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A collection of yearbooks from Weber Normal College which comprise the years 1919 to 1923. Included in the yearbook are photographs of students, class officers, faculty, the Board of Trustees, athletics, and departments within the college. It also contains sections about the clubs and organizations within the Academy, literary pages, student poetry, and advertisements from local businesses. 1922-23 edition published by Weber College. |
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Show Lois JONES SHERMAN COUCH HAROLD FARLEY Vice-President Senior Class 1922-23 Winter Sports Club A favorite with all the boys, but has as yet chosen none for life. President Senior Class 1922-23 President Winter Sports Club 1922-23 Barker Contest 1923 School Football 1920-21-22-23 School Basketball 1920-21-22-23 Captain Basketball 1922-23 Class Athletics 1919-20-21-22-23 Class Athletic Manager 1921-22 Track 1921-22-23 Baseball 1921-22 Class Dramatics 1923 Whose intrinsic worth was discovered and is appreciated by Lottit Secretary and Treasurer Senior Class 1919-20-22-23 Acorn Staff 1922-23 Ass't Editor Herald 1922-23 Barker Contest 1922-23 Class Debating 1922-23 Class Basketball 1921-22-23 Class Athletics 1921-22-23 Winter Sports Club 1923 Debating Club 1922-23 Weber's shrinking violet. The Senior Class THE LAST GRADUATING CLASS of Weber High School-that is the proud title held by Class Twenty-three. To have graduated from Weber is in itself an honor; to have attended Weber High during its last year is also quite a distinction; but to have been a graduate of that year is a thing of which to be truly proud. The class of nineteen twenty-three culminates the long list of graduating classes which started with eighteen ninety-six. The number of graduates has steadily increased year by year from four in eighteen ninety-six to about one hundred twenty-five in nineteen twenty-three. This, the last of our four years here, has been one of remarkable success. As the last class of student- friends to depart from the old Weber Academy, we have endeavored to earn, honestly and completely, the name of being the best one as well. Our first three years' experience has all been combined to make the fourth one glorious. In our contests with the other classes we have done well. We succeeded in winning the inter-class debates, and filled all the positions on the school debating team with seniors. In the Barker extemporaneous speaking contests we also took first place. We tied with the sophomores for the inter-class basketball title. Lastly, we won the main inter-class event, the ticket sale contest for "Merely Mary Ann." The class play, abandoned since nineteen twenty, we revived. "Her Husband's Wife" was the name of the play presented, under the direction of Mrs. McKey. It has been the custom of graduating classes in Weber to leave some gift as a memorial to the institution. A bronze tablet, dedicated to Louis F. Moench, one of the founders and the first president of Weber, is the parting token of love to our Alma Mater from the last graduating class. This tablet, two feet high and three feet wide, is to be hung in the Weber Gymnasium, when the latter is completed. It contains the names of the hundred twenty-five graduates below the name of President Moench and the dedication. The total cost was about two hundred fifty dollars. And now, four years of happiness and friendship are ended. Although many of us will come back to Weber College, there will be some who will leave us for a while, and some who will go away for good. Like other true ties of affection, however, the spirit of the class, which is the spirit of the school, will never be lost, though the members be scattered over the earth. It is an undying fire, and perhaps it may at some time be the Inspiration for some man or woman to do something great. We close our life in Weber with the hope and prayer that she may still go on, and succeed in instilling in the hearst of future Weberites the same ideals and ambitions that we have obtained. LLEWELYN MCKAY Student Body President 1922 Class President 1919-20-21-22 Oratory 1919-20-21 Public Speaking 1919-20-21-22 Band 1919-20-21 Orchestra 1919-20-21-22 Class Athletics 1919-20-21-22 School Football 1920-21-22 School Basketball 1921-22 Business Manager Acorn 1920-21 Secretary and Treasurer Boy's Ass'n 1921-22 Baseball 1921-22 Secretary Public Service Bureau 1920-21 At present winking at German frauleins, and keeping the watch on the Rhine. MARGARET MCFARLANE School Play 1922-23 Girls' Show 1922-23 Musical Extravaganza 1922-23 Hearld Staff 1922-23 Of meek and unaffected grace. HELEN WILSON Junior Girls' Show 1921-22 Acorn Staff 1921-22-23 Senior Girls' Show 1922-23 Editor Literary Journal 1922-23 Class Dramatics 1922-23 Winter Sports Club 1922-23 Her ability is Jar from being measured by her size. VELMA HOLMES School Cantata 1922 Girls' Show 1921-22-23 Always at "Holme" and in "Wright" with "Mode.' CHRISTABEL GARDNER Glee Club 1921-22-23 School Opera 1921 Cantata 1922 Senior Play 1923 Being a Gardner she will make an excellent farmerette for a swain in the land of "Liberty." THOMAS WOODS Class Athletics 1919-20-21-22 Class Athletics Manager 1919-20-21 School Athletic Manager 1921-22-23 Football 1919-20 First Vice-President Boys' Ass'n 1922-23 Though coming from the "Woods" his geniality, good sportsmanship, and "push" have made him many friends. |