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Show \ | winners done staff. Thevatadentis?o2n¢ ASSOCIATION Hall--someone aan BRM Mw big person “with Curtis--a Mr. the by AM s = FAP Pik, oF 4 rt ge ties ye AG t do? sat "Road. runner | : Dear Roadrunner: wal '__lwhen you see a teacher, hips. | 1968 line Slater--Jody boloy Dance 15, Bre eee | Bee crowds who store the in DANCE Association Boys was held November way you can keep them i doing this not to sit door. again t Dear who Miller--one C from ! bes Bate Hoe ae E Column: the. go to school or is dirty.| | when I'm walking Bst down . i Mr. Heslop--someone who has ' the hall and some teacher gra you for gets mad at u and dropped out of everything.’ Mr. The my plate to see what served that day. Whai about it? Signed, Discouraged de The sh inenteateal feel Duff Lord=-Jody Maw .-Larry Wébster BOYS the school: Mr, Nancy Panunzio~-The Aner ate Indian..or Mr. Ulibarri Lorraine I'm eatir looks at is being ' can I do WHAT IS A HIPPIE? Ulibarri--Nancy to be very and education- to thank we would like ) 7 library staff -for the opportunity to vote. THE Sheri igiven around Burton Humphrey t make. a complainto everyday when lunch someone comes in and Bennett,| Are you classed as one? Lloyd,& ‘The following are definitions Rampton Ruehner This: proved interesting FF, -n- | GovernorCongress President Terry -n= Shirley The were: Nixon Wallace OS by =n- A was | 2 This library Wa Billy ©: Almost et ene the at Alan B. Mek oe quist. heid H. I have | dance were: the CaaSIAS at een ; On ae N OF eM) b ms aie 1968 » an Wah. election was | DEAR COMPLAINT COLUMN: | Some good-looking couples ELECTION DAY slow. Susan Stratford--Mr. Taylor could) from 7230: to; 104,50. Psdy,. | teach the hippies sex a The theme was "Happiness + oe in eee _ Miss Hall--combination of hangups! Is", The band was the 3 AL. is lf Were problem. Math Weltates Mr. ft hair and | way He » Checkers ‘Ex , opinion, of Richa-matter ‘Debbie in the dance, Greg Graves If you are the first one to | announced Mr. and Miss but mine is. Ivan itake the correct answer to 2 . Wynn Fowers Mr. Egan--Ron Hodson should be | Mr. Kellet,, you will Congeniality. rece: CM ! ) ea Hippie League it was --Paul i Glade Wright ! look that way tho, Randy walks her to classes. did him wynn and the way |i big her | - Lavawn -~Debbie seems to be Debbie now. Terry along Dear Gabby: interested Debbie in , seem to be getting pretty good. © ° © ea Tents j in with (continued) the teachers feel “neceseier library. won't j} dents in. let ta Relieve 2o they d. When outside stu- The library is fo study and not classes.Isn't there some way we can be allowed in the library? Perturbed. ' Dear Perturbed: TI realize your a: maybe if problem enough teacher: will take some considerations others. for read | of the and He: and and i they ‘s ‘ _ Some who Lindsay te uH}- also. After LaDawn gave... .. silt: his ring back. Dale She dressed iii hips | LPR S | fan tf) i| and Dale Rendyy so ‘Keith Knight~-Jody Maw rf: R.DeVries--a person doesn't to be ., breaking up. Pat f-Nancysand haves I have heard. It bum time. Sarx Ainenoorent x0x3 cele a for Jeff Miles--Jody Maw wayne Widdison--a person thinks he's es SCOOP hibtd seems Crowether--a up in flowers necessari. not each Xx7 Graves Allred asking GayAnn loveein a c Everybody Taylor--Greg Brother Body Student the is poorer now, very fun week. one same jthe shaggy | t Andrew--an acon or a dog. Mr. Shaw--a cross bred bird sg Ivan Ward--a purple waffle Mrs. Stokes, received tie tacks ; and Nancy Panungio, Mary Knight, Doloy Slater, Pat ol Markos, received brooches. Though a bum. he's symbol, long idigit person nig By thinks who hair | some ‘ OX represents P Fie — 4 ae tat nm eae Seeman! Wynn Fowers--a Hoss and Miles Jeff Knight, — Keith Crowther, Glade Jr. of Miss Vickers--not neccessarily ‘ person with long hair. . The were: president |} and. won Shaw LaDawn Fare and received trophies. others contestants this they |