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Show qr : meet SPORTS A, A> to the year, i i be held We have premising + h hey ee at the end several ovtlooks in of the resnective cutlookdng areas, Boys in all three grades are | participating NO, AT 'ANLOUIST ‘ April 2nd, we played North ‘eden at “ah lquist, The starters were: Val Knight, catcher, Kevin in this snort, je will keep you posted on the doings of our team, : vee “Staff FRR KRHHKR HK HH HHH | The baseball team ecnsists Unek, pitcher, "Wynn Fowers, of these boys: Val Knight, first base, Terry Hales, rary Grant, Wynn Fowers, Ter= second base, Vearl Thompry Hales, Vearl Thompson, son, third base, Greg Greg Graves, Kerry Parker, Graves, s’ort Stop, Glade filla n Whettcn, ike Jones, Crowther, left, field, Ker ry wlade Crovther, Clirf SimpRovelato, center field, and son, Jody Maw, Kerry Ronela~ Mike Jones, right field, Ne got off to a slow start, to, Kevin Knight, Kevin Unck, and Kirk Williams. The manaand by the time te first vers are Dana Johnson and inning was over, we were behind 6-0, But in the 3rq ~ Mavid Tracy. If it is possible, everycne is encouraged inning we started rolling to sunport the team at home with Kerry Ronelato -nd Val zames. e viish them gcod luck Knight scoring, In the 6th et their care at Bell this inning Gre- Graves scored Wednesday! andin the 7th inning Vad look Pere ont etka eh eae ee and Kerry secred avain, SOFT BALL TiAl The final score was North Fitch: Gay Ann Allr Ogden 16, “ahlovist 5, ed. % thers wro nlayed were Kerry Parker in left field and Clifford Simpsen nitching, Glade Crorther also ritched Val Knight hit two trinles, Naty: Roy,was Roy's | left team works out game 9 with favor, (cont'd, next column) Bases: NAR GalRee--.. Cdn you figure out who tyjese pveople are? os ¥ * * pache Slater wdi Della Lucia slie winter Hiike Archer “rong arryOn tone Melody iona Lisa Hcuses pplecorey Hancock pteven Patrictic Polyglas Groberg i Pauline Sculptor Don ‘Iicrthless | fally Choo Choo Debbie Persimmons Debbie Dolly dayna aid | fim Near Ken Beggar| 7 ‘appiness Satterthwaite ebbie Day clly Cracker inda Plumber lifford Simple Simon apny Allgreen evin Plates uy England ody West Penny Baker Sbrelia Davidson Susan Stratfcrd Vary Jane Gibson Field: , Costesso Karrie Lund Deonna Vause (not really!) These and girls, errors, the schcol amidst try tc i aren't there squad renresent in a manner as fort on this ves for : team, that no bey~chasing. trem to try out PAGE B Kiss Corridor ir, Villain ir, Grouse 'r. falls ‘best they can! \e are very ‘sorry for other cirls who with other sctools in tke near future to let us knor also to help us nrenare us | for the big ecunty track ham % £ fence Alien Maya Koga Coach: Vrs, Andrew MSst. Corchs Ur. Shaw every after- and Bose: Mianagers noon after school. Several meets have been sche“uled are, Patterscn THE i Fadley Linda the track where our strenzths Fovers ’ Oonter Field: Denise Dixon ~ 3 Colleen lieibos Right Field: Michelle Gibson Mary Knicht Short Stop: Julie Taylor The Roy girls also won that softball game, 13-7, HHH KH K RHR KR KR KR TRACK Under the direction of Coach DeVries, Connie _ Fam First Beth Trird Base: Shari Lund ~Paul “right 8-0, Catch: second 3 and Terry Hales bit a dou= ble. The girls also lost their softball game they played with North Ceden that day also, That score was 5-0, The score of the wi Royt on:h April tary an, RowleyPoly HK KH He HR KR HR K % The class yell of the chool of exverience is Nach I" The auto will be perfectar hen it becomes "foo]n-the~other-car" No man Wallet, is a hero proéf,. to his Be |