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Show ‘The 8 ifiSiteciat to The ‘Tribuife a ‘ ‘ ganization, Reese: Le Clark \. - FARMINGTON—Amasa L. | Was. named its third president. | Clark, believed to be the na-|}. tion’s oldest active banker, will | ‘ACTIVE IN CIVIC, political , be 995 years old Monday. i! and church affairs, he has been | A BIRTHD AY celebr ation | 2¥°r of. Farming ton for two Sunday will mark the anni. | terms; ‘served as city treasurer is Monday and versary “business as usual” be | for. 20 years; has will for “Mr, | dent. ot. the been presiCounty ‘Davis Clark, president of the Davis Board of Education; and has 4 Speakers | | participated In ‘American. Red | Farmington, Bank, County ata special testi- Gatos an Boy | Scouts _ al America. activities. ae ) ce monial program, scheduled) In addition, he was.. “hon |Sunday at7 p.m. at the Farm- of the F armington LDS: Ward ington First-Second LDS Ward Chapel, will include Dr. Obert |f0F @ Period of 16 years. C. Tanner, Salt Lake City, and |President |vis Milton Stake. Music HE J. Hess, Da-| will be AND. HIS” WIFE, former ‘Susan. Duncan, fur-| the reside _ eo | CLARK | was MR. eae ington. “They. are the parents | jof eight sons and daughters, born oe five of whom are living; Ster_ children. | Oe. a nished by a special chorus of | at 291, WwW. State Street, Farm- Farmington June 6, 1865, a | ling Clark, Burley, Idaho; Her- son of Ezra T, and Stevenson Clark. | His Mary old Clark, Provo; Julian Clark, ae Redwood — ‘City, -Calif.; “Mrs. father founded the Da- Nell Clark Partridge, Mou vis County Bank and after 54|clair, N.J., and Dr. ‘Dale ‘D.| years +. sat. ~~. + as (= ‘4 ® , cashier , for : the ‘ Or-. (Clark, Y Farmin ton. f ®. | ee Amasa L, Clark . are At & : > , 3 it’s é ‘busines as en 95. ao ) 7 : ? : 55st 58 08, bee 0,80.0 9.9.8 WTE 6 "9-8 O00. 6 8ea 60boo ates 88 a ea a ea “6°96 eaete cies "S60 eee 4" b'6" taeaaee Neen NNN ee tk 47006-61005 eile ek arden na ia he tee i TI 2e OTE I LL LY SO 8 GDOCL CLOGS YOST EG 9:9" 4.0786 oe) Resranecetes PPG rerana aeswissen ate fet Se seese <¢ < stecee OO Own oa n*n018, 8.0 88 serene ntetstetateteteeeget foresee°,atatetetetatatetetetateteteheoe? pewetaetecdecnsnatarotetcentotensseeesoneees oc eceterete: wosete SRO oe attests tata te aeetatetesatecacatens te", Se ia EI oe ee Beate . oeoteee estate 70° oats Se saranieeaganteeaeatts! sess satgtceteteete ete ’setatataete ate tata erates tatatetstatatetatetetatetatetateatetetetetetemeebebeeneateepeeeatete tstentetetstets ate statatetatatatetetetatotetetelatctateterstehcsrotatetate® taht, btsee® aeecerererera et ereretatatatete eS eteteeo's ane atatetetatatetatatatetatetetete ctatetststatate Sotatee Ostet et atatetatatetetetate® ‘oe sts OA0O6 8 088.008 OO bab bk ek eae ee steeee sas SES tS AS Oke Ot et Sk bk 6 8k 8 Anh 8°82 81h e sb hkstetatetatatetetatetatetetetstetatetetatatetetseehgtetedet 58s 6's a area ete ate ote at ets se ntalatstateta’etnste'stana atatstetstete® ot etetatetete! *eiatatatetata® etatetatatate Teter ats oieteeaseeene eratetatetatatatetatatatatatatatatatateteretetaate7 uacccaeeees see erate 0) e+e Eee a Se |