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Show {up for the off of senior class | “| president because there was a/ “itie between Kelly Dyer, and | Brad Matlack. is the second year that rite Ba oipti to represent anThis lection. _—ihas been in) Aes ‘portion of the sinddlt . body in the girls’ ,|rescheduled because of a tie. Ben Lomonds’ student body ciation are: LuAnne Boothe, | secretary of the year 1973-74 t; Bonnie Franklin, vice present: with Connie Weston, was also a tie. The seminary officers chosen/| secretary. “Tnter-Clan efficans clos en| {0 represent the members of the Ben Lomond for the year are; year 1974-75 are: Dan Jeff Bingham, president; ‘Kevin | Maier, Gerrie. Evertson, and Fronk, vice-president; -Carole Lortie, Norris president, vice- Ma nzel, secretary; Becky prepident and secrelary, Brown, historien; Reed Costly, regpeguvely. . : nublicity manager; Joanne OTHER OFFICERS Toller, senior -representative, The juniors at Ben Lomond Teresa Ahlmer, junior have. chosen Andy Armstrong, representative, Craig Wahiquist, president, Kim Silverwood, as photographer; and Cindy | vice-president, an d _ Jean Petersen ; ; Public - ‘Telations of-| Johnson, secretary. | Leading the senior class next eoficer. By A Van Wagoner “| kind. It is dies a first for Ben 3 Lomond as. he is the first ig ‘affiti Week will follow €lits exact same schedule but it some experience in representing}A il be held two weeks later. his school and the other} students as an offic r. Steve’s election to this office 4 is rathet unique. He won on a writectr i ballot. _ By Kelly Van Wagoner ena HU Scot's Choice |