =beut his trivu mnh earne st, does not quite so hard, lets give tim the) he said, "It tcok a little ] hit it off with the pigs, credit he deserves, effort, but at least I didn't By long, pondering thought, Miss Vickers, I hear | have te gc to the kurdles!" the pigs final ly outsmart you found a mouse in Mrs, Val Feliey went to Shelia this persnickable person, Holmes's office the cther’| Iucasts tonse thb Saturday RRR LK HE KR HHH HH & day. Could it be true that afterthe isneusge festival, te had the o>pur tunit y you also found irs, Tolmeg He challenged ber big sister to listen to John MeCallum on a chair? ol and cousin tec an eating ecn-= of the National School AsMiss Hall's new hair-/ test, He ate: ll tacos,3 | sembly on iiarch 31st. He tol, do (ch, so that's what it drinks, and 2 desse 50 mia et page } t | rts- need- of the first American expe is!) has sure got itsself! less to say the glutt ~ on won, dition te the top of “ount some amazing reactions, | Punny thing is= Val doesn't Everest. The presentation She says everyone looks ai have the her as if she'd been hit by a tornado! (cont'd, next column) figure of a glutton, was excellent, and the andie; ‘’ "e wonder how he burns all of ' €nce practicall lived the those calories, How do you d expe rience themselves, it, Val? 636 Page 3 q i |